
the girl and the forbidden forest

What would you do if you just lived a life not knowing the truth about yourself and what you really are? What can someone possibly do when they find out that they are far from alike the people you have been living with your entire life? Yeah you should probably not ask Kayla for answers at this point.

goldenGIRL · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter five

Kayla's pov

Just like in movies,The chaos was perfect as The big hallway was crowded with different people like every other day has been, everyone's with their kind of people never with the opposite, that's just how our school work everyone is divided into small groups and just by looking over the hallway now everything looks normal, There was always the couples that was making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls Opposite them, the cliquey jocks that did nothing but flirt and wink at girls, then There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes fly over the halls and last but not least there was the teachers favorite students the good kids well knows as the nerdy kids, I always think that The school hallway must have been designed my a manic's depressive, either that or someone obsessed by grey. The teachers had done their part by hanging posters in primary colours, yet the overall impression was of drabness. lets say out of 100% kids at school there was alway one percent who took them seriously, For as much as I know i definitely do.

Once I got to my locker without any trouble I opened it then put my bag in and grabbed my English books because I have English as the first lesson holding into them I closed it and it automatically locks itself to open it I just had to type in my own password.

I had to take another walk in the hallway to get to my English classroom as I carefully look through the book in my hand in the meantime, I jump a little as deep voice whispers into my ear scaring me a little but I knew who it was so I didn't bother looking at the person "why the fuck do always do that it not even funny" I shout at him with seriously even though I still wasn't looking at him but he didn't seem to care "it's fun seeing you scared shorty" he says with soft chuckle "one stop calling me that two who are you and three can you just go?" I say a bit strict which I know he would not listen to instead just laugh my words off his ears " ow you know i am really horned to call you my friend kitty cat" he says playfully putting his left hand on his chest looking up as if he was looking in the sky then moving his head as if he was disappointed in me but pff "and I'm cursed to have you as my friend" I calmly add doing the same thing as him putting my free right hand on my chest making him laugh a little but then turn into his serious face "cursed? Who you freak? how dare you? You should be grateful you have someone like me as your friend you stupid or something ?" he say pissed at me but I would see he was trying to  hard to act mad cause that's just impossible for him to be at me " what? Is it my fault that you don't look like a bad boy to me but rather a dumb-annoying kid?" I kick back and he looks like his souls just left his body was I to harsh? Nah I don't think so

"i gave up now let's go mr shorty no I mean mrs shorty" he say trying to annoy me more than which he did not success "this bish"  I say playful even though what his said didn't bother me at all

"yeah love you too kitty cat" he shouts back running away from me because he knows I would kill him and I started walking after him not really running, we have the first two lessons together then after that we separate for one

more class before lunch.

Everyone meet Jason one of my two best friends an annoying, loving caring boy who is well know for carrying the name bad boy in school handsome but brainless and Sarah I'm sure you will meet her too sooner or later.

I walk into class and find my beloved friend flirting with five girls around him how surprising huh, I always sit on the third row alone and sometimes with him but now he sat on the second bench and the girls stood in front of him and an evil idea turned up and i so wanted to do it on my way to my bench. I slowly walked to the first benches in the first row and then walked consciously behind him instead of walking in front of him soon I was on the second row and he was too lost flirting and talked with brown haired girl who looked like she was all over the moon geezuz eww

But he really was lost talking to her and i took the chance to do it, I hit him very hard on the head with my book while i said

'Ops!' he looked angry back then saw it was me and shook pain off with smile for the girls talking with them a bit more then excused himself still holding his head as come and sat down with me on the third row "what the fuck was that revenge?" He ask as soon he sat down "no you're wrong it's called fun not revenge you said that too remember" I ask smirking correcting him making him more annoyed he sighed and smiled "I should have Known but as long as it's you I'll take revenge sweetie I would love to surfing for you" he flirts with me making me send eww look to him making him chuckle then smile showing his white vampire teeth "did I get you" he ask still chuckling "in your dreams" I say to him and before he could respond the classroom door swings open by the English teacher and who was looking as serious as always "hello students" he say and went to his bench, put his books down, we say hi back and he grabbed his both books back up again then opened each on of them at the time "open you textbook page 58 and the workbook page 36" he says and I opened my book at told and exactly the same page as told so did the idiot beside me "as you see today we are gonna talk about literature does any off you know what literature means?" He ask looking around the class for hand up in the air which showed up after a minute "Literature is a collective term for texts, both written down and oral" a black haired girl said and the teacher nodded clapping his hands softly together "that's correct molly" he said while clapping "now student I'm going to talk about literature and listen carefully you're getting test on this " the teacher said pointing everywhere the classroom his finger landing on different people in the class each time he moves it "you all are all ears right" he said in serious voice yet joke looking face making everyone laugh then nodded their head in agreement. "A definition of the meaning of the word literature can be a little spotty and unclear. Text is letter by letter formed into words. Word for word formed into sentences. Sentence meaning formed into a text. In the end, literature becomes. Literature is text and stories. Both written down and oral provided they meet certain criteria mai said " he say walking back and forth in front off us taking small time to breathe the Started to speak again, "The word literature is originally Latin: "literatura". There are several meanings and definitions of the word "literatura". Something written, philology, learning and science. "Literature" is a further development of the word "litera" which means letter" he stop walking around again the spoke again "Literature is thus something written. Is it all kind of text? Do blog posts count as literature? Is journalism considered literature? Are there fine and full literature? It seems like the answer is yes to all questions. From the beginning, during the era of romance, it became a type of fine literature that resulted in the definition of literature being literary, that is, fictitious texts. In today's society, journalism, biographies and other types of reality-based texts are also counted as literature" he says and wrote few words and the meaning of them on the board and we all copied them directly as we listen to what he was saying, the whole lesson went on and it come to an end I love serious teacher our English was on of my top 2 beloved teachers, he dont joke to long just a sec then turn serious there are some teachers on this school I still wonder if they come to crack a joke or teach something and yes they don't even know how many students are supposed to be there and how many there are here like alll the students might be out I'm sure they would joke around with themselves even when there is no one there.

