
chapter 3

I sat in the backseat of the equinox, low groaning came from the man with his face half-bashed in.

We pulled up to a deadass strip club, Simon pulled into the very front parking spot marked, "owners parking spot."

Strip Club is a pretty good coverup from how much money Simon has, Simon might be better than this than my dad.

My father who I loved dearly, was bad at being a criminal. My mother on the other hand was the mastermind behind it all. Without her, we'd be nothing, and the Micheals would not have a name.

Sure, my father was the 'face' of the name, everyone thought he ran the game. He was the one who'd showed up to sell the drugs to the big times in new york but mom was the one who organized the interaction but she knew was a woman, the men would never respect her. So, she let my father believe he was the master.

"No-Jupiter. Let me tell you a little bit about this character here and what we are doing."

"Okay," I told him.

"Alright, Zane. Go get Nash or Morgan to help you get him out."

Simon got out of the car and held the door open for me. I rolled my eyes, I like chivalry as much as the next door but this is not the time nor place for it.

I slide out of the car, "Alright, you see the man that Zane and Nash are carrying?" I look at Nash, red shoes, black basketball shorts, and wife beater, his hair was in dreads, and he was scrawny, or seemed like it, I just noticed I still had the bandage over my large tattoo, I took it off, and threw the bandage on the ground.

"Okay, everyone knows who you are around here."

"Yeah. No shit, I'm Nova Micheals." I whispered to him.

"You know, you're the cockiest girl I've ever met." I look away and nod my head. "Well the man, that Zane beat the shit out of our house and that he's bringing down into our workspace. Is Bobby."

"Bobby?" I put my hand over my mouth to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah. Bobby Mercy, Ironic, cause that's one thing you're not gonna show him, He snitched on Max Long. So, This is your time to show that the Micheals are in fact badasses that everyone thinks your family is."

And by that he means to kill him, "we are the 'badasses' everyone thinks we are." I used quotation marks around the word badass. I hated snitches, with a burning passion in my heart, there the reason my whole life fell apart so I guess, I can take out on him. I mean, what else is new?

"Can you do this kid?" I scoffed.

"Of course, I can." I said, walking the same way Zane and "Nash", I think, went. Simon trailing behind me, I walked down the gravel stairs leading to a black door.

When I walk through this door, I show no emotions. I've got no emotions. I'm Nova fucking Micheals, I've got no feelings. Feel nothing, numb, he's just a piece of trash, the reason your mother is dead, and your dad is gonna rot in prison for the rest of his life.

You can do this, Nova. You can do this. I reached for the doorknob and swung the door open to meet with a room full of people.

One by one, all their eyes fell on me, analyzing me, like this is the Nova Micheals, the girl who has no reason, she simply just does.

They all knew what I was about to do. I slowly started to walk inside the room, with the long bar on the right side, red velvety looking material on the walls, hardwood floors.

And at the very end of the bar, there was Bobby tied up to a wooden chair , a gag in his mouth, and his face bleeding, there was Bobby Mercy.

What a stupid name, Bobby Mercy, Mercy was the only thing this man would not be getting well at least not tonight.

I held my head proudly, my shoulder's high, my back straight, my feet making a hard noise hitting the ground, I walked over to him, the whole time, his eyes stayed on me. His black weasel eyes, I threw my flannel on a chair, and I cracked my knuckles.

And bent down to his level, I took out his gag, "please, don't hurt me." I laughed, standing up.

"Did you hear that folks, the snitch doesn't want me to hurt him." I yelled to the crowd, I went behind the chair, and said in a low voice, "you didn't think about any of this when you were snitching on your boy, Max, did you?"

"Please, I've got kids, a wife." I felt a pang in my heart, but I kept a straight face.

"And you think, I give a fuck." I yelled in his face, "what do we do to snitches, Bobby, c'mon you can't be as dumb as you seem."

"I ain't dumb," he told me. "I know you ain't gonna do shit to me, little girl."

"What the hell did just fucking call me because I know." I got into his face, my fingernails were digging into his wrists. "That a little bitch boy like you did not just call me, 'little girl."

"You know, Bobby, I was gonna just shoot you with my little friend," I said, patting the gun in my jean shorts. "But I think you should suffer a little bit but I am nothing without fairness, so what does the audience think we should do?" I said, now this was me just being a bitch.

"Raise your hand if you think he should suffer?" Everyone in the bar, I started fake counting the people.

"Well, the people have spoken." I said a smirk on my face as I turned around to the man, "Anyone got a knife." I yelled behind me.

"Excuse me, Excuse me." I heard a loud voice say in the crowd, a pretty Asian girl, who was shorter than me. Her hair was up in low pigtails and she was wearing a black lacy choker.

"Here you go." She said to me, handing me a knife with half a butterfly on it, and flowers engraved in it.

"This is pretty, I'll be sure to give this back to you," I said to her, she walked back into the crowd.

"Alright, you ready, bobby. Just kidding, I don't care." I told him, as I plunged the knife into his stomach, he wrenches in pain, everyone in the bar cheered, I grabbed my flannel and tied it around my waist. The people made a pathway for me to walk through again.

When the boy that was with Zane came out and pointed at the gun.

"I bet you don't even have to use that gun, sweetheart," I smirked at him, I took the gun out of my pants, took the safety off, and popped off to bullets into Bobby without my eyes ever leaving Nash's face, until I brought my gun to my face and blew the imaginary smoke off of it, he walked away and went back to where he came from.

Of course, I felt bad. I'm not a total psycho, even though I feel like it. I felt a tight hand around my heart, when I shot that gun off, even if he does deserve it.

He had a family, people who cared about him, Ugh, I need booze.