
Chapter76 Victoria Monster

“What? Do you think they

drug him.?”


“We need to help him, Charity

said looking at Patrick to

 see if he agrees.

“Help them? How?.”

“I don’t know maybe we need

 to ask Ken about it.”

“And then what?”

   "Stop asking too many

 questions I don’t have answer to.

I will take this phone to his

 house right away."

"Am coming with you."

"Ok let’s go then"

"Hey. Gina"

"Hey, Patrick, Charity what are

 you guys doing here?"

"Where is ken?"

"Inside "

"We want to give him his phone."

"Phone? How did his phone end

 up with you.?"

"He slept  in our house

yesterday, didn’t he tell you."

"Nope. He refuse to talk to me."

"He may be in some kind of

 trouble I guess."


'Yes, I need to talk to him.

Patrick said."

"Ok, let me call him."

"Ken.. please get up Patrick

and charity are here to see you."

"Patrick? What did he want?"

"I think he is here to give you

your phone."

"My phone..! yes my phone,

get got up and hurried downstairs."

"Hey.. how are doing Patrick

 ask Ken."

"Cool, thanks again and thank

for stopping by."

 "Is ok, I need to talk to you."

"About what.?"

"About this, he showed ken

the text messages."

"Ohh.. that, is nothing just

forget about that."

"Listen to me, this are no

 ordinary threats, it could be

more dangerous than you think."

"And why did you have to go

through my messages?"

"That is not the problem now,

and concern about Gina."

"Look mann.. Gina is my wife, I

 don’t want you concerning

yourself with her problems,

I can take care of myself."

"Fine, am sorry for going

 through your messages I just

couldn’t help it because the

person keep calling and

sending messages all night."

"Still that didn’t give you the

right to go through my phone ."

"Yea, am sorry."

"Is fine."

"Is anything the matter? Gina

and Charity ask as they walk

 in where Patrick and Ken was."

"No, they answer  simultaneously,

we are good."

"Ok, so Patrick you said they

 ken might be in some kind of

trouble right?"

  'Patrick look at ken and ken

 gave him a sign to say no."

"No..no..no… is nothing really,

I was mistaken everything

 is fine"

"Ohh.. ok, so since you guys

 are here let have breakfast


"No, Patrick said, we better

get going."

"No, this is the first time you

are coming to my house, so I

will not let you go just like that

without say thank you over a

meal for saving my life ken

 told Patrick."

"Is ok we will stay. "

"Yes!, Gina rush to prepared


"Breakfast is ready ma, the

maid told Gina."

"Ok is fine, thank you."

"Everyone breakfast is ready."

"They all eat in silence but ken

spoke as they were about

 to leave."

"Patrick, I will like us to talk

before you leave."

"Charity look at Gina, I hope

no problem she ask Gina."

"I don’t think so."

"Those two have been on

each other’s neck because of

you even if  they didn’t quite

say it."

"Do you think so Gina wispers

 to Charity."

"I know so Charity whispers

 back to her."

"Well, I hope they are not going

 to fight over you now."

"I don’t think so."

"You better pray that is not

 about you because am going

 to kill you, Charity whispers

and Gina just turn and look

at her."

"Are you really going to kill me?"

"Am not sure, but if they fight

 because of you then I can’t

promise you safety anymore."

"Ok, let’s just hope they don’t

fight because of me."

    "Concerning the messages

you saw in my phone, I think

someone is after me". Ken

 told Patrick

"Who is it?"

"I don’t know yet, but there is

his girl I had something with

sometimes ago, she is the

 one sending all those


"I  thought is has something

 to do with your father?"


"Wait a minute, are you

sleeping with the same girl

your father is sleeping with?"

"Well, is kind of complicated

that is why I don’t want to

talk about it, but it seem things

 are getting out of hand."

"Ok, so why is she asking for

 900 million? Do you have that

kind of money?"

"That is the problem, if I give

 her that money, she will still

ask for more."

"So what is your father saying

 about it.?"

