
The boy

I don't know who am I or my origin and even my parents

my first memory since my self-awareness is my brothers and sisters

of course, they not here anymore or I even knew whether they still alive or not

but I always had new brothers and sisters

they came and go like a wind, whenever we start to get close with each other, then tomorrow morning they will go and never be seen again


I don't particularly mind about it, it always happens

since then I already became the oldest in here

anyway, since the time I start to aware of my surroundings I start to see a dream

not just regular dream

it is something different...yeah it special

since then my growth spurt starts

I keep getting taller and stronger, the owner also start to notice my abnormalities

oh, by the way, the owner is somewhat like a caretaker of us, he is an old man with a bone-like figure

he had wrinkles all over his face and a head taller than me

he noticed my abnormalities and pay attention to me for a period of time but since then nothing happened particularly.

the reason why I stay longest maybe the job that I had done in recent years

the owner start to instruct me to follow any of the customer demands and I must never complain.

to describe what does I do is sometimes standing naked in front customer or some time had a something called sex with them

It very busy in recent time, but it pays off

the owner start to treat me better than my other brothers and sisters

and I was given more food and cloth

right now, I satisfied