

Why did that sound so familiar..?

She recalled the first time she went Devon's house and made Devon cook lunch for her as she'd forgotten to eat lunch before going his house. Back then, Devon also eat very little as if on a diet..

"Eh, why are you eating so little? Oh! Are you on a diet???" Lyn questioned excitedly

"..." Devon didn't know what to say

Thinking that he's on a diet, Lyn added more noodles to his bowl.

"thanks but no need" He didn't sound like he was really thanking her but back then, Lyn did not notice that and instead insisted

"No! You shouldn't go on a diet! Food is very important even though your body is ni- *cough* *cough* I mean, you shouldn't care if your body looks good or not cause it will still look the same"

"ok fine, I'll eat this so please don't give me anymore" Devon felt a little irritated but Lyn did not think much about it then.

Why does this seem eerily similar to the situation I'm in?

She realised both the current her and the Devon then had something in common:

-both of us seem to be on a 'diet'

-eat very little although we both like food



Could it be that..Devon (at that time) had already eaten and yet he was forced to eat more due to me?


That would explain why he kept glaring at me and even gave me a fart as a present!

Devon..actually did that for me..

Lyn felt like she was falling for him and felt so touched although the current him won't remember that he did that.

As Lyn was eating, she seemed to realise something as she suddenly stopped eating. Her face was initially a 'that's not possible' face, then it suddenly changed to a touched expression, then a mixture of sadness, missing someone, touched feelings..

Her eyes slowly looked at me, as if infatuated with me

Surely not..

Just cooking a meal can make her fall for me?!

Geez no way!

Devon hurriedly finished his meal and went to his room to sort his thoughts.

Heh, how is that possible? If it was, why did my dumb self did so many things for her when cooking a meal was enough? Devon couldn't understand it but it wasn't important anyway..

As Lyn's eyes met Devon, she was jolted awake from her thoughts.

Right! Lyn, you gotta stop thinking about these. The past has passed.

Going back to the cruel reality, Lyn stared at the bowl of noodles Devon cooked for her.

Oh how can I stomach this? How did Devon even stomach all these food? I really wanna throw it away but.. I can't! He made this for me, how could I have the heart to throw it away?

Sighing, she continued eating and encouraged herself.

If Devon could do it, so could she!

After what seemed like eternity, Lyn finally finished all that food. When Lyn went upstairs to look for Devon, Devon was already fast asleep while waiting for her.

Seeing him peacefully sleeping, Lyn did not want to wake him up. Instead she secretly used her phone to snap a picture of him sleeping for seeing him sleep like this was rare and cute..

When Devon finally woke up from his slumber, he found out that Lyn had fallen asleep whilst sitting on the floor beside his bed. Such a position was uncomfortable so Devon wanted to move her, however, he accidentally pressed the home button on Lyn's phone, revealing the wallpaper of him..sleeping?!

What. On. Earth.

Devon did not want to think that its him but the background in the picture clearly showed that its his house all right.


How am I supposed to feel about this?

As if sensing his presence, Lyn woke up. The first thing she saw was Devon...staring at her phone?!


That was when she recalled that while waiting for him, she played around with her wallpaper by changing it till she's satisfied, however, she became tired and fell asleep, as such the wallpaper ended up being a picture of him sleeping.

"You're awake? Then tell me, what is this?!"

His tone was cold and nonchalant, completely hiding whatever he was feeling.

Angry? Irritated? Lyn don't know. But one thing's for sure-she's in trouble, big trouble!

Uh oh..

How am I supposed to explain this?

sorry for not updating yesterday>< I released 2 today to make up for it

chaeewycreators' thoughts