
Chapter 32

Gina have been locking herself

 inside her room the whole time,

she refuse to talk to any one

 non eat her food. 

All the house helps keep coming

 back with the food sent to her.

“What will I do with this girl? Mr.

George asked himself.

How do I speak to her that she

will understand me? I don’t know

how to talk to her about love,

and date issue who will I call now?

Ok, let me call Charity, she is more experience maybe she can help.

Charity please can you come to

the house? I need your help, Mr.

George was now on the phone

 talking with Charity.

“Ok, yes, right way sir. Mr. George

 hag up the phone.

Within few minutes Charity is in

Mr. George’s house.

Thank you dear for been on time”.

Can you help me talk to Gina?

I don’t know how you women

 think and do your things but I

believe you may have some

experience in that, so help me

out with Gina”.

“Is ok sir, I will talk to her”.

“Thank once more”          

“Where is she?. Charity  ask

Mr. George

“In her room”.

Charity makes her way to

 Gina’s room

Knock.. knock..knock..

“Go away, I don’t want to talk to

 anyone, Gina said.

“Yes Gina is me, Charity, and I

don’t want to talk to you too.


“Yes, you have something that

belong to me the last time we

 went to Patrick’s place, and am

 here to collect it.

“What do you mean? I don’t have

anything that belongs to you

 just go away”.

“And if you don’t open this door

right now am going to pull it off”.

“Gina now angry. Charity has

no right to speak to her in that

manner, maybe is time she start

becoming aggressive to

employees and house helps.

Yes that is how rich people do

right? am too soft that is why

am been hurt like this.

She got up and opens the door

to bounce on Charity but her yes

 met with her father’s and

Charity, standing there.

“Girl, whatsup? Charity said and

walk into the room without

 permission, before she sat down

 she looked at Mr. George who

looked back at her as if to say

well done.

But he walks away almost

 immediately leaving Charity to

do her work.

“And what is it of yours that I

have with me? Gina asks.

“Nothing, I just wanted you to

 open the blooded door and

 it works.”

Seriously Gina are you going

to die before ken is found?.

“What do you want me to do?,

Now I even lost his baby, is that

not a bad sign? are you sure that

ken is still alive? Because am

beginning to have some doubt.

Gina said. 

Well no one know that for sure,

but how will ,you know if you

 are dead by then.

I didn’t say I was going to die.

“Well, to me the only way to find

 out is to be alive, but it looks like

you are on your way to grave. 

“Please don’t say that.”

“Fine am sorry, but you need to

brighting -up charity said.

“How?, how will I brighting -up

 when ken is nowhere to be found,

and now my baby, she start

 crying again robing her stomach. 

“You know what?, am here to

take you out. Yes you need some

fresh air, ken wouldn’t like to

 see you like this so come

 with me.

“To where? Gina ask”

“Don’t ask, just follow be you

 will like it.”

“Are we going out of town?.

“I said don’t ask, is a surprise you

 see. Put on some nice cloths

lets hit the road.”

Gina needed some distraction

 anyways so she agreed to go

with charity, even though she

doesn’t like her that much.

“Fine girl, look at how beautiful

you are, and you are here crying

 like a baby for one guy, look let

me tell you, you need to see the

world before you turn thirty, the

 world is too big for you to stay

 in one spot. 

Gina was just looking at Charity

withour saying a word, somehow

 she was saying the truth, she

 has never really seen enough

of the world so she made up her

mind to go with charity no matter

 where she is going.

At the sitting room sat Mr.

George when Charity and Gina

 got ready to leave.

“And where are you girls going?.

He ask.

“Oh.. Charity ask me to go with

her to her house, we will be back

 before night fall”.

“Ok, be good, Mr. George said

happily that at least she was

 able to take Gina out of that

 room. And she is looking good

too, and that make Mr. George

very happy, and promise to

reward Charity handsomely.



They drive for a long time before

 Gina ask charity where they

 are going.

“Relax, will you? Is going to

be fun.

Gina relaxes and just follows

 her blindly.

She drove them both out of

town into a very beautiful place.

“We are going in there she

 pointed to Gina”

Here you see all manner of

high class citizen. 

The bigger boys are all here.

So don’t fuck up. Be cool, and

 just flow with them, you


 Gina just node her head and

 follow after charity.

Entering the place everyone

 was behaving cool, while the

ladies are looking over their

 shoulders, and the men behaving


Gina and Charity sat on one of

 the empty sit.

Charity was the one who order

and the drinks where brought

 to them.

Gina has never been in a place

like this before, even though

she has the money, she was not

that expose to such life, she was

 the type of girl who goes to work,

and from work to the house, from

home to office the next day.

She always travels out of the

country but only for business

meetings, until she met Ken.

But this!! Damn this is beautiful,

she wish she has known Charity

 for a long time. She has been

missing a lot.

I like it here, “can we come here

often?” She ask charity.

“Well if you want, it will be your


“Fine my treat, is there any other

 place you know apart from here?

“Of Couse, so many of them.” 

“Wow, I have been missing a lot.”

Yea, you see, I told you, you’re

going to love it. But wait till night

 fall, I will take you somewhere

more beautiful.”

“Really?, I will love it please take

 me there.”

Charity just smile at her, “she is

really naïve, only little girls weep

over men, I can’t do that” she

 say to herself.

Charity didn’t want Gina to

 misbehave so she ordered only

soft drinks waiting for night fall.

“Are we only drinking soft? I want

something strong so I can

clear my mind.”

“Easy, I know you need something

strong to step down but not now,

I told you to be cool, you see

 those guys, they are millionaire,  

and am after once of them,

can you help me get one?.

“Me? No I can’t,  how do you

 except me to do there?

“I expect you to behave cool,

that’s how you get one of

 those guys attention.


Yea, there are lots of things

 you don’t know, just chill I will

teach you little by little, you see,

and before you know it, you will

be able to get any kind of man

you desire, just like this, she snap

 her fingers at Gina,  who was

just looking at Charity speak

 with so much confidents.

Gina could not bring herself to

agree with the fact that she can

 get any man she desire, and she

don’t want any other man then Ken.

I don’t want any other man she

told Charity, sensing that maybe

 Charity brought her here to

 push a man at her, she doesn’t

like the idea of someone hocking  

her up with a man, I know how

 to find my own man she

murmured to herself’.

And who say you are here to

 get a man? Charity ask her.

Well I don’t know but I think we

 should go home.

No..no..no.., the main fun is

about to begin I promise you am

not hocking you up with a man,

just relax.

Hearing than Gina relax a bit but

 was not confortable.

The men at the other table keep

stealing glances at Gina and

 Charity, but Gina pretend not to

 see, while Charity was smiling

every now and then. Gina only

looked at Charity and shock

 her head.

What do you expect from poor

girls? She asks herself, they are

always on the lookout for

 rich guys.

What? Are you talking to me,

Charity ask Gina, seeing how

 Gina’s lips where moving with

no sound coming out.

Oh… nothing just thinking.

Ok, now take a look at that guy

 over there, Charity points at a

very handsome guy setting in

 front of them backing them,