
Chapter 41 With another girl

“Oh.. by the way she is no longer

 our maid; she resigned.”

“Ok, that was good because I

don’t even like her.” Ken said,

seeing the way ben and Miriam

 has been holding hands since

they got here.

“Miriam turn to look at Ben., who

 just held her hands as if to say

 calm down.

“No son, she has been of great

help in finding you, don’t talk to

her like that.

You will be fine when the

operation is down.”

Ken didn’t say anything else

because he knew within himself

that something is wrong with

 him but he cannot lay his hands

 on what is wrong, so he let them

 perform the operation, maybe

 this people might be telling the

truth, maybe they are his family

after all.

Gina got to hear about it only

when Mr. Jackson called his

friend George to tell him the

good news.

“Thank God he’s back.”

“Yes, but there is a little problem

 with him.”

“What problem?

“He seem not to remember any

of us, the doctor said he needs

an operation to correct whatever

 is wrong with him.”

“But is he ok?”

“Yes he is ok”

“Then good at least he didn’t

die at that crash.”

“Yea thank God.” What about

Gina how is she.?

“She is fine, I think she will be

over the roof when she hears

that ken is back.

“Yea that is why I called.”

“Thank you so much, I will be

 with you tomorrow.”

“Is ok my friend.”

“What? You don’t mean it dad,

Ken is back!” She jump on her

father who almost went over,

because Gina is no longer a

baby he can carry.

“Ohh.. sorry dad I almost run

 you over.”

“Is ok, I understand.”

“I want to go over there and

 see him, did he ask of me?”

“Well I don’t know, you will find

 out yourself but I think there

is a little problem with him.”

“What problem?, is he blind or


“Would you still marry him if his

 cripple?” Her father ask her.

Gina turn cold, “dad is there

 something you are not telling

me? Because my Ken cannot

be blind non cripple.”

“Then, you need to go see for


Gina rush to get her car keys,

and off she went to see Ken

 only to be told that ken is in

the hospital, she wanted to

ask Mr. Jackson if Ken was

blind or cripple but she thought

 that will be inappropriate to ask,

she better get to the hospital

 to see him herself.

“Ken!..ken… is this really you?”

She hugs him and start to

 examine him to see if she will

 find his legs broken since his

eyes can see.

“Get away from me” Ken said,

remembering her from the

 other night, what is she doing

here? maybe it was her who

 called all this people, I hate

 her, but she is beautiful.

“Ken is me, Gina don’t you

know me again?”

“Hey.. Gina come with me”

Ken’s mom took Gina aside

and explain everything to her,

“but don’t worry after the

operation am sure he will

remember all of us.”

“What? He lost what? No”,

this can’t happen to him she

start crying.

Making Miriam to roll her eyes.

“Not again, crying baby, someone

 should just take her out of

here she murmured.”

“Shhhh… hold your peace ben

told Miriam, is ok for her to

 cry, let her be.”

“Yea, crying doesn’t solve

 anything, Miriam said.”

“Heyy.. look at you, that’s my

girl, that is why I like you”

ben poke Miriam.

“Come let’s look for something

 to eat or are you not hungry?”

“I thought you never ask,”

walking pass ben she went

outside the hospital and ben


“Don’t tell me you are jealous.”

“Jealous of who?” Miriam ask.

“Ken and Gina,”

“Never, she is just a crying

 baby, I am a strong woman,

which did you prefer?”

“You my dear, I choose you;

you are everything I’ve been

 looking for in a woman.”

“Good, so let’s eat and forget

 about fragile people.”

Ben just smile at her, let’s eat


Gina walk back to Ken, “baby

don’t worry everything will be

 fine after the operation, we will

 go back to how things were


“What’s she talking about? Ken

 ask himself, the way things

were huh..

Gina sat by his side on the bed,

but Ken didn’t resist this time he

 just allow everyone to treat him

the way they like but he is going

to get to the root of this, he

 must discover who he is.

After the operation they all

waited for ken to be brought

 out of the operating room.

“It was successful” the doctor

announce to them.