As the teacher was done talking we all stood up and said "thanks for the lesson" with smile, he nodded and smiles back saying "it's okey my kids I hope you learned something today, now see you guys next day I have lesson Stating this in five take care of yourself I still need to yell at you I don't get to do it today" he jokes calmly and laughing with us before excusing himself getting his book then walked out in rush saying "bye student" the next minute he was gone, I look down at my books and put then together and grabbed them up, I then looked on the idiot beside me already staring at me with smirk "if you keep your eyes on me for a sec more I will burn you alive I swear " I warn him and he seems to got scared but kept his I'm cool look on "geezzz what did you eat for breakfast?" he ask walking behind me "you" I say as he looked at me like as if I have gone crazy for a min then walked in front off me waving his hand in front off my face while walking backwards not caring if he would run into someone or anything "hello is my babe Kayla in there hello?" he say grabbing my cheeks shouting directly at my face making us stop walking any further "Babe!? remind me again who are u?" I ask in sarcasm rolling my eyes at him "you just saying you ate me don't you think you should know who you ate" he ask still holding into my cheeks smirking "I know idiot, u know exactly what I meant!" say holding his right cheek with my left hand and the other hand with my books, I squeeze his cheek a little making him hiss in pain for a minute "ahh okey sorry I won't say that again ah ahh it hurts kay" he says making himself look like he is in pain "idiot you're holding my cheeks too and you didn't do anything you really are stupid you know that?" I say getting out of his grip on my cheeks, then started walking away from him and he run to catch up with me "it's called being a man mrs loser girl" he say still holding into his cheek as if I have hurt him really bad which I did he is just a drama queen, "I didn't even do it that hard stop acting ask for more if you want" I say looking at him as he send me * leave my poor cheek alone* look but still keep walking after me as I clearly could see he was pouting like a baby without even looking back "I said babe in sarcasm and you didn't understand aren't you the idiot one" he ask in duh looking at me with seriously "it's called not caring a little bit, let go we will be late for our lesson if we keep fighting like that" I say chuckling a bit making him roll his eyes but nod nonetheless we hurry up to our lockers which we had really close to each and we got our chemistry books and run though the hallway and up the stairs for the classroom, when we arrived at the classroom everyone busy with their own business, me and Jason walking to empty bench and sat down we chat a little nicely this time don't be surprised we only did that to annoy one and another it's kinda our thing to do the three off us, it didn't go that long before the teacher come in and started the lesson, and at first we listen the teacher doing presentation exemple ph value and different types of indicators and what they are used for and how they work and a lot more then we got to do lab in group of three to four people, the lesson ended too fast for my liking but as we where done with the lab and we wrote down small things so that we use them as help if we don't remember the results next day .

Me and Jason walked out off class as we all said goodbye and thanks to the teacher, good teachers good students fair enough. After we accompanied each other to our lockers we said little goodbye I walk to my next lesson history and he walked away to his.

Without even knowing I already had three lesson already my last class before lunch l ended for few minutes ago and now I'm standing leaning toward my locker waiting for mr idiot to arrive or mrs talkative to come, I opened my instagram and went through it a little bit before hearing buh sound I look at who it was turned out it was Sarah "sup bitch" she shouts directly at my face "wooh why do loud bitch? And nothing is up really you?" I say smiling at her and she smiled back at me "gurl my week is up it hurt like hell I keep walking like I broke my legs I hate when my week comes" she says like she really was annoyed by it I send her i I understand look and she smiled at me "how the fuck can you smile you need chocolate? " I ask worried cause I know the the pains sh is feeling and she nodded "do you have it bitch?" She ask making me laugh how can someone be so ungrateful asking someone for something

" no but I'll  get you one from the store near by just  wait okey" I say opening my locker again got my wallet from my back then closed it "no bitch you don't have to I will get it after school end now let's go eat lunch" she says calmly hissing at the pain after a second as I look at her she doesn't look like she can wait till school ends so I choose to stay stubborn "yes bitch I have to wait for mr idiot here i will come back in 10 go in before I will come back fast hm" i and she nodded knowing me too well if I set my mind to something I have to do it "please hurry up" she say softly with a weak smile and I only smiled back and nodded

"I will if I won't meet

handsome boi there who knows I might not return" I sarcastically said and she gave me death glares "ok chill I'm Just joking I will be back fast happy" I say then give her peck on forehead making her chuckle in eww I smiled at her then walked away.

