
The Girl and The Soccer Ball

Started December 14, 2020 Who said girls couldn't play soccer? Who said they couldn't be good at it? Just because guys can play soccer doesn't mean people can stereotype people. If there is one girl who can prove that theory wrong it's got to be Orla. Orla is a 16 year-old girl that went to Riverview Highschool and she was star defense on the boy Soccer team. Her dad declares that Orla and her mom move closer to him so he can be apart of her life. They move across the country to North Carolina. Find out what happens next in Orla's life. *Warning this book contains cursing/swearing, and mature scenes for some audiences*

Bella_P · Teen
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Chapter 5 - Twin Brother

"Sooo do I have any siblings or?" I asked clearing the tension in the room.

"Oh no im 30 and I don't want kids," Sheana tells us.

"Uhm ok how about you dad did you want kids?" I asked him.

"No I didn't want any, but look what happened I ended up with a kid that is 16 and cheated on my baby momma," Declan said glaring at my mom.

"Wait why did you cheat on my mom though she is a badass you had a package me and her and you picked Sheana," I spitted out.

"Look im sorry that was in the past I can't change the past. Sheana is the love of my life me and your mom were just playing around you know. I didn't know I got her pregnant till she came to my front door and smacked me and said she was moving with her baby," he said looking at me with sympathy.

"Shut the fuck up Declan you played with my feelings. You want to know how I felt you seen your daughter now we are going to get the fuck out of here. Come on Orla," My mum said getting up from her seat and dragging me along.

"Wait mom I have something I want to say to him," I whispered into my mums ear.

She glared at me and let me go.

"I can't believe you im glad my mum is not a weak bitch. She is a total badass that was a single mother raising a kid on her early adult years. While you were out here going around having the best time of your life. Have fun with your wife don't expect me to forgive you for the poor excuse of a father you are," I tell him flipping both of them off.

Mum gets in the car while I hop in and drive off.

"Hey mum im going to go into my room and set up my praying area," I tell my mum softly walking inside the house.

I get my prayer stuff out of one of the boxes and setup the cross and rug in the corner.

"I miss you twin brother I went to visit our dad today for the first time today. He picked his wife over us sadly. He doesn't know about you but Blaine but I doubt that will change the way he looks at things. Mum is a badass and she cares for us. I love you Blaine I hope there treating you right up there," I cry out to my dead twin brother.

By the end of my praying session the prayer book was drenched with my tears. I miss my brother it would've been fun to see how it went at dinner with dad with him. He would've been over possessive and protective. He had a bigger mouth than me and played soccer like me. I still feel the twin connection between us.

I walk downstairs and find my mum sitting on the floor watching something on her phone.

"Hey mum im sorry about tonight," I tell her plopping down right next to her.

"No im sorry I should've never took you over there. Your brother would've been so proud of you for standing up for me like that," she tells me bringing me into a hug.

"Hey mom im going to tidy up my room a bit and can you help me with my matress and body structure for my bed?" I asked her hoping she can help me.

"Yah of course," we got up and walked upstairs.

Oooh major plot twist. She has a brother wow. I wonder how her brother died?

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