
CHAPTER 6: Choices

"Miss Chole Davis?"

It was immediately the five count was done. Nichole turned only to meet the secretary starring at her.

"Is it my turn yet?"

"No. But please come with me"

Nichole held onto her handbag and followed. The secretary seemed to fixing some files into a brown envelope, and they looked like hers _Her brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry but we can't interview you"

"What?" Nichole let out a shaky breath. "Wait. what do you mean?"

"Our new operators for the interviews has changed, you didn't finish college, I'm afraid."

Nichole felt a large lump in her throat, she struggled to find the right words to speak.

"But when I applied for this job, I was told that college didn't actually matter."

"That changed when our boss.."

"But I'm–" Nichole sighed softly, "I got an email"

"It must have been a mistake" The secretary said. "I'm truly sorry, miss"

The intercom in her desk suddenly made sounds, "Next number, Mona"

Mona, the secretary quickly moved towards the seated people waiting to be interviewed, "Number seven, please move into the interviewing room"

Number seven, a young man scrambled with his files as he went in, Mona accompanying him.

Tears were something Nichole wanted to feel now but she didn't just _ have the strength.

"I told you so," She heard his voice. She only sighed and walked to the elevator with her files in her hands.

"Did you really want this job?" Sebastian asked after watching her with an intense gaze.

"Why are you asking?" She answered back.

"You didn't beg her, and..." He walked to her front making her halt.

"You are not crying?" He said starring at her face, clearly sad but still had a lack of emotions.

She gave a smile- a fake smile.

"I'm not that weak, Sebastian."

Sebastian stayed quiet abit before sighing and looking at her, "I'm going to ask you something, you need to answer if you want your day to end well"

Nichole looked at him, her eyes narrowing.

"Do you.. want this job?"

Nichole just felt like ignoring him-

"Don't try to ignore me dear, I can make that job come to you"

"You're dead man, How?"

He smiled. "Just say the word"

Was he kidding her? Was he actually fucking Kidding her!

She sighed, her hand through her hair.

"Do you want this job?"

"I don't"

Sebastian turned confused. "What?"

"I don't just want this job, I need it. it's the only way I can make Jason read college and not drop out like me"

He smiled softly.

She sighed and took her remaining steps to the elevator-

"Chole." He called and stopped again, he could hear her give out a frustrated sigh.

"Give me five seconds"

Nichole got confused, she turned.

"For what_?"

4..... 3


"Miss Davis!" Someone yelled from behind Sebastian. Nichole's eyes widened_ It was Mona.

Mona ran towards her, "There's been an exception for you"

"What?" Nichole looked from Sebastian to Mona and again.

"You can be interviewed. please come-" Mona said, taking her hand and leading her to the interviewing room.

"I told you so" His lingered in her mind making her smile softly.

.......And after some long awaiting minutes, she was out. Smiling like she won the lottery.

It was what she entered the elevator, alone like the first time.

"You're smiling like a wired cat"

"I believe, I will be called"

He smiled. "All thanks to me right"

She was quiet and then she suddenly laughed. He arched an elegant brow at her, she glanced at him.

"When I was about entering the interviewing room, I suddenly heard your voice in my mind. I guess those words carry audacity"

He looked at her meaningfully, " I really said something, Chole."

"What-" She looked at her him, her smile pausing Abit.

"I really said, I told you so, again"

"But I heard it in my mind" She said softly.

"I also said it in my mind" He retorted as he leaned on the elevator walls. "It was in my heart I made that statement"

Nichole was abit flustered.

Alright, this was wired- too wired.

"Do you have some sort of magic or something?"

"No. I only see ghosts"

He nodded slowly and breathed out, " I must've said it out then, don't worry"

She shook her head as she smiled softly,"You really have a way to surprise people"

"Really now?" He looked at her as his upper lip tugged upwards. "See, that's what you get from trusting me"

"I didn't trust you"She murmured and slightly looked at him and then away.

They remained quiet as he joined her in a taxi and then, was walking her home.

" So, I believe.."She turned to face him, standing right Infront of her cafe.

"You helped me today, so that I can do the same for you"

"Is that what you think?" He asked a brow up.

She nodded Abit and He grinned like a king.

"I wouldn't be a human if I didn't expect something in return,"

"Right."Nichole agreed. "So, tell me- What's your deal?"

He gave her a very warm smile, yet beneath it you could feel the danger of it ."My deal, my deal, my deal..." He sang and hummed.

"My deal remains the reason I looked for you -"

"Resurrection?" She asked with sarcasm in her voice.

He was clearly not getting tired.

"What am I, Jesus?"

"Oh, you know the guy?"

"My grandma reads books about him" She shrugged.

Sebastian laughed, filling Nichole's ears with harmony.

" I won't bother you anymore" He said shocking her. She arched a brow.

"All of a sudden? Changes in thoughts? Decided to find peace?"

"No" He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go for a little trip"

"Tch" She chuckled and put her hand through her hair. Sebastian was lost for second, her geniue laugh was .....

'Could this guy get more funnier?' Nichole thought.

"Don't worry, I won't take long. You won't miss me too much"

Nichole smirked. "Miss you? Talk about nuisance."

"You're just bluffing"

"Am I?" She smiled and shook her head. "Whatever trip you're going for? Stay away from rogue ghosts"

"Oh, those guys" Seb clicked his tongue.

Nichole's brows furrowed, "you know them?"

"Met a few, Tried to disable me"

Nichole laughed softly, "Trust me, That's not all they'd planned to do to you"

Sebastian smiled. "When I return, you'll definitely consider my offer"

"It's too sad to see such a high self esteem in a dead guy, talents wasted"

"This guy won't be dead for long" Sebastian said and scoffed, " Doubting me, are you?"

She looked up to him -

He nodded, "I'll leave you to see it for yourself"

"And I'll be the judge of that"

"You will be" He said and ... disappeared.

Nichole felt her heart calm down. This guy..... he was a strange one. She could feel her self loosing her choices.

Damn Sebastian. That handsome psycho.