
The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World

Li Feng gets the chance that many would envy: to embark on the path of transcendence, to become a superior being, to become a giant! He will embrace this chance and will not hesitate to do any evil to become stronger and achieve eternity. Known as the Butcher of Worlds, he consumes and kills men, women, and children. A bottom line? Morality? Love? Friendship? Compared to the prospect of eternal life, all things are worthless. Li Feng has only one desire, and he will realize it no matter the cost, even if it means surrendering his humanity to achieve it. PS: If you dislike dark books, skip this novel. Finally, there is no form of love, which means no female protagonist or even mistresses or friends/companions. He doesn't need others to share his glory. Join this discord : discord.gg/rawnovelcommunity (If you want to have the first updates and find plenty of dark novels)

Aions · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Factory Rampage

Before the crowd of workers came, Li Feng had grabbed an employee who was on break and ate her whole for a quick snack.

He only knew that she was a beautiful woman. Still, he eats her without hesitation, quick and easy for her not to suffer.

"You are… Li Feng!" Someone shouted out, recognizing the monster in front of him. Even though Li Feng's height now reached more than three meters, his actual appearance wasn't very different.

"Li Feng…? What happened to you...?" The manager, Zhang Wei, blurted and just gazed at his monster-like appearance with a stunned expression.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei froze in fear after asking his question, and Li Feng noticed this, too, which he took advantage of.. In a quick flash, his large hand lifted Zhang Wei by the waist and threw him inside his mouth.

The chewing sounds resounded in the empty factory building.


The crowd scattered and ran around in fear like a flock of sheep.

Even if they see dead people in movies, they were not prepared to see it in real life.

Some people could not escape, limping in fear at the sight of this sickly monster..Li Feng was thankful that his food would save him some trouble.

And treat them as the food he did.

Yet for those who attempted to escape, when they found that there was no way out, they despaired even further. Being tortured with fear is even more painful than being killed directly.

A good thing for them is that inside the factory, there were various instruments and equipment that could be used for survival.

One by one, terrified, they fled and hid behind and below everything they could, praying for their safety.

Some unlucky fellows didn't have the chance to hide, but no one bothered to save them. Morality and ethics were meaningless and discarded in the face of death.

In their view, one more person eaten will be one more meal for Li Feng. After eating a few people, they had hoped the monster would feel full and not want to eat them.

Li Feng carried on the feast.

At this point, the exposed ones had long been paralyzed with fear.

Li Feng's strength has reached a point where grabbing people is as simple as holding a chicken, so it's unlikely that any resistance would matter.

"Let me go! I beg you! I even invited you to dinner!" The man who Li Feng grabbed cried and prayed for mercy, yet Li Feng turned a deaf ear.

With his big mouth full of sharp teeth, he chewed on the man.

One after another, these people will die.

"Little Li! Please, let me go!" The next victim also shed tears and pleaded to Li Feng, who looked at him with the same indifference, as if he was facing a small snack rather than a human being.

These people used to spend time with Li Feng: eating together, working together, teaching him, and taking care of him in every aspect.

Zhang Wei's mother even wanted to introduce her daughter to Li Feng.

That was the former Li Feng: introverted, not good at socializing, and even if he was bullied, he simply stammered and apologized.

But after awakening the system, he became a new being, and the past didn't matter.

[Ding ~ Evolution Point 40/40]

[Ding ~ Evolution condition has been reached: evolve?]

"Whew! Finally, it can be upgraded."

"Open the system panel!" Li Feng couldn't wait to check up on the system attributes.

Name: Li Feng

Race: Ordinary Giant

Height: 3.7 meters

Skills: None

Life expectancy: 150 years

Evolution Points: 40/40

"Start evolving!"

The familiar sensation once again assaulted his whole body, cracking his bones and stretching his muscles..

With these improvements, Li Feng can easily crush steel. Ordinary metal weapons cannot affect him; only modern weaponry can cause damage.

In addition to his physique and strength, Li Feng's speed increased significantly, capable of running 100 meters in five seconds.

Name: Li Feng

Race: Ordinary Giant

Height: 4.7 meters

Skills: None

Lifespan: 200 years

Evolution Points: 0/50

Li Feng opened the system panel and saw that his height was 4.7 meters. Also, this skill column remained unchanged, and his life expectancy doubled.

As for the Evolution, the Point requirement rose to fifty, meaning that more meat is needed for his evolution. It is difficult to get such a large number of humans within a short time.

As the outside world had been alerted, Li Feng guessed that it would not take long for them to check here, and at that time, he would either fight to the death with them or wretchedly continue to flee.

"Even though I am a giant, I am like a rat in the street, needing to hide away."

Li Feng sighed helplessly, but it is an unavoidable truth. Now, with his strength, if he faced an army head-on, he would be blown to smithereens before being able to blink.

Pondering this, Li Feng continued the hunt.

The person hiding under the equipment shook from the tremors, soiling himself in fear.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" Li Feng roared, the noise resounding through the factory.

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