
The Girl Is Mine

The story of the young CEO and the room service  

Gina steps out of her car and opens the back door to take her luggage into her hotel room not minding her status as the only daughter of Mr. George Williams and the future CEO of Wendy Group of Companies. 

 Before the hotel attendants could notice Gina, she is already in the reception hall.

"Oh no! oh no!! this is not good cried the receptionist when she finally raise her head from the computer in front of her to see Gina carrying her bags by herself.

" Oh no," she said again rushing out from her desk to help Gina carry her bags, she did not want to lose her job, and she is sure that someone is surely going to lose his job if the manager of the hotel saw that Gina was the one carry her bags to her hotel room by herself.

 And that person would be the doorman, who was only employed last week.

He was supposed to carry her bags into the reception hall, it's his duty as the doorman in the landmark hotel, but he just arrives and doesn’t know who Gina is plus she doesn't want him to lose his job.

"This man has no family supporting him so he needs to guard this job with his life," she murmured.

 “And where on earth could he have gone to at this time? Holy Mary!!, I hope this doorman doesn’t lose his job soon?" Catherine said under her tone as she help Gina carry her remaining bag into the reception hall.

 “Can I get my key?" Gina ask. “Yes ma'am" the receptionists hurriedly answered and handed Gina the keys to one of the VIP rooms.

“Get me something to eat," Gina said as she walk to her room, “and bring my bags too,”

“Yes, ma” the receptionist answered and hurriedly call room service.

“Hello, please room service is needed in room 102, Gina is in the building,”

"Really!!! The voice at the other end asks with so much excitement.

“Yes, she is, so hurry and bring her something to eat,”

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Now I can complete my son’s school fees."

“What! Hello, are you there?" Catherine asks Mrs. Beatrice.

"Yes I'm here sorry for that, I will take her order right away."

“Okay, then bye". Catherine said and hangs up the phone” then she hurriedly took Gina’s bags to her room.

, “Where is my food?" Gina asked immediately Catherine enters the room with the bags,”

 “Your order will arrive soon ma'am," she said and left the room.

Everyone in the landmark Five Star Hotel loves and wants to serve Gina because at the end of the day one is sure to go home with a smile, and Gina knows all about that and that is why she is so grateful for her Father Mr. George Williams for giving her the best of life she has ever thought possible.

Her father has built her such a prestigious life that she will forever remain thankful to God and her Father for it.

Early, Gina’s flight was concealed because the board meeting she was attending was rescheduled for three days later, and now she has to stay in this hotel for three days and wait for her next move, once inside her room, Gina undresses and throw herself onto the bed as she dosses off,  just as she was about to dive into the dreamland, a knock landed on her door three times.

“Who is that? come in."  Gina said with a faint voice, “The door is open, waving one hand because she was too tired to take the door.

“Is me room service can I come in?"

“Yes come in..." she said and then pause when she realized she was not putting anything on, and she thought she heard a male voice too, but before she could say "No Stop!" The door is already wide open and the room service guy was staring at a very beautiful figure he has never seen in his life.

Before Gina could grab the bed sheet to cover herself it was a little bit too late, and he saw everything.

“O, My God!! I am so sorry, I thought I heard you say come in.

“Yes, yes I did, is nothing really, just drop the food there and leave, just leave okay"

“Okay ma'am, I'm very sorry" he keeps saying as he drop the food and was about to leave when he got to the door Gina call him back.

"Hey, come back here," she said and gave him this angry look that says  “I'm gonna kill you” instead she says to him “ listen to me young man, between me and you nothing, happen here, you didn’t see anything; do you understand?” don’t think about it, don’t imagine about it, don’t ee…

“ken didn’t hear anything she was saying, he was just staring at her lips as they move and thinking it will be very nice to have a kiss but hell no, he didn't see that happening soon, “ are you listening to me?" asked Gina.

“Yes ma'am," ken said, "I will just go back to my duty post if you will excuse me". With that, he left the room.

"Damn! What just happen?  Did that waiter guy just seems like my...,  I was keeping it for the right one, No! this is not happening, no way".

She kept pacing up and down the room, "Gina calm down is not that bad" she try to calm herself down,  but he is a waiter",  she said, the thought of an ordinary waiter seeing her like this is killing her "and so what, so fucking what if he is a waiter, anyone can be a waiter, no! not anyone can be a waiter, but he is a handsome waiter Gina stop! Don’t beat yourself over this, is just an accident, yes is an accident, ok, ok, calm down". She took almost 30 minutes to calm herself down.

On his way back to his duty post ken keep thinking of what just happened and couldn’t believe he was just let off the hook and did not lose his job by now.

From the news he always heard about Gina it’s like she is an important person and holds high remarks within the landmarks hotel.

But all that wouldn’t matter to him since he did not care about her position, on the other hand, he was worried about his job, would Gina report him to his management? No!, what if she does, what will happen to him,