After few minutes of walking

a bit far away from the school I saw the little store down the road And walked across the street to get there as I was walking I breathe in the air around the place before open the door to go in, to my surprise grate back few people who grated me on their way out. Once inside I walk to candy and all the sweet part to get the chocolate, "hmm what should I take with milk chocolate or just chocolate?" I ask myself trying to choose which on to take but fuck it I take one milk chocolate and without milk for Sara and two without milk for me and mr idiot cause we both love chocolate chocolate and nothing mixed in it.

I hold onto the four of them and started walking to the checkout to pay but on my way there my shoulders was grabbed by strong hand who made me turn to face who ever it was, I look up and find damn fine man glaring at me like he was watching over the whole galaxy for few second I forgot how to breathe holly fuck a handsome boy is directly staring at me Sara and Jason soo needs to hear this dream omg, wait this is not a dream I can't feel his hand on my shoulder, oh shit even after a short moment he still choose not to speak or look away and it is  creepy me out "ehmm you do know staring is rude right?" I say in trembling voice surprisingly finding myself completely loosing my own words down my throat and he just moved his eyes all over my face then All over my body then back to my eyes I'm not lying he is not even blinking at ones what a freak- .... "you don't feel anything?" Oh so he can speak fuck his voice is sexy and deep omg stopp Kayla controll your yourself... "feel what?" I ask confused looking at him 'does this boi have eye problems or is he playing shits on me he is not blinking even once is he a human ?' I ask myself seriously how can someone not blink just once in whole ass minuets "hey man hurry up let's go" I hear some boy shout for the boy in front of me "coming" he shouts back after a moment letting go of my shoulders then looked at me apologizing eyes "I'm sorry I thought you were someone I knew you look exactly like her I'm really sorry for my rudeness miss" he said and the only thing people would notice was that he was apologizing to me now but I saw something else there tell me why do I keep noticing people's sadness? "it's okey we all make mistakes" I say with smile then started to walk away from him to checkout, again was grabbed by big hand gripping my wrist this time, this time I as turned around by my own wills as I also didn't have much choice he is holding my wrist anyways

I blinked few times before breathing waiting for him to speak out

"What's your name?" he ask Catching my eyes in his deeply look like he was looking for something inside them

"Why should I tell you that?" i ask him curious getting myself of his grip as I also look away from his beautiful ocean blue eyes "I just want to make sure you are not her" he say chuckling a little bit which come out as giggle 'cute' i mentality slapped myself after I said that "well I'm definitely not her but I'm Kalya" I say to him and he nodded letting go off my wrist "you're definitely not her" he say holding his neck in embarrassment 'cute' I thought to myself again surprising myself as I said that two times now "I already told you that!  but I have to like really run back bye " I say and turned around I quickly paid for them and got out of the shop slowly yet fast steps i reached the school, I walked through the hallway and but my hand bag away inside my locker,  then into the cafeteria and find my besties sitting on our usual spot chatting with each other I walk up to them and put the chocolate on the bench "thank me later" I say then walked way from them to get my food and come back with my hamburger and Fanta exotic drink and sat down with them

"Thank you my bitch what would I do without you " sara says eating her chocolate same goes to me idiot but the idiot one he is didn't say thanks or anything "fucker" I shout at him making the smirking on his lips only grow more I just freaking needed flaying pan to mash it away from his ugly as face, "oh I almost forgot I meet some handsome boy who mistook me as someone he knew" I say day dreaming about the boy I just met few minutes ago

and them liking to listed to everything that goes through the ear, where all ears to what I was saying, I told them how everything that happened every single sec tho it was nothing but they demanded it and I couldn't say no but at the end of my real story and what really happened i decided to drive over the road with a lie as I wanted them to annoy them like mr stranger and I ended up having wild make out as holding me tight then siked them making them both say "ow meanie" like they really believed me oh how stupid they look by now I barely like human "yeah you thought I would kiss stranger in your dreams hoes" I say and they both started laughing "we are both damn dumb poor us" Sara says acting dramatic as he started acting with her and I roll my eyes at them I take my chocolate and walk away from them shouting "see you guys later my class is starting soon" I say and they both nodded sending me flying kisses me trying to grab them made them laugh so hard I send back the kisses then went away to my locker then got my math books and my pencil case and walked to my math room, I went in class not many here not too little either I sit down on empty bench, math was one of my third last lesson for The day. The teacher soon come and start the lesson on this lesson no presentation on this lesson we work in our math book, the class slowly became quite and I started to get to work at least I should get one chapter done by today that's my goals for today's math class.

And just like that, the whole day simply went on normally like any other day been before even though it was actually far

from normal.