
The Gifted One's Second Life DROPPED!!

Lucius_Vampric · Realistic
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1 Chs

Re : Continuation

Chapter 1: Death

When Kyrie was born his parents were sure that their son is going to be very successful when he is older. Marie who is Kyries mother was currently feeding him baby food while his farther was at his office doing his work and was going to come home late since he owns several company's. Kyrie's father who's name is Kenji was going to give his son the businesses after he grows up.

The next day his farther came and rested after when he woke up he went to Kyrie since he wanted to with his baby boy "Farthers back Kyrie are happy to see me?". Kyrie just smiled and laughed as he looked at his farther. Marie was in the kitchen preparing Kyries baby food and Kenjis food and Kenji was playing with him until food was done, he was thinking of "maybe I should try feeding Kyrie it's not that hard?".

Marie responded with " Ohhh dear you don't know how hard is it to feed him, maybe if you fed him he might eat quietly."

"Alright I will feed Kyrie." As he got the baby food Kyrie's farther was looking at him and then he proceeded to feed him by Kyrie kept turning around avoiding the food when he used the aeroplane trick on Kyrie it failed automatically and he was frustrated that Kyrie wasn't eating the food now he knows what his wife had to go through to feed Kyrie. After a while Kyrie ate his food, and Kenji was tried.

"How was it feeding your son." Marie asked with a smile on her face. "Very hard since he would keep moving away whenever I tried feeding him." Kenji let out a sign as he walked to the TV to watch something.

Marie took Kyrie to his crib since he fell a sleep.

(10 year time skip)

Kyrie is 10 years old.

Kyrie lives all alone in the house he grew up in, since his died in a horrible car accident luckily he was alive and he gained all the inheritance that they had left except the company that his farther since he was too young to take over it.

Right now heading to school. After arriving at school he he his friends " Hey Max, Adam and Eri nice to see you all." "Good morning Kyrie did you do the homework that we had to hand in today?"

"Yeah I got it done last week" Max and Eri "Wait we had to hand it in today I thought it was due in on Thursday we are dead." Kyrie and Adam started to laugh at the two as they sat down with a depressed look. When it was Adam and Kyrie turn to give their homework went and gave it to miss.

After it was Max and Eri's turn they went up and told miss "Sorry miss we thought that we had to hand it in tomorrow." Detention after school both of you. As they sat back down back at their seat.

(At lunch time)

They were talking about what anime they have been watching Adam first says "Currently watching Code Geass" Max's turn "I'm watching Demon Slayer season 2" Eri the last person says "Currently watching Jujutsu Kaisen".

As they were talking more about anime and other interests soon it was time for their last lesson after this they could home.

(End of School)

As Kyrie and his friends were walking to their house they were at a traffic light waiting for it to turn red then suddenly a little girl walked on the cross walk and the truck-lunch was here to kill her but Kyrie ran saved her from getting hit but in the end he lost his life.

Adam, Max and Eri were all crying at the site of this and were at his funeral because he didn't have any relatives except for his mum and dad but they were already dead.

Kyrie in a dark void "Where am I ? What is this place ? Am I dead." As a burst of flashback of memory run through his mind and remembers saving the little girl. "Huh I guess I died but not without doing a good deed."

Suddenly a bright light shawn upon him as he saw many people sitting on a throne around him he had a shocked expression on his face. "Who are you all? And what am I doing here ?" he asked them.

One of them answered "We are Gods and we have picked you to be the absolute creator since Zeus has turned evil and took control of all the powerful gods with him to destroy everything but we need your help them."

Kyrie is digesting all the information that he got from the god and then asked "Can you all reveal your identity first then I will tell you?". "Alright we'll tell our identity first one is Aphrodite, Freyja etc more revealed themselves." They were all goddess

Kyrie was thinking "Damn they are so beautiful Aphrodite looks stunning, Freyja also look good but l'm too out league." As he got a boner all the goddess looked at and thought "That's the biggest thing I saw I want to have him now." Aphrodite, Feryja and other goddess was getting wetter as they both looked at the cock, they all know him since they were watching from to now.

Kyrie spoke out "So am I going to be reincarnated or transported to another world where I have to train to become strong and defeat him?"

"We will be giving our blessings and 3 wishes of your choice."

Tell me in the comments what wishes should I give him.