
Chapter 111 Uncovered

What did that man gave you? Ben ask his wife when they got home.

I thought you don’t care?

You are my wife and of course I care.

Hahaha, so you started getting jealous because you thought ma seeing another man?

Whatever Ben said and walk away when he notice Miriam is making a fun of him.

So what do we do now  that you know who is behind it? Gina ask Ken.

I will carry out my own plan, I will love to show him that I can make it too, and that without him I will take this hotel business to the next level.

So what are you going to do?

Am opening another branch next week, call ben for me, he needs to look for a location as fast as possible.

Yes, what do you want? Ben ask as soon as he entered Ken’s office.

I want you to find a location for our next branch.

What? We are still trying to make this one work and now you want to add another hotel?

Just do as I said and leave the rest for me.

Yes sir, he said mocking ken.

Ken just looked at him and said nothing. I need the report on my desk before this week is over.

Yes, you will get it sir. Ben said and walk out of Ken’s office.

What did he think he is? Ordering me around like am his boy. I don’t blame him, dad is to blame, now am working for ken. Hmmm, is ok.

Why are you talking to yourself Miriam ask her husband as he entered his office and saw Miriam sitting on his desk.

What are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be at your office?

Am bored, there is no work for me, so I said to check up on you, hoping to catch you with a woman. Hahaha she laugh.

And you think is funny? Ben ask.

So tell me why is your face like this?

Can you imagine ken ordering me around like am a kid.

What did he do this time? Miriam ask her husband.

He wants to open another hotel and he is asking me to look for a location.

Wow… that is perfect, you can head the other hotel while I take over the manager’s position here.

What are you even talking about? Ben ask.

Ok, I want to take the manager’s position from peter, and you will tell ken that you are the one to head the other branch.

Ben looked at Miriam hard and long.

How do you plan to do that? Peter is the manger here, and am not sure that ken will give me the chance to head the other hotel.

Look, Miriam got up and walk to ben, held him and kiss him.

All I want you to do right now is go ad get that location ready, and leave the rest for me, one button to press and Ken will hand everything to us.

What is going on? Ben ask Miriam, I hope you are not planning anything evil?

No, am only protecting our home and our rights. So ask no further question and do as you are told. She said and left ben wondering what his wife is up to.

I don’t like this one bit Ben said, I know I could be bad at times but my wife is pure evil, anytime she is like this, she is up to something.

One week later Ben find a perfect location for the next hotel and repost back to ken, he want into action and pay for the hotel. He planned on sending the workers he promise to make branch manages to head the branch but Miriam was an obstacle. 

I find out that you have been avoiding me for a long time, but now, I will want you to make me the manager of this hotel while you make my husband the head of the next branch. Miriam said with all boldness.

What will I do that? Ken ask.

You know why you should do it.

No, I don’t.

Ok, Miriam said walking closer to ken.

Stop right there, ken said but Miriam did not give a fu…k about  his position. She walk close and came face to face with him.

I said  stop there, ken ordered.

You are not in the right position to give orders now. Miriam said.

And why not?

Because if your wife hears what am about to say, your home will be divided in three pieces. 

Is that a threat ken ask with his heart beating faster now, what did she have to say.

What do you have to say? Ken ask her.

Nothing, just give my husband the position and to me, the position of manager in this hotel. That is all I want to say.

Than am sorry, I can give you anything.

Well, then let’s see how your wife will handle the fact that you are not the real father of your son timothy, but your father is the biological father of that boy you claim to be your son, oh.. least I forget, your mother and ben’s mom too. Let me see how they handle it, if you don’t give theses position to us, be ready to handle whatever comes.

Ken stood there dumfounded, like he was stroke by lightening.

How did you get to know about that? Ken ask in surprise.

There is nothing hidden under the sun, don’t you agree? She ask ken and walk out of his office.

You know what to do ken, she yell as show walk out of his office.

What? What? Ken ask himself, almost staggering, how did she know this? I haven’t told anyone about this before, how come she knows about it?

Am finish, he fall onto his chair. Am done for, I promise dad to take his secret to my grave but now someone else knows about it, oh.. n, am finish. 

Just then Gina entered  to greet her husband because she hardly see him this days except to come to his office.

What is going on my love? Why are you looking like that?

Ohh… is nothing, I guess am just tired, I think I need to take a break.

Am I agree with you, Gina said, you are working yourself too herd. You will break down so I suggest you take a leave, like two weeks leave. She said.

Yea, I will do just that, can you take care of things here while am gone.

Yes, I will report to you once you get back to work, Gina said.

Thank you, what will I have down without you? He hug and kiss her, took few things and went home.

Getting home, Timothy and little Tina rush to welcome him, they are now big boy and girl, they are no longer kids again.

Timothy took his big inside and ken keep looking at him, like he was about to betray him.

Dad why are you back this early? Timothy ask with a deep voice like that of a full grown man.

Nothing, I just few like coming home to stay with you guys.

Really? Litter Tina who insist that she is no longer little and that they should stop adding little to her name was so excited to have her dad with her all day long.

Where are your little twins.

They are with granny, Tina said.

Ok, so how are you guys doing?

We are fine Timothy reply but Little Tina insist she is not a guy but a woman.

Ohh.. am sorry for that, her father apologize, so how are you doing.

Am fine, but I need to have a word with you.

Ok, am here now, tell me anything you want to tell me.

Dad there is this boy in my class disturbing me, he said he loves me and that he wants to date me.

What? Ken nearly jump out of the chair. But Timothy was just looking at them.

Did you know about this? Ken ask Timothy.

Yes, dad.

So what don’t you report it to me or better still beat the hell out of that boy.

Well dad, Little just told me about it but she refuse to show me the boy.

No dad, timothy wanted to go and beat him up so I refuse to show him the boy.

Ken thought for a second, that is right, there is no need beating the boy up, after all he only express his feelings. But not my daughter, she is too small for that, he reasoned.

Have you told your mom? Ken ask.

No, because none of you ever stays at home this days.

Ohh.. sweeties am sorry ok, but daddy will be home for a week from today, so you can tell me all you want to say ok.

Yeaaaa…. They both shouted and are happy.

Ok, let me see your little brother and sister, but don’t say yes to that boy ok.

Yes dad, I don’t ever want to be friends with him again Tina said.

That is my girl, stay away from him, if you see him coming go the other way ok. 

Yes, dad.

Ken was relief but was still not happy that his little girl has started attracting boys.