

The birds chirped and sang. It was a beautiful morning. The little sun rays peeped into the little space through Nichole's curtains, she turned over facing the window and her eyes slowly opened.

"Ah," she softly sighed while covering her eyes with the back of her hand because of the sun. "Blinding fucking lights" she murmured and laid in her back. Her eyes fluttered Abit, trying hard to open and she trying to organize her thoughts."Today, 30th march 2022" she recited with her eyes slightly opened. She was a sleep addict alright.

"A Wednesday. A day of ..." Her sentence cut shortly as she tried to decipher the image leaning on her wall. Slowly her eyes opened fully. Her eyes recognized the person __ well, not entirely.

"Those eyes..." she trailed off. starring and then giggling.

"Marcus eyes" she smiled childishly.

Marcus Lin was an anime cast. Nichole was a freak in anime world. she leaned back on her bed with closed eyes, sighing out.

"oh! Marcus" she considered Anime characters as the most perfect faces and characters. she preferred them to human beings.

The person, unknown and leaning on her wall smirked in a pissed off way. He had been standing and watching her sleep talk for more than 3 hrs and damn, she still wants more sleep.

"Hey!" he called out. His voice already giving the annoyed sound.

Nichole's eyes opened, wait a sec. That wasn't her imagination, right? and neither was it Marcus Lin's voice either, she wasn't even dreaming. so, the only explanation was___


she realized what he meant. she jerked up immediately. Looking a bit tough.

"you're are dead, aren't you"

"why else would I walk through a door into your room"the man replied

Nichole opened her mouth to speak but paused her eyes drinking the appearance of the young man.

He looked like a really fucking anime character. He looked so—real. Sculpted and made like a god. Her lips fell into two,it hung open.

"You need to get up and attend to me,yes?"he arched a brow and corked his head looking at her as if she was delusional.

"oh, yeah"she quickly jumped down.Tying up her brunette hair in a messy pony tail.

"I almost forgot!"Nichole almost screamed and began moving up and down tripping and falling at the same time. She was quite clumsy,the man noticed.She ran into her bathroom.

She twirled and picked up a toothpaste, grabbing her toothbrush and brushed her teeth.She washed her face and sighed.The young man waited a bit more — patiently.She walked out of the bathroom in a rush to her wardrobe picking clothes.The man got confused.'I didn't wake her up to be snubbed 'he mused.

"ur, excuse me"he called but Nichole's mind was on her tight schedule.

She fucked up, alright!

She stayed up late yesterday 's night watching a new anime.The male lead was her new crush so she couldn't ignore the show.

"No, No....Not this. Not this either,"Nah—"she continued to go through her clothes.

"Yes!" She exclaimed with bright eyes ."A brown flay gown would match the sunny atmosphere.

"Gosh! I'm almost late"She said as she dropped the dress on her bed and grabbed her robe totally forgetting the quiet man in her room.

He frowned, That was it!

"Hey!!" He yelled and finally got the clumsy girls attention.

She turned with wide eyes, "oh,I totally forgot you were here,"she sighed.

"Well,I don't work on workday's because I've got work but here—"

She ran to her bedside drawer, bringing out a card and handing it over to him.

"That's my place Only opened to you on weekends"

"But—" He looked up in frustration and urgency.

"I'm so sorry " She said retreating her steps into the bathroom.

"I can't deal with this right now, I'm gonna be super late" With that, She vanished into the bathroom.Leaving the young man, baffled and lost.

He slowly looked at the bluish card in his hand and silently reading the details...

Nichole's in and out.....(peace location).....

Open to all dead folks on weekends.....

From 8pm till midmorning...

Her number was there with a smiley face of course that was a joke. Ghosts couldn't feel anything,apart from when it is given to them from the seer. Which is, apparently —Nichole.

He looked up and sighed.

He had died on Sunday. For three days,he was looking for her and now. This.

He looked at her bathrobe door, hearing her singing and the sound of the shower. 'What a cheerful and clumsy girl ' He thought to himself before poof ! He was gone into thin air.

Nichole was dressed up quickly. She ran downstairs with her hair still packed in a ponytail but this time,a neat one.

"Good morning, Grandma" She said excitedly as she poked the old woman who sat in their little dining reading newspaper.

"You watched your stuff last right?" Grandma,Pamela asked.

Nichole sat opposite her, having a quick bite of her bread toast as she nodded.Grandma just gave a sigh and then smiled, She turned her face to a particular door in that room.

"Hey, Jason ! You're gonna run late!".

Nichole's brows furrowed. " His not gone yet? She asked while chewing. "I guess he was tired after yesterday"said Grandma.

"Nichole stood and swallowed her tea in one go, She walked to Jason's door and locked on it .

"Hey, Jason. Get going already —" She was still saying when the door was pulled opened and Jason walked out and passed her without a word.

He walked to the door and left.


Grandma Pamella sighed.

" Nichole —" She called softly.

Nichole slowly looked at her and faked a smile. "It's okay, Grandma, I'm off now" She said immediately and walked through the door that lead to the stairs down to the family coffee shops.

"Good morning ma'am" Luka,a teenage girl greeted With a cup of coffee in her hand.

Nichole smiled. "You should go to school Luka,do your part time after school".

"Yeah,I know. I just came to grab a coffee " She said and looked around slightly", "And go with Jason? Where is he?"

Nichole arched a brow slightly " He's out. You didn't see him go through?"

Luka nodded,"oh.... Thank you though".

Nichole nodded and left.

Next chapter