“Thank God” Mr. Jackson


“But he needs lots of rest, you

 people should not rush him,

you know what am talking

about” the doctor ask the

whole family.

“Yes doctor we understand

 they all chorus.”

Taking Ken back home, they

prepped a celebration party for

 Ken’s return and invited

everyone, peter inclusive.

“Yea man, you didn’t tell me you

are coming back so soon and

 your phones are switch off,

Peter ask Ken.

“Am sorry bro, is a long story.”

“Am good at listening to your

 long story man, tell me what’s

going on.?

“Forget it, there’s nothing to

talk about.”

“Really, what about your


“What? Do you know her too?,

please man help me, I don’t

know what’s going on. Fine I

 lost my memory, but after the

operation I can remember my

family but I can’t seem to

remember her, who the hell is

this Gina?”

 “Wait..wait…wait. are you telling

me that you lost your memory

and you can’t remember our

 favorites Gina?”

“That’s what am telling you man,

please help me, I don’t what

my family to start suspecting

 that I can’t still remember her,

they will take me back to that


“Relax man, what happen to you

 by the way?”

“I said is a long story do you

want me to go all over that?”

“No forget about that, I don’t

really have the patient to listen

to your entire story always.”

“Fine, so focus on helping me


“Eehmmm.. ok wait let me

 think of something.”

“Heyy Ken, Gina called out,

walking closer to them.

“Man, just behave ok, pretend

you know her, and don’t let her

 suspect anything.”

“Ok, I will try.”

“Just say hi Gina.”

“Hey Gina, what else? He whisper’s

in peter’s ear.

“Just wait for her response,”

peter said

“Hey Peter, Gina greeted him.”

“Hey Gina how are you?”

“Am fine,”

“Nice meeting you again, peter


“Yea, good to see you too, come

 let me serve you guys some

 delicious meal.”

“Ken looked at Peter, who looked

back at him, “is fine lets go with

her, is not as if she is going to

 kill you in your own house.”

“Ken smile and said “ok, let’s go.”

Gina couldn’t not understand

 this odd behavior of ken but she

decided to play along.

“Peter I feel so embarrass” ken


“About what?”

“About my behavior toward

this Gina girl, were we so

much in love?”

“Do you know what? Am the

one that is embarrass right now”

Peter told Ken.


“You were all over this girl when

 you brought her to my house,

all you did back then was Gina

 this Gina that, and now you are

 saying you can’t remember her?.

I knew it, I knew you will come

back to the bad boys association

very soon welcome bro, maybe

 is time to tell her to back off, we

hit the road tomorrow.

Am serious man, this is no joke,

and am not hitting the road

with you this time.


I have a lot to deal with, you are

going to help me fine solutions

or you let me be.

Fine, if you need solutions I

will give you solution but for now

 here she comes, they stop

talking and focus.

Gina serve them their food and

drinks and walk away. She could

 no longer stand the fact that

Ken is treating her like a stranger,

fine they said he lost his

memory and he can’t remember

 anyone but now he recognize

his family except me. No I can’t

take this anymore, she walk

 out of the Jackson house and

went to find Patrick .

Where did she go? Ken ask Peter

 when he couldn’t see Gina

walking around the place.

I don’t know, she is your girl,

you should know better.

Ken start scanning the whole

place for Gina but couldn’t find


Forget her man, let’s enjoy

 ourselves peter said.

Ok let’s enjoy then ken join peter

in drinking and before long they

 were drunk.

Heyy, how are you? You look

familiar, Ken said to the girls

 standing over again them.

Yea familiar peter said pointing

 at the girl.

“Hey Ken” victoria said to ken,

don’t you remember me?

Yea, tell me please he begged.

Am victoria from high school.

Ohh.. victory how are you?

You look gorgeous ,

Thank you and you look


Ohh.. really thank you.

Do you mind, Ken hand Victoria

 a cup of wine.

Nope, she took the glass from

him, and before long she join

them in drinking.

I like this girl Peter said.

Me too Ken reply,

Ohh.. really I like you guys too.

Hahahaha they all laugh and

keep drinking without stopping.