
Chapter 45 About to work

 “Chill.. girl, why are you looking

like someone who have seen

a ghost?

He was asking me about


Oh.. thank goodness, Gina gave

  out a big breath of relieves.”

“Tell me what are you going to

do about ken? Charity ask Gina

 wanting to know if her game

of keeping Gina with Ken is


Well, I don’t know yet, I was

 thinking of going to his house

 after work today and tell him

is over between us.

What? …no..no..no..no.., you

cannot do that.

But why?

Emm… is because ken loves

 you more than Patrick I guess.

But if I remembered correctly

you told me last time that

 Patrick loves me more than ken.

Yea I did, but now things change.

What change? In fact if there is

anything that change, it has

 change to the worst. Gina said.

I know but look at it this way,

if you tell ken that is over

between you two and then ken

comes back to his sense and

wants to marry you, what will

you do then?

I don’t know.

“You see, and from the look at

your face I know you still love him.”

“Yea, but he is giving me no choice.”

Let me tell you what your choice

 will look like.

“Ok Gina gave charity her full


You will choose ken over Patrck.

Why did you say so?

Because I know that if it was to

 be ken who ask you to go on a

date with him, you will never

stand him up. 

Hmmm, don’t be so sure, I

might just disappoint you

my friend.

What? My friend? When did I

become your friend?

Well, since I started taking

advice from you.

I mean, I don’t have a friend

because my parents made it so,

plus you are not that good a

friend but what can I do?

Really, so am not a good friend?

I did mean it that way.

No is fine, am going, no more


Charity am just joking ok.

No don’t worry am going, she

 said and walk away from

 Gina’s office.

Wow, I was just kidding, why

did she take it so seriously?

Gina ask herself.

Gina went to ken’s place to

see him after work.

Hey Ken,

Heyyy.. how are you?

Am fine and you?

Am fine too, please sit down.

Ok, thanks she said and sat


Do you care for anything Ken

ask Gina.

Hmm, no thank you, Gina said

wondering if ken still don’t

know her.

Then silent that follow only

confirms to her that maybe

 Ken still don’t know her.

She got up to go, but ken stopped her.

“Please sit.”

“Ok” Gina  said

I….I…..I… came to your house

 and I was told that you went to

see Patrick, is that your boyfriend?

“what? Are you for real? My

boyfriend? Come on ken. You

are my boyfriend and not Patrick

 why are you doing this to me?

Am sorry, I just can’t remember

anything, am trying so hard to

remember something but


We met at a hotel remember?

You were working there as a

waiter, do you want me to go

over all of that?

Ken was just looking at Gina’s

lips wondering if she is really

 his girlfriend, then why was she

with another man? And this lips,

did that guy kiss those lips too.

Ken, am talking to you, why do

 you like looking at me like that

each time am talking with you?

Am so sorry, you were saying.

Just forget it am out of here,

beside am here to tell you that

 is over between the two of us.

What? No, why don’t we start

 afresh instead. 

No we cannot start afresh, we

had something going  between

 us, so you can’t ask me to start

afresh with you as if nothing


Fine can you give me more time?

Please that is all I ask, a little time.

“Ken, time is what you don’t have,

you better make up your mind

 to remember me, because you

can’t tell me that you remember

 everyone except me.

Ok, can you help me to remember?


Like, been kind a little, and always

 be around to help me remember.

You want me to come and stay

in your house?

But you say you are my girlfriend.

Yea, but what about your parents?

Are you afraid of my parents?

No but how will they see me?

Ohh.. ok, ken thought that she

is conscious  of her reputation.

Hmm, I thing I like her, she is

not like that Victoria who is not

afraid of his parents.

Fine, if you want me to come

 and visit you often then I will.

Thank you, ken said and  wanted

to hug Gina but pause because

he didn’t know if Gina will like it.

Ken, am your girlfriend so you

 don’t have to be afraid to hug

me ok?

Ok, Ken said. 

By the way where is your brother

 ben, and what is he doing with

that your  mother’s maid, the

 one you told me was ben’s

mother’s maid only for me to

 find out is your own mother’s


Ken was just looking at her

without saying a word, and

wondering why she looks and

talks like his mom.

Look at the way she is talking

to me like am her son.

I don’t know, and I don’t like

 talking about ben.

Hmm, that’s true.

Gina keep wondering if ben and

 Miriam are going out now, if so

 then thank goodness, she

don’t have to worry about ben

disturbing her again.

Ken was busy looking at Gina

the whole time.

I thought I ask you not to look

 at me like Gina query Ken.

Yes, am so, but can you stay

 for today?

Stay for today? Like stay over,

with you in your hose till tomorrow.

Yea, is something wrong with that?

No nothing, but you see, I have

work to attend to and I need to

 be at work very early tomorrow .

Ok, if you say so, am fine with that.

Ken was beginning to think,

work? Everyone is working why

am I not working too, I need to

work too, I know what to do, I

will ask my dad if I can work too.

I like the fact that you work ken

 told Gina.



Yea, I have been meaning to ask

you why you and ben don’t work?

I don’t know, but I will ask my

dad today, I also want to work.

That will be good news, Gina

 rush to ken’s side and hug him.

Ken feel something familiar but

didn’t react because he was still

trying to get the whole answer

to his question about this girl.

He just smile at her and Gina felt

 happy that at least Gina could

smile at her.

So we are going to be working

 right Gina ask Ken.

Right ken reply still smiling.

Just then his mother walk into

his room.

Oh.. sorry, I didn’t know Gina

 was around, I will come back later.

No..no..no..no .. mom please

 come in ken said, there is

 something I will like to ask

of you.

What? She said and enters

the room.

I want to start working at dad’s

company, can you make that


Yes! Why not, your dad will be

 so happy to hear this, we have

been waiting for so long for this

 day thank you son, she said

 happily and rush out of the room.

Gina and ken looked at each

 other with surprise written all

over there face.

What just happen?

Why is your mom so happy

 about this?

I don’t know

Yea that will be great news for

 Mr.  Jackson I guess. But what

about your brother? I think he

will not be happy to hear this.

Why is that?

Because when I first came here

he ask me to pick a fight with you,

but I don’t  really know the full

 details but I think he is planning


Hmmm. Forget ben I can  handle

 him, for now let’s tell about us.

Gina loved the statement he

made about us, she smile ok

 so what do we talk about?

You and me, where we so much

 in loved then?

Gina’s face change from smile

that what looks like anger. 

Why are you asking me such

 question? I don’t like you treating

 me like am a stranger to you.

Ohh. Sorry if I offend you.

Please don’t ask me that again.

Yes ma’am

She smile again and Gina became

 relax one more time.

This girl is making me tense I

can’t seem to be myself around

her, why is that?

Ken, are you ok?

Yes am fine

Then why did you seem to be

far away even though am here

 with you.

Ohh.. sorry if I make you feel

 that way.

Now you have my full attention,

he sat upright facing Gina, which

 only made her laugh hard and

 ken likes it whenever she laugh

that way, she is an angel, I love

 her so much, God! why can’t I

remember anything about her

and the things we had together."