
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The New Path!

[Ding ~ 70/70 Evolution Points.]

[Ding ~ Evolution condition has been reached: evolve?]

The system's beep sounded in Li Feng's mind.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he gave the system the command to start evolving.

Vast energy poured into his body, frantically transforming his body from the inside out, his skin twisting as his bones cracked, and his already large body rose to great heights again.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, his muscles swelled and his body enlarged yet again, becoming three feet taller.

His pants did not hold up, and his crotch was now swaying in the wind.

Li Feng had no choice but to take down some banners from the stores on the street to make a simple apron for himself.

After doing this, Li Feng checked the data of this upgrade, called the system, and opened the interface.

Name: Li Feng

Race: Ordinary Giant

Height: 7.7m

Skills: Green Blade Sword Technique

Internal Strength: 10 years

Equipment: Unlocked

Lifespan: 300 years

Evolution Points: 0/80

Opening the system's panel, by this time, Li Feng's size had reached over seven meters, and with that, his strength had skyrocketed.

On top of that, the internal strength obtained from devouring had also been increased with the system upgrade, undoubtedly giving him another way to gain power.

If his previous internal strength could barely be considered the entry-level of martial arts, then the current Li Feng was already equivalent to some masters.

With a thought, the majestic internal energy of his dantian surged and gathered on his palm, and he executed his sword technique.

A small scarlet sword made of internal energy floated in the palm of Li Feng's large hand, having the width of an adult's body and the length of over three meters.

Such a huge sword, but in Li Feng's hand, it seemed incomparably small and delicate.

Swoosh! With a casual movement of Li Feng's hand, the small scarlet sword shot out from his hand, tearing the air like an arrow shot from a string, emitting a sonic boom.

Rumble...! The sword struck a tree ten meters high, and the tree exploded and broke into two pieces.

Several more sword strikes broke a dozen trees one after another, and although this was Li Feng's first time using it, it was as if he was a master.

The skills were at his fingertips, and Li Feng could master any ability or skill devoured by the system without needing to learn it.

Furthermore, Li Feng also noticed that the equipment option had reappeared, but it was unlocked for the time being.

Li Feng still didn't know what this so-called equipment was and what it was for. Looking at the iron bar in his hand again, did this thing count as equipment?

Li Feng shook his head and put it to the back of his mind; it wasn't something to think about right now, as the most important thing was to get Evolution Points.

Then, he grabbed a corpse on the ground and ate it.

[Ding ~ Plus 1 Evolution Points.]

Looking at all the 80 Evolution Points, Li Feng fell into deep thought. The Evolution Points obtained from devouring ordinary people were getting smaller and smaller, now less than a tenth of the original amount.

"Looks like I'll have to devour martial artists."

Now, an adult could only provide Li Feng with 0.1 to 0.2 Evolution Points, but martial artists cultivated internal power, and their life energy far exceeded that of ordinary people because of it.

By devouring them, one could gain a large number of Evolution Points while devouring the other person's martial arts and gaining skills.

Thinking about this, Li Feng's mood darkened; he let one escape.

Li Feng swore angrily and grabbed the corpse on the ground again and ate it, turning his grief and anger into appetite.

"Less is fine, as long as it works!" While consoling himself, he grabbed the corpse on the ground and gobbled it up.

As his Evolution Points slowly increased, Li Feng's anger subsided a bit and he left the street, heading towards the center of the city.

There were a few more people there, the residential area was denser - there were no buildings - and the old buildings were mostly civilian-like houses.

Li Feng's internal energy gathered in his hands and the small scarlet sword shot out, striking the residential area below.

One after another, explosions fell, houses collapsed, and some people got out in time, but most were crushed underneath, screaming miserably.

Some people also ran away but faced an even more terrifying Li Feng; it was even more difficult to escape death in their situation.

The scarlet internal force was released and turned into countless sharp swords, piercing countless people with a single stroke, bleeding them out miserably.

Li Feng continued his killing spree by swallowing the flesh and blood and making crimson flow everywhere he went.

Seven to eight meters tall, his body gushed with scarlet internal energy, the light of countless swords flashing.

Li Feng operated fluidly, each blow inflicting damage or decapitating a person.

As he devoured life energy, his qi and blood replenished, his body's true qi increased instead of decreased, and he killed even more.

[Ding ~ Evolution Points 14/80.]

As time passed, dozens and hundreds of people had already been killed and devoured by Li Feng, and a street neighborhood was once again being slaughtered.

It didn't take more than half an hour and after that, he was on his way to the next block again, his heavy legs landing on the ground like a death knell ringing in the hearts of the crowd.

The palms of his hands turned over several times, and scarlet internal energy shot out, turning into countless sharp swords that clashed with a thud.

With a series of metallic scrapings, the long dragon made up of countless blades whizzed past and rushed into the residential area below.

One after another, the explosions rang out again, and cries of misery once more spread through the streets and alleys as countless human forms turned to blood and mist, their bodies exploding into shredded flesh.

Where the light of the sword burst forth, flesh and blood melted away like snowflakes in the blazing sun.

After the series of attacks, the ground was full of wreckage and corpses.

After devouring them all, he gained an additional ten Evolution Points and moved on to the next block.

Li Feng's real strength was his body, and with his height of seven to eight meters and his weight of over ten tons, he had tens of thousands of pounds of strength in a single punch.

Moreover, his speed, bouncing power, reflexes, and stamina were improving with every upgrade.

He could sprint 100 meters in two or three seconds, and he could jump more than ten times his height.

His stamina was enough to sustain his body for a whole day, even on long journeys.

Li Feng was also curious to try to use his inner strength, and after some tests, it turned out to be quite effective.

However, it was far from enough to be of any real use, at least not with his current power.

[Ding ~ Evolution Points 25/80.]

Li Feng moved on to the next block and began destroying houses and devouring people yet again.

Although it was convenient to use internal power, it wasn't very useful for Li Feng now, and it was far less effective than doing it himself.

Time passed quickly as Li Feng concentrated on his meal, and the city was soon in ruins.

250 power stones for an extra chapter !

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