
The Girl He Never Met

I liked this girl. She's amazing and me and her had so much in common. She likes anime and is not like other mindless freaks who goes through life without even thinking about anything important. She was the girl I was waiting for. Oh..and by the way, I never actually see her face. .... He'd do anything for her. But was the girl he never met really the one?

angel_p · Urban
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7 Chs

Beauty is Skin deep

I have been here for so many hours, maybe even days. Every once in a while Derrick came and force fed me porridge. That was all the food he gave me. Chicken porridges. I tried to fight him when he came near but dude's build like a WWE wrestler.

Emma came too, but she would just look scared and then leave. That was until on night.


"Desmond," I heard someone calling me in my dream. The voice, so soft..and frightened?

"Desmond, wake up!!",My eyes flew open.

It was Emma, wearing a red shirt and a messed up hair tied into a bun. She looked pretty disheveled compared to when I first saw her. She breathed heavily, looking terrified.

"Emm..emma?"I forced words to come out of my mouth. I did not have a lot of energy left from the struggle against the handcuffs.

"Y..you were right. Man's a psycho. I thought he was everything to me. He is not who I think he is. " she said.

"Desmond, we need to leave,".

This might be a weird moment, but I felt like I am in a dream. Her needing me, wanting me to save her from the villain.My heart jumped in joy. She's here, I thought.

"Emma, what did he do to you?" I asked in concern.

"He pushed me, shoved me, I wore makeup to cover it," she said, then broke into tears. I looked and sure enough, there were slight bruises under her eyes and her arm.

I gritted my teeth, "I am going to kill him," I said.

"No, Desmond, we have to go, you have to help me, "she cried, holding my left hand which was chained but closer to her.

"I don't know, we might like knock him and then we ran together. Or came at him together, "she said.

"We also need something else," I said. "I have a plan,".


"Morning, sweet guy," I felt rays of sunlight on my face and growled.

Derrick had arrived with his morning breakfast and opened the curtains.

"Its breakfaaaasstt," he said in a joyful tune. He smiled.

I started coughing.

"What's up Desmond? Are y..you..okay? Here, have a drink," he looked worried and grabbed a glass of water.

"Derrick..I'm s..sick," I said to him weakly. My eyes felt heavy. I kept coughing.

"Oh God, must be this stupid girl Emma. I told her to not put eggs in the porridge, I am going to settle this, Desmond,"he panicked.

"Settle this first, fool!!!" a girl's voice cried folllowed by a loud bang.

It was Emma, holding a metal bat.

Derrick dropped into the ground, yelling in pain.

"Damn you!!!!" he touched his head and found out he was bleeding. Emma gabbed a metal vase, emptied its content and gave him another hit. He struggled and was silent.

"Emma, get the keys before he wakes," I said quickly.

Emma struggled , fumbled through his pockets and took out a set of keys. She tried them one by one until one unlocked the handcuffs from me.

"Great job Emma, the car is outside right?" I asked.

Emma looked at me, tears running down her eyes,

"Desmond, he slashed all the tires. even his own car. He was determined ..he's insane,".

I cursed. "We need to get out of here," I said.

We locked the door of the room where Derrick was and ran to the front door.

We tried the keys one by one. Nothing worked and we can't find other keys nearby.

"Follow me," I said.

We went to the living room and I saw the kitchen. We went there and I grabbed a chair , pounding it hard against the windows.

It broke the window to shards of glasses. There was no knives in the kitchen, so I grabbed a shard of glass with me and jumped outside the window.

Suddenly, pain hit me. All over my body. My face felt like needles were pierced through it. I rolled and creamed in agony.

"Desmond ! I am sorry, I did not know there were traps here!!" she cried out.

I opened my eyes. I landed on literal mat filled with sharp needles, nails and even sharp ponted metal cones. My stomach was bleeding and i had cuts all over. I rolled out of the mat into the grass, wincing. I stood up painfully and said ,"Emma!! wait I am going to put the mat away," I said.

I grabbed the mat and struggling to put it away, the cuts in my arms and hands oozing blood.


"Emma, I have put it away, you can jump now!!" I said.

I came near the window and suddenly Emma appeared, she had cuts in her left cheek, fresh. She looked at me in horror.

"Bitch," . Derrick appeared behind her, laughing.

He grabbed her by the hair. "Stop it!!" I yelled.

"Enter the house, or the bitch dies," he answered, his face lit up in joy.

I cursed and yelled in pain, struggling to walk, "Hey, fool," he called out menacingly.

" I mean enter the house the way YOU got out," he said.

"What the heck??".

"You know Desmond, I hate repeating myself, come on, love!" he squeezed his hands on Emma's throat. Emma looked up at me, her eyes wide with horror.

I immediately grabbed the place where the window glass pane used to be, gritted my teeth as the cuts in my hands made contact with the little pieces of glass left, I hurled myself inside, crying out in pain as I landed against shards of glasses that seemed to tore my wounds deeper.

"Poor Desmond,"he said softly, his face genuinely sad. He the released Emma, raised his hand and punched her so hard she struggled to stand and passed out. "Dont punch her, are you stupid??"I yelled angrily.

"No, Desmond, I just don't want you to leave me," tears actually rolled down his eyes. He sobbed.

He came near me, I tried to kick him and came at him with the shard of glass as a weapon, but before I could move my foot, he kicked me in the stomach. I growled in pain>

I felt sharp pain on my side again, then my face. He kicked me , again and again, laughing with tears running down his eyes.

After awhile, he stopped, breathing heavily.

I was feeling very weak, suffering from major blood loss.

"Y..you are n..not getting away with this," I whispered.

"What's that? Can't hear you," he crouched down laughing. I grabbed a shad of glass near me with the last bit of strength I have and hurled it into his left eye.

If I am going to die, I'm going to take this man with me.
