
Chapter 113 The Truth


Please stop am serious I will shout.

Shouting will only make me not to have mercy on you.

They keep running round in circles until Ken grab Gina.

Please forgive me I wouldn’t shout again Gina begged.

Is too late my dear you are going to take your punishment. He carries Gina to their bedroom, put her down on the bed and start kissing her all over.

Ken please stop, am serious.

What is the matter? 

“Am not in the mood”

“Really? I hope I have not offended you in anyway?”

“No, am just not in the mood”

Ken let go of her and lay on the bed facing up, Gina didn’t care much about Ken, she just got up and went to see how her kids are doing.

“Wow.. this is serious” Ken said. The Gina I know is gradually going away, he thought. Maybe peter was right, getting more that one wife is not a bad idea after all.

Ken spend two weeks at home staying with the kids and making his mother happy.

“Are you sure you are not ready to go back to work? Is been two weeks already and you are not even telling me why you are home and only your wife is working, do you have problem with her in the office?

“No mom, is just my resting period, when I get back to work, I will ask Gina to take two weeks off too”

“Ok, now I know, I even like it that way.”

Ken went back to work and found Gina talking to this fine tall handsome guy and they are both talking and laughing. Ken thought he has not see Gina this happy lately. He takes a step in their direction to go and make that guy understand that she is a married woman but pause as peter came out of nowhere.

“Heyy.. the boss man, long time no see, you should have told me you are taking a break, I would have come with you”

“To do what?” Ken ask peter but still looking at Gina and the guy still talking and laughing.

“Ohh… is that not Gina? Peter ask seeing the way ken looked at their direction.

“Come on Mann.. let’s go to your office, she is just talking.”

Ken followed Pete to his office.

“Mannn.. I will need a time of too” peter said but Ken wasn’t listening.

“ Who the hell is that guy? He ask peter.

“Which guy?”

“The one with my wife”

“I don’t know, I have been seeing him for the pass one week now, is like he is staying at the hotel”

“What? One week and you are just telling me?” Ken almost gave peter s blow but rush out.

“What is wrong with him mannn.. Peter ask the empty office. This guy has gone mad, later they will say that Peter is the mad one, he follows Ken to at least help separate the fight.

“Heyy.. Gina”

“Heyy.. Ken, you came? Please meet my husband” Gina introduce Ken to the guy.

“Ohh.. what’s up Mann .. she has told me a lot about you, so this is the Ken you always drums in my ear, nice guy. He said shaking his hand even when Ken didn’t want to shake him.

Ken was waiting for Gina to introduce the guy but the guy talks too much according to Ken.

“So Gina are you not going to introduce him to me?” Ken ask.

“Oh.. sorry this is my friend way back in the university, he went abroad since but I was so surprise to see him in our hotel” Gina said smiling.

Ken just hated the whole thing, how can she be smiling like that when she knew what she did to him last night, I thought she was not happy, but because of this friend of hers she is now smiling like a Christmas goat.

“Hmmm, nice to have you in our hotel, please I beg to see my wife for a minute” Ken said politely.

“Ohh… sure, see you later” the guy said and walk away.

“What? See you later? In your dreams ken said murmuring.

Gina followed Ken to his office, but ken didn’t know what to say to her.

“Yes, you wanted to see me” Gina said.

“What were you doing standing there with him?” Ken ask without thinking.

“What?, I don’t understand”

“I mean what were you discussing with him that is making you laugh that hard,?”

“Wait, are you for real” I shouldn’t laugh because of what?”

“But you made me understand last night that you are not happy”

“What are you driving at?” Gina ask.

“Am not driving at anything but you should know that you are working, you don’t use your working time to be chatting with men” Ken said.

“Hahahaha I see, you are jealous Ken, look at you? Is that why you are “ can I see my wife for a minute?” hahaha, please don’t make me laugh more than this ok.

“You can keep on laughing but you are taking two weeks off” he said with a straight face.

“Fine, I will to one month leave, she kiss him and Walk out of his office.

“What? Just like that? No, something is fishy, she will not go on this leave again.”

He went to Peter’s office to ask him for help.

“Please try handling your problems by yourself for once, can’t you see am busy with my own problem?” Peter ask Ken.

“What problems are you having?” Ken ask.

“All my wives have brought in all their children, now my house is full, I don’t have a resting place again.”

“Is that a problem? Ken ask.

“What do you call that?”

“They are all your children, where else do you want them to stay?”

“Look, they have been staying with their grandmother’s except for one, now I have all three of they, and they don’t even look like me”

“What? Ken shouted.

“Bring your voice down” Peter said.

“You mean they are not your children.”

“ Is possible” Peter said.

“So you are not sure of what you are saying?”

“What did you come here to say, I will handle my own problem”

“Well, I want to know who that guy is”

“Which guy?”

The one I saw with my wife

Are you suspecting your wife?, I told you women are not to be trusted, I need to do a background checkup on all my wives.” He keeps blabbing.

“ You didn’t do a background checkup on them when you are single, is now you want to do that, please just look into that guy, tell me who he is to my wife.”

“if you ask me I will say let the sleeping dog lays, I don’t want to be the reason for your heart break.”

“What are you saying? Do you know something that I need to know? Ken ask so curious.

“No nothing”

Ken walk away from Peter’s office, “stupid guy”  he murmured as he walk away.

Gina took her own leave and went home for two weeks.

She went out with the kids one of the days and as she was about entering the house another car drove in after them.

“Who is that? Gina ask coming down from the car.

Is me, am here to see your mother in-law Mrs. Bob said coming out of her car.

Gina wanted to bounce on her and tell her to leave his family alone but no, is too late as her mother in-law was already standing outside the house.

“Ohh… you are welcome, let me show you in”

Thank you my daughter, she went with Gina to meet Ken’s mom who was wondering why Mrs. Bobmmanuel came all the way to their house.

“You are welcome to my house, Kens mom said, remembering what her son told her, maybe she is up to something.

“Thank you have having me in your house, nice house you have here she said looking round her.

Thank you for the compliment, my husband made sure not to let us down, so he left us this house and estate, we don’t have money problem. She said and Gina gave her a look that says “ don’t be rude to her, because Ken mom was beginning to think that ken was right about this woman.

“That is right, he is a very noble man and that is why I want your family and my family to be one.”

What do you mean by that, Tina ask. Since she is not a business type but Gina understood very well where she is driving to.

Well as a matter of fact, I came to your husband when he was alive to make a deal with him for his son Ken to marry my daughter, but for some reasons he turned me down, but now I know why, is because of this beautiful lady here, and I later finds out she is Mr. George daughter which only made sense because they were friends.

But now am here with another proposal.

“Which is? Gina and Ken’ s mom ask at the same time.