
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

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35 Chs

Imperial Army Arrive! (1)

As the evolution began, Li Feng's body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, his bones cracked all over his body, and in the blink of an eye, his figure had grown to over eight meters tall.

Once again, his body became even stronger, and the injuries he had suffered before disappeared after the upgrade.

Name: Li Feng

Race; Ordinary Giant

Height: 8.7m

Skills: Green Blade Sword Technique, Cold Ice Palm, Dragon Claw Hand, Vajra Fist…

Internal Strength: 84 years

Equipment: Unlocked

Lifespan: 400 years

Evolution Points 30/90

When Li Feng opened the system panel, he saw that his height reached over eight meters high and that his internal strength had doubled, and even though it wasn't as terrifying an improvement as the last ten times, it was still very strong.

This is almost a hundred years of Kung Fu, and in the world of martial arts, it is already the domain of gods.

Except for young masters who imbued their inner strength with strength, or demons who practiced demonic kung fu to enhance their cultivation, nobody is at his level.

Li Feng's skills didn't even need to be practiced, every time he devoured a technique he had acquired, the system would learn it with a single click, no need to understand it and it was at hand.

Apart from that, what made Li Feng really powerful was his body, it was because of his strong physique that he could hold more internal energy than others.

A parcel of Li Feng's power could be half or even the entire power of someone else.

Li Feng didn't stay long, he moved once more, his clothes burst once more, and the helpless Li Feng could only find something to cover himself with again.

There were still hundreds of people in the county who had not escaped, in fact, a day had passed since Li Feng had entered the city and started killing.

Those who could have escaped did, and those who stayed - they were born here and did not want to leave - while others had mobility problems or were waiting for a chance.

Some of them live in remote areas where information is not as developed as in modern times, so they could not receive news for a while and stayed where they were.

There were also some who simply took advantage of the situation, and many were in such a hurry to escape that they were unable to take most of their belongings with them.

Their thoughts were simple, most people had already fled, instead, it became the safest place, the demons should chase them if they wanted to eat people.

But Li Feng's idea was also very simple: Capture those people first, then chase those who escaped.

Humans are herd animals and usually stay together, so it should be easier to find them.

Besides, there were so many big cities and pools, it was better to go anywhere than to catch people all over the mountain.

As soon as he said "go", Li Feng headed back to the places where people were hiding.

These people admired themselves for their intelligence, but the next thing they knew, they were found by Li Feng who caught and devoured them.

Some of the men were breaking into other people's houses, preparing to take things away, when a figure landed behind them.

They were grabbed as they screamed, put in Li Feng's mouth, chewed, and swallowed. Now exceeding eight meters, Li Feng's actions were in a manner that could no longer be described as cannibalistic.

He no longer looked human, so how could a monster-eating human be a cannibal?

"What's the way to get it off?"

Spitting out the clothes in his mouth, Li Feng thought about the gold and silver treasures littering the ground. After all, Li Feng is a normal person, who naturally likes money too.

[Ding ~ The host can put the accompanying elements in the system space, the primary system carries the planetary star space!]

A cold beep from the system sounded, interrupting Li Feng's thoughts, but then Li Feng got excited.

"System space? If there's such a thing, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Li Feng remembered that he had carried the iron bar on his shoulder, if he had known that there was such a thing, he wouldn't have had to suffer so much.

[Ding ~ The host has never asked such a question before.]

"Ah, this..." seems to be true, Li Feng really didn't ask about this aspect of the function, but also didn't dwell on it, who knows what other functions this system hides.

Getting to work, all the gold and silver treasures were plundered.

In the time that followed, Li Feng began to kill people and collect all the valuables on his body, the system has a space as large as a planet anyway.

However, it couldn't hold any living beings, only inanimate objects or dead people.

Li Feng still thought of packing humans in it and slowly eating them, creating a human farm in the process that would make him have less to work, but his wish was dashed.

Under Li Feng's hunting skills, no one could escape, they were killed and swallowed in a flash, or swallowed alive directly into his enormous bellies.

These are ordinary people, even martial arts masters would die upon meeting Li Feng, let alone ordinary civilians.

Some of them couldn't even react before they were pierced by the flying internal force and died a miserable death.

While Li Feng was slaughtering the townspeople, a large group of people arrived on the official road not far from the main town, heading towards where Li Feng was.

The troops were in ancient costumes, holding spears and marching in an orderly and neat manner.

The Qing court simply sent troops to suppress the incident after learning of it.

As there were hundreds of thousands of border guards, let alone the rest of the military, this amount of troops was really no big deal.

After a few hours of marching, at dawn, the city was already under siege.

However, when they arrived at the gates, they found the gates open and no guards outside.

"What's going on?" The general-in-chief was puzzled, for an officer who had led troops in war for years, this meant something.

If someone had really attacked the city and taken it, how could they have left the gates open instead of closing them to defend it?

Could this be a trap? He didn't dare relax, and the fact that he had opened the gates so wide meant that his opponent's forces were probably several times greater than his own.

He was even more afraid to advance when he thought about this, and he even thought about retreating.

However, as a seasoned general, he was not easily intimidated by appearances and immediately sent a squad of a dozen men into the city to test it.

In his mind, even if the other side set up an ambush, it would only cost a dozen soldiers.

A quarter of an hour passed and no movement was heard, two-quarters of an hour passed, and still no movement.

On top of that, not a single man had returned, so his already restless heart stirred again.

"You, you, take someone to meet them!" In desperation, the general sent another squad of about thirty men to meet them.

But this time, the result is the same: the men who had left never returned.

"Go, go again!" The general, furious, sent another squad of 100 men into the city and waited.

Again, several quarters of an hour passed, but there was still no movement, and the general gradually realized that something was wrong.

Even if there was an ambush inside, there would at least be some noise.

Now it was dead silent as if no matter how many men were sent, there would be no returning party.

"You, lead half the troops into the city, I'll meet them outside!" The general then ordered his second in command!

"My lord, I think there's something fishy going on in there, why don't you wait and see?" The adjutant general, however, looked very displeased with the situation and was quick to persuade.

"If we can't take a small county today, then we're the worse off! Military orders are irrefutable, those who disobey are beheaded!" said the general in a serious tone, without the slightest room for negotiation between his words.

"Yes, my subordinates obey!" The deputy general clenched his fist and stepped back, then counted his troops and charged towards the city gates.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!" Thousands of men shouted in unison, their voices echoing like thunder, unlike the previous attacks on the city, this time they were charging straight in, heading straight for the gates.