
Chapter 2- Getting Prepared

*knock* *knock*

I shot up and quickly threw the piece of paper into the fireplace. As it set ablaze I replied "Come in Amalia." She is a year younger than me and my personal maid. My mother bought her from a slave vessel when she was only five, and has been at my side learning to be a maid every since. "Your bath and dress are ready for you Annalicia. I prepared a special bath for you today and I hope you enjoy it" she says while bowing. I do not require her to call me princess unless guests are around. "Okay… Okay. I'm coming" I said in a sarcastic voice while starting towards the door. She follows me to the bath. As I enter the door I immediately smell roses and mint. "Oh thank you!" I squeak in excitement heading to give her a hug. "I know today will be hard on you, so I figured having her scent would help." She responds.

As I am bathing I can't help but smile and sink into the warm water. Letting the scent and warmth take over me, I begin to think to myself. 'I'm going to smell like my mother today. It will seem as if she was there with me. I wonder how my father and brother will feel about this. Hopefully they get as much joy from the scent that I do. I inherited all of her jewels and what clothes I wanted. I should wear her blood diamond necklace today, it was one of her favorites and would match the dress I'm going to wear.'

"Annalicia, it's time to get dressed, your father and brother are waiting for you." Amalia spoke entering the room holding my new dress. It is more beautiful than I imagined. "Go get my mothers red diamonds" I say, climbing out of the bathtub wrapping myself with a towel. She hangs the dress and leaves to retrieve the diamonds. Drying off I can not help but admire the dress. The roses stand out against the red dress, I can't wait to see me in it. I start to put the dress on as Amalia enters the room and asks, "Here is your necklace, would you like help finishing?" I respond fast in anticipation for today, "Please." She sets down the necklace and walks over to help me. While she is helping me with the dress, she pauses and begins speaking. "Are you worried about today? We have all took the loss very strongly, and I am somewhat concerned about the events today may hold."

Her question catches me off guard, so turn around to face her. Looking deep into her brown eyes I open my mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. Closing my mouth I pause and start seriously thinking about her question. 'I am worried about today, am I not? What events may today hold? I haven't truthfully thought of it outside of my brothers possibly getting a bride today. Also the fact of me not wanting to attend today.' Still staring her in the eyes I respond. "I haven't thought of what might happen today, what do you think will happen?" Her eyes start to glaze over with fear, I can tell she is terrified of something. As a tear starts rolling down her cheek, I wipe it and embrace her in a hug. "Whatever happens today will be for the best, there is nothing to worry about." I speak softly. "Today will be a beautiful day." Pulling out of my arms she looks at me and smiles slightly. "Your right Annalicia, we should hurry along so as not to keep your family waiting."

While we head down the hall she begins to slow down. "I'm just worried I will lose you as we did your mother. She was the closest thing I had to a mother, even if it was not blood. Her and you both treated me like family, and I do not want to see you gone as well." We come to a stop and look at each other. "You will not lose me, I will be here for a long time to come." I say trying to reassure both of us. "What if you are married? There have been rumors about suitors coming to meet you today, and even possibly making marriage proposals to the king." She responds and I take her by her hand. "Even if I am married off you will come with me, you are dear to my heart and I do not want to face any part of life without you by my side. Unless you wish to leave?" Her eyes light up as she wraps around me in a tight hug. "I never want to leave you" she whispers into my ear. Pulling away from each other, we can see that both of us are crying. "Today will be a good day, if I don't make my father mad at my absence." I say continuing down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I enter the dining room to see my father and brother in their seats. My father is wearing his nicest clothes, while my brother appears to not yet be dressed for the day. They both stood to greet me. "Good morning my flower, we were becoming concerned in your absence." My father says while reseating himself. "I wasn't sure if I could handle the day, but Amalia helped." I say setting myself at my brother's side. "Oh I see." My father responds with a hint of sadness in his voice. Lyvin's eyes are piercing me as he opens his mouth to speak, "You smell like mother." He took a break to breathe in the scent. "It suits you and I am happy you decided on it." His voice is soft. I look at my father as if to ask for his input. "Yes it suits you. It will be refreshing for today, and give us the feeling of her presents." My father says while raising his hand to Signal for the food to be served. "I was not sure what you two would think, but if it wasn't for the scent I would probably still be in bed." I say as the staff places the food on the table.

We are served mothers favorite, oats and honey. The memory of my first time trying the dish pops into my head. I was about five years old, and it blew my mind that something so sweet was a breakfast food. Mother laughed at me and assured me that it was indeed a breakfast food. "Do you approve?" My fathers voice yanking me back to reality. "Of course." I say raising my head and giving a slight grin. "And you?" He asks, looking at my brother. "Of course." My brother responds giving the same small grin I did just a moment ago. "It is uncanny how much you both look like your mother." My father says as his face lights up. "I hope today is to both of your liking." At the statement my brother and I both shot him a bigger smile. "It will be." We both say almost a little fake but I doubt father caught it. "Are you going to get dressed after breakfast?" I ask my brother, trying to change the subject. "Yes, but I'm not forsure what I am going to wear." He responds looking over at me. "Perhaps the traditional suit and cape from her last birthday?" Our father says, offering a side smile to my brother. *There went my subject change.* I thought to myself. "I was thinking of something less egotistical and more memorable." My brother spouts with a bit of anger in his voice, causing me to flinch. "Perhaps I could help you after breakfast brother?" I say looking from my brother to my father. "That is fine." Our father said "you are dismissed." He spoke while slamming his hand on the table.

