
All goes down...

As usual late in morning walking hurry n met a person who changed my life was something which will never happened in my life .. am a person who believes in reality n not fantasy well that is what i say to my life over and over who gets school early in morning and and goes home early have some friends to hang out and a bit short tempered ..

Today as usual class started morning bell rang and here it is my name being called Alina u needed to go to office immediately and there's a tall handsome looking person smiling and looking as if am a Cinderella his face shows tat he is kind n generous and suddenly came towards me all I said to my life is absolutely wrong I felt that movement

He came closer n closer n at last throwing some papers on my face and said in a loud shouting voice you are goin to be punished..

And yes again I took ma words back wot I said to ma lyf over n over is same and bitter truth.. and all high hopes goes down like it came..

BUT STILL WHO IS HE tat charming one..