
Chapter 37 Flash Back

Wow, you see when you have

money you reason differently,

see me see words of wisdom.

She laugh at herself.

****Gina and Ken******

Gina thought of visiting that

club again maybe she would find

that mysterious guy that resembles

Ken, who knows maybe she will

 find some information about Ken

and his where about, because

she was sure the person she

made love to was like ken, only

 him can make her feels this way.

But damn, why did she have to

drink too much that night? Am

going back to that club to night.

And why is ii that; that Stanley

guy was the one who drove me

 back home? Something is not

straight here.

I have his business card, I will

call Stanley instead.

“Hello am I on to Stanley?

Yes and who am I speaking with?

Gina, is Gina from the Country Bar,

Oh.. how are you Gina

Am fine, I just wanted to ask if

you know the guy I was with the

whole night?

Oh.. so you don’t know?

Yea, that is why am calling you,

because you where the one who

brought me back home.

You must have been very drunk



Is me, I was the guy you were

with that night, am surprise you

 didn’t remember any thing

Oh.. sorry I had too much to drink,

ok have a nice day…

You too.. heyy.. wait.. wait.. how

do we meet again, I really enjoy

 you that night.

Seriously what did you take me

 for, a prostitute?

No.. that’s not what I mean..

Gina cut the phone on him.

What? Whatever, he looked at

the phone and smile, foolish girl,

you don’t know who slept with you.

But wait a minute, if she did

 remember who slept with her,

it there means Ken did something

to her. I said that Ken is not to

be trusted, damn I hate that guy.

Hey, do you now that Gina girl

didn’t know you slept with her?

Stanley ask Ken when he walk

into the room, bro and Ken just

 looked at each other and ken


Who told you I slept with her?

Are you trying to tell me that

you were with her the whole

night and nothing happen? Are

 you now that holy? Ahahahaha

bro and Stanley laugh at ken

with Bro rolling on the ground

 with laughter.

Guy stop it you can play this

games with us, we know what

you can do?

Seriously what did you guys

take me for? A play boy?

Yes, both of them chorus.

You guys are getting it all wrong,

I am not a play boy, the girls are

the once coming to me and I had

 no choice, I need to please them

babes, you know?.

Hahahaha bad boy.

But guys on a serious note, that

 Gina is not just these other girls,

something is familiar about her.

See guy, you have been saying

 this for a very longest time, what

do you mean by familiar? Bro


Leave this guy alone, why won’t

she look familiar when you can’t

keep record of the girls you slept


I don’t sleep with those girls, they

 slept with me, there is a

 difference. It was only Gina that

I have slept with all my life.

Bro could no longer take it, he

roll on the floor laughing and

pointing at Ken, this guy needs

serious rehab.

Yea.. serious rehab, I think I

have heard that word somewhere,

serous rehab, serious rehab,

he try to remember where he

 heard that word, but the more

he try the more he can’t

remember anything.

Why on earth can’t I remember

 anything, I don’t?

He ask himself, “I don’t want

  this guy’s laughing at me any

further, I wouldn’t ask them

anything about myself again.

He walk out of the room.

Where are you going bro ask

 him, you need to go to rehab,

he yell at Ken.

I will think about it, Ken yell

 back at bro who keep on laughing

and rolling on the floor.

Ken could not stop thinking of

the word “you need to go to

rehab, I have heard to that, but

where? And flash of thought

skipped in his mind, he saw

 himself laughing and rolling on

 the ground, “you need serious

rehab, you been serious rehab,

you need serious rehab, ken

 held his head that seems it want

 to fall out.

He sat on the floor and control

himself back to normal.

No! something is wrong with me,

I need to go to the hospital, I

 need help, this nightmares are

too much for me.

I can’t ask the boss who I am, he

will laugh at me, I need to find

 that girl, he knows my name,

maybe she can give me the

answers I seek.

Next day ken was in the hospital

running series of test to prove

his sanity.

Nothing is wrong with you, but

 if you say you don’t remember

anything them it may be a

temporal lost of memory, you

will be fine in no time.

Ok thanks doctor. He thank

the doctor and left his office.

I will go back to that club maybe

I will see her.

Ken was the first to reach the

club that night, waiting eagerly

to see Gina but the time run from

 seconds to minute and from

minutes to hours but no sign of

 Gina. damnit, what a luck Ken

 curse his luck.

 Hi make space for me, do you

mind? One of the lady that has

been eyeing him from afar

walked up to him .

He just shifted for her to sit

 without noticing her.

Hi my name is Linda , and you?

Ken, he said without looking at her.

Nice to meet you ken;

Yea, do you mind? He say and

move away from her.

Hmmm. Playing hard to get

 right she said and move

closer to him.

Is that not ken? The boss ask bro.

Yea is him.

Why is he behaving strange?

“ strange, like stranger?

The boss looking at bro with

a killing eye.

 Sorry boss but I think Ken is

 dealing with something, I don’t

know, he keep asking who he is.

Who he is? Like he didn’t know

who he is? Maybe something

bad happen to him in that forest,

I need to find out.

Go and rescue him from that

lady, is like he didn’t have the

power to say no, and she is

 harassing him.

Yes boss, bro walked over there

and was like, he boob, look at

you? Where have you been, I

have be looking for you, he

 looked at the lady up and down,

Hey. Babes.. he said touching

ken, is it because of this.. this

 thing pointing at the lady, that

 you left me sitting all by myself?

Huh.. ohh,.. I miss you babes.

Ken was just looking at bro and

wondering if he is ok,

Bro are you ok?

Don’t call me bro, your calling

me bro because of the woman,

are you not my baby, he said

 behaving like a little child.

What! So you are not even a

 man? I thought as much

noncesase, men don’t reject

beautiful women, she raise her

bra and shake her butt at ken,

who throw back his head so her

 butt will not touch his mouth.

Stupid gay man.. She said and

walked away.

“Am not ga… ken yell at the lady,

whatever she yell back at him.

Ken turned to bro, what that

 fuck was that?

Hey,, you own me one, I just

 safed you,

From what?

From her, pointing at the

 direction the lady went.

She wasn’t killing me?

But you look at you are going

to die the next munite, so the

boss ask me to come resue you.

What? Where is he.

Over there, he pointing at the

boss who just wave his hands

 at ken.

Ken smile and walked over to him.

Boss, you came too.

Yea, I was just watching from

afar, I though you are going to

 passout. She is a real pain in

the ass right.

Yea ringht thanks anyways

 for the resue

You are welcome, you own

 be one.

What? But I was handle it well

before you and bro interfere

with my stradegis of handle

the chicks.

Hahahhahah they all laughed.

Startagies you say, the backsides

needs no stratagies at all.

What? Backsides, yes I have

haerd that too, backsides yes

peter, peter, he yell and hug

 bro, peter.

What peter? Bro ask looking at

 the boss with surprise.

I can remember now, peter is

 the one who always say backside

when every he want to get a girl.

Ok, ok… the boss said still not

understanding what ken is

saying. Calm down.

Who is peter?

He is my friend back at hom…

Home? I though you say you

are from here.

Yea, am from here, but I can’t

remember everything.

Ok..ok.. easy, take it easy, one

step at a time.

Now tell me, did something

happen to you in that forest

where I picked you from.

Well, I can’t remember everything

but some times it keeps flashing

in my head.

Ok, so you are going to do me

a faviour and take it easy on

yourself, understand, take it

 little by little ok.

Ok, thank you boss

Yea, let’s go home.