I knew our father was upset so I did as I was told. Standing I offer a small bowel and head towards the door. My brother follows me shortly after. When we are in the hall we turn to face each other. "Do you have to make our father mad?" Before Lyvin has a chance to respond, I start in on him again, "I know today is not the best day for any of us, but it will go much smoother if we do not upset our father." His face shows faint frustration as he responds to me, "Today is not the best day, and I did not mean to anger our father. I merely wish to dress in something that reminds me of our mother, and to match you of course." The anger fading from his face. "I surely did not wish to upset you little sister." His voice is more loving and soft. "I'm sorry brother. Since we lost our mother, fathers temper has become much worse, especially towards you. I do not think he means to." I say showing my brother a half smile. "He just doesn't do it to you because you look exactly like her. Sometimes I wonder if he would rather be teaching you to rule the kingdom than me. He is more calm and loving towards you. All he shows me is anger and frustration." His voice is sharp and it is clear he is upset at our father for his actions. "You know women can not accede to the throne unless married to a crown prince. Speaking of, have you heard any rumors of suitors coming for us?" I ask, raising a brow. His face immediately goes into a puzzled stair. "I know of him giving me a blessing to choose my own bride, but nothing of suitors."

As we arrive at his room I am stunned at the sight before me. Most of his clothes are scattered around the room. "What happened here?" I question turning around looking over the entire room. "I tried to find some clothes for tonight." He spoke with a slight chuckle. "Call for your maid to pick this all up." I say rolling my eyes at him. "Luther" my brother screams over his shoulder. A tall man at about six foot tall enters. He has bright blue eyes and dusty blond hair. "Yes prince Lyvin." He answers. "Start cleaning the room and helping my sister pick my outfit for today. I'm going to get a bath." My brother commands then exits the room. "Princess." Luther says while bowing. "Nice to meet you. I have not seen you here before." I respond with a questioning tone. His eyes raise to meet mine, "I am new here. The king just hired me a few days ago." His voice is soft. "Well let us get to finding a proper outfit for my brother." I say shifting my attention to the mess. Luther starts picking up clothes and showing them to me piece by piece as he places them back in the closet. Finally he picks up a blue uniform with red roses embroidered onto the sleeves and leg bottoms. "That is the one!" I exclaim in excitement. He jumped at my sudden standing. "Take it to him in the shower and return here to Finnish cleaning." I say turning to the hallway. "Oh and do tell him to meet me in my garden around noon for tea." I shoot over my shoulder leaving in a rush.

"Amalia!" I screech out, I'm almost in a jog heading towards my room. "Amalia!" "Yes princess." She says approaching me running. "I have news, come now." I speak while continuing to my bed. "What is it?" She asks unsure if she should be scared. "There is a new maid working for my brother! He is tall and good looking, maybe you will like him!" I say with much excitement. "What! I thought something was going on with the way you were yelling." Her face shows annoyance as she rolls her eyes. "Besides, as long as I am at your side I will have no need for men." Her eyes met mine. I sigh and respond, "Just meet him today for tea and then let me know your thoughts." I say giving her a hopeful smile. "As you wish" she responds while standing and starting to head out of the room. "Make sure you have tea making for around noon. We will be having tea in the garden. Please bring 4 cups." I Finnish speaking just as she leaves the room. I begin thinking to myself. 'There is only a little while longer until it is time for tea. I should go visit my father and see if he has cooled down. Hopefully my brother and he can hold themselves together for the day.' I get up off my bed and start heading to my fathers office.

With two light knocks I enter the doorway of my fathers office. "Oh, come in my little flower." He says putting away the paperwork that was covering his desk. "I picked a wonderful outfit for my brother, so do not worry about that." I respond immediately trying to take away any feelings he might have when he sees my brother in the clothes. "I never worry when you are the one making decisions. You are just like your mother and she was very good at that kind of thing." His eyes watering as he spoke. I walk over to him and give him a big hug. "Today will be a wonderful day father I am sure of it." I speak pulling away ever so slightly. "Yes, today is a wonderful day. I have something I need to speak with you about." At his words my mind starts racing. 'Maybe the suitor rumor is true. I might be married off to someone I don't even know. It could be something to do with the festivities, but judging the way my father is looking towards me I think not.' "What is it father?" I ask, trying not to sound scared. "At the ball tonight I will present you to many people…" he pauses trying to gage my reaction, "Some might make marriage proposals." He finishes looking me in the eyes. My face holds a fake smile, and I try to hold my composure.

"Father, I am sorry about breakfast" My brother's voice breaks the silence. "Ohh I'm sorry to interrupt." He says starting to back up. I look at him with big puppy eyes and say aloud, "Wonderful timing brother, I was just about to tell father of our plans for the evening." Motioning for him to come in, I spin to face father. "Lyvin promised me he would watch after me tonight and dance with me as well." I spit out not giving my brother or father time to say anything. "Yes, as well as she promised to help me find a bride to be." My brother says vouching for me. He knows it was something important for me to ask him to stay the way I did. "Ohh I see." Our father responds to us both. "Unfortunately my flower I will need you at my side tonight." Our fathers eyes dug deep into my own. "Yes of course father." I respond by breaking eye contact. "Well in any case it is time for tea." I say while bowing and heading out the door. My brother follows shortly behind me. "What was that all about?" He questions me. "Father is making me meet suitors today, the rumors are true." I speak softly, almost crying. He lifts my head and responds, "No need to cry baby sister. I'm sure any man that is chosen for you will be worthy of you. If not I'll kill him and find you a husband myself." He embraces me in a hug. "Ok." I say as tears start to roll down my shirt. I pull away and start walking towards my garden. "Ask Luther to meet with us for tea. I think him and Amalia will make quick friends." My voice is soft and barely noticeable. "Of course." My brother says turning and heading to fetch his maid.