
a new lead

Let's see..

to change seats, Greggy said that it depends on our academic performance in the next test. However, there's still 5 weeks to go. If she and Devon could be close within 3 weeks, 5 weeks may well make Lyn fall for Devon again.

No, this won't do!

As much as her heart yearns to be close to Devon, she had to resist the temptations. So what if he remembers? Lyn'll have no face to look at him in the eye!

Besides, even if Devon remembered that they were good friends, she might well lose him as a friend if he remembered that she kissed him.

Ahhh he probably just treats me as a friend. If he thinks that I harboured a romantic relationship with him, he'll probably avoid me. After all, I was so mean to him..

Lyn recalled how she teased Devon by using his guilt to her to tell Greggy that he likes her hair, only to casually dismiss it off as a joke. When they got into detention, she tricked Devon into playing truth and dare and tried to make him do his truth and dare while escaping when its her turn. Moreover, she also doodled his face when he was angry, pissing him off even furthe r. Also, knowing that Devon can't stand the sight of Greggy's hair, she deliberately made him confess to Greggy of his love to her hair.

How is it possible for Devon to like her when she did all these to him? Lyn was certain Devon only sees her as a friend so maybe, it's better for him not to remember their kiss, Lyn thought.

Changing seat via academics takes too much time. What Lyn need was an instant change of seats.

But what could let her change seat instantly?

Say that she can't see?

Nah! Greggy will suspect its an excuse for she did mention if anyone has trouble seeing, they should let her know on the first week. Any later, they would have to wait for the next term.

Say that she can't focus?

No way! No one talks to her or Devon so Greggy won't believe if she said that.

AHHH just how do I change seat instantly????

"Uhh Lyn, can I ask you something?"

Just as Lyn was about to kill all her brain cells, Devon's cold yet gentle voice soothed her. Although his tone was that of a stranger, Lyn still felt happy for some reason to hear his voice. But of course, she had to conceal the happiness she was feeling or Devon would think that she's a lunatic.

"Y-yes" Lyn was excitedly nervous that she stuttered despite only uttering a word.

"umm.. how do I say it so that it doesn't sound weird?"

Devon hesitated before continuing, "..the line 'I'm a crazy lunatic that's in love with Devon', how did you- no, have you said it elsewhere other than during the audition?"

How did he know? Did he remember something?

Although Lyn was taken aback at Devon's strange question, she still answered truthfully for she don't wanna lie to Devon.

"yes..actually, it was a dare given to me by someone"

Meanwhile, a part of her felt like asking him for a favour by answering his questions..

"Oh..could that person..be me?" Devon asked cautiously

Crap! I should've just said 'yes' only. Now, he's getting smarter..

Should I say or should I not?


"Forget it. I'm sorry my questions probably sounds ridiculous" Before Lyn could reply, Devon cut her off, thinking that she's unwilling to say by her expression and he did not wanna force her. She even saw a tinge of helplessness but then it was reverted back to his default face in a flash.

Seeing Devon so disappointed, the previous thoughts she had of asking him for a favour to get answers from her dissipated. Although he only reveal his helplessness for a second, it was enough for Lyn to know how he felt. Moreover, his current situation was mostly her fault so she eventually answered him without trying to get him to help her

"Uhh..you're right"

"huh?" Devon thought that she agreed that his questions sounded ridiculous but he still felt uncertain as he did not think that Lyn is the kind of people that is brutally honest.

"No no no don't misunderstand, it's not what you think! I mean, you're right that the person who gave me the dare, was you.." Lyn hurriedly explained upon seeing his stunned expression and recalling his previous sentence.

"Oh, thanks" he became nonchalant again.

After school, Devon went home and wanted to get notebook to jot down his findings, clues and what not that might explain his sudden partial memory loss. However, instead of finding a notebook, he found a diary..


When did I ever write diaries?

Is this even mine?!

hey so sorry but please re-read chapter 18. I've amended a little of the story and I hope the current story makes more sense. If there's anything weird or something confusing about my story, feel free to tell me! Once again thanks for reading this!

chaeewycreators' thoughts