"That is the point, she is not asking

 me for the money, but my father,

and she is sending me threat

messages too."

"Wow, that is huge, so she

 want to get money from both

of you?"

"Ken’s eyes widen.

"Yes, you are right, that is what

 she is trying to do, I think

I need peter to know about this."

"And who is peter?"

"My friend, we have be looking

for a way to get to the root

of this matter."

"Good, I will help too if you want."

"What? Thanks bro, thank you so

much, peter will be glad to

 hear this, we need to map

 out a plan to get this guys."

"Ok, but then I will like to hear

 every details so I don’t get

myself involve on something I

can’t deal with."

"Is fine, I will tell you everything

 ken said."

    "My God, what did Gina get

herself into? Patrick can't

believe what he just heard

 from ken."

Father and son, sleep with the

same girl, that is unheard of.

And Gina know nothing about

 this, if only they allow me to

marry her she wouldn’t be

going through all this, now

 I have to help them again.

    "Patrick are you ok, you’ve

been silence since we left

Gina’s place."

"Is nothing, we just need to

think of a way to help him."

'So how do you plan to do that.?"

   "We will figure a way out."

"Ok, I know what to do? Charity


"And what are you going to do?"

"Am going to look for that

 Victoria girl."

"You have to be very careful,

she might be a dangerous


"I will be fine."

"Excuse me, miss."

"How may I help you?"

"I believe you are victoria."

Yes, do I know you?

"You don’t have to before you

know that you are stepping on

 some big toes in town."

"Is that a threat?"

"Ohh.. no..no..no.. am just

 your friend."

"You are not my friend and

you better go straight to

 the point."

"Ok,.. I just want to tell you to be

 careful, always look at your

back when walking she whispers

 in her ears."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Like I said, is just your friend.

She smile and left Victoria."

"I can’t believe this, I know this

is Mr. Jackson's doings and he

 is going to hear from me."

“How did it go?” Patrick

ask Charity.

 “It went well, I scared the little

devil out of her, hahaha, you

 need to see how scared

she was."

"Do you think that will do

any good?"

"I don’t know let’s wait and see."

    "Mr. Jackson, are you playing

games with us?"

"No..no..no..no.. I don’t know

what you guys are talking about."

"You don’t know?"

"Yes I swear I don’t know."

"So who is behind all the

threats that victoria have

 be receiving recently."

"I don’t know please don’t

kill me."

"Hahahaha, are we stupid?

How can we kill our cash cow?

Hahahaha, that will be a big

 lost don’t you think so Mr.

Jackson? We need the money

and you need your life, the

day you die the money will

 stop flowing, so don’t worry

you are not going to die, but

 we cannot guarantee that you

won’t get hurt though.'

"Now you are going to tell your

 son ken, that we know all he

is planning to do, tell him that

we are watching him, that is if

you love him, or we can as well

kill him right away."

"No..no..on.no..no don’t kill

 him, I will make sure he doesn't

plan anything against you."

"Is for his own good anyways,

so he better listen to you. Let

him go, the leader order."

"Yes boss."

"And Mr. Jackson remember

to wire the money."

"Yes, yes, I will do that once I

 got home."

"Good boy, you may go now."

"Ok. Thank you sir, Mr. Jackson

 said and hurry out of that


"Hello Mr. Jackson good to

see you alive Victoria said as

she walk into Jackson office

 the next day."

"What are you doing here, I told you

 not to show your face to me again.'

"You don’t cut the shoot Mr.

Jackson I do, so you sit when

I say so. Now sit down."

"Mr. Jackson sat back on his


"The boss says you should

wire the money right now as

 am standing here and you are

going to wire mine too so hurry

 up and don’t waste my time."

"Ok I will do that now."

"Good boy."

Mr. Jackson wired the money,

"there, you have it so can you

 leave my office right now.?"

"No pros, I will leave, my lover

boy she said and walk out

of his office."

"Damnit, look at what Ken

 have done, I ask him to stay

away from this Victoria monster."