
CHAPTER 5 : His Wanted Yet Unwanted Help.

She turned to him.

Okay, that's it!

If the world liked, let all the cameras be upon her, she didn't give a damn.

"is that your plan? To make me abandon my life and just follow you to wherever hell you take me?"

"Comon, Chole. What's with your attitude"

"You Mr! You are. Can't you just leave me alone?"

"The name's Sebastian, and no. Till I get what I want "

She scoffed. "You act so unreasonably"

"Like the smart man I am." He smiled.

"No. Like a child" She said and looked at the elevator doors that were opening.

"I'm here to get a job. Don't ruin it" She warned and left.

He smirked. "Oh dear. It's far from that"

As number five one the list of the interview, she sat beside number four. Nichole noticed a couple of males were also there for the interview. Well, it wasn't only females that could be jobless.

She heard someone sigh and beside her, "Hey" The lady whispered and she turned to her,

"I'm Mara" She smiled.


Mara smiled softly, "I'm abit worried, what about you?"

"Worried?" Nichole gave her ears, "About what?"

Mara sighed again. "I heard that the new boss has already fired more than fifteen people, less than a week"

Nichole frowned slightly, she didn't quite understand the storyline of Mara.

"Strict" Nichole murmured and then looked at Mara, "Why would the new boss do that?" she arched a brow.

"No one knows" Mara shrugged.

"It's to remove my allies"

Nichole slowly looked forward, Sebastian was standing infront of her looking at her, She ignored him. She sighed and looked back at Mara who of course could not see Seb.

Then a click went to Nichole's mind, why did Sebastian say "His allies?" She looked back at Mara and nudged her softly, "Hey, Mara?"

Mara looked at her_

"Urm, Sorry but I'm kind of confused. What's the name of-"

"Number four, please move into interviewing room"

All heads turned and watched number four go in,

Nichole's heart panicked softly_ Her turn was next and she needed to get her mind to her business.

"You were saying..?" Mara asked.

Nichole looked at her and faked a smile, " –Dont mind me" She stood and left to the ladies. She did her business and moved to the sink, washing her hands."

"You really are nonchalant"

Nichole looked at the mirror Infront of her, seeing Sebastian right through it.

"I thought I gave a warning." She asked as she placed her hands on the hand sink.

"Those kind of threats don't actually work me, unfortunately"

Nichole sighed, eyes closed. How did she even get involved with this man? And how was she going to get rid of this psycho?

"Do you really want me angry?"

Sebastian brow slightly curved up her statement, "Anger huh?" There was a tingling feeling in his voice.

"Nah, so how about wrath" He whispered close to her ear with a sexy grin.

" I can make you feel wrath darling– my wrath"

Nichole starred at him through the mirror, she rolled her and walked out of the toilet, Seb on her heels, following and she totally ignoring him.

"You know, You should really observe your surroundings"

He said close to her ears again, she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Why should I?" she asked.

"Because you end up losing some certain point"

Nichole stopped in her tracks and turned to him, her eyes wild with realization.

"When did you arrive at the ladies?"

"Oh." Sebastian smiled.

The bastard smiled.

"I didn't just arrive," He shrugged. " I followed you there"

"You what?!" Nichole almost yelped but sighed to calm down her emotions. " You did what?" She asked again.

"Don't worry darling, I was only in till I saw you light blue underwear.

Nichole frowned. "Fuck you!"

"Well now," He chuckled softly. " We can't do that here on this hallway, how about your little comfort room?"

Nichole scoffed and sighed.

"Again Sebastian, Don't provoke me" She said taking a step forward.

" G corporations."

She halted and let him come closer,Abit as if any one would hear him speak.

"Just how much less concerned are you not to realize that this is my company?"

"Your what?" She rolled her tongue with a brow up.

"My company" He repeated. He took a step closer, "G corporations is a short for my surname, Gollians."

Nichole felt her insides freeze, her face paled.

"Well now, Rings a bell doesn't it"

Nichole sighed breathlessly, "So what?" She asked and Sebastian gave a puzzled look.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

" Why? I'm I supposed to be bothered?" She asked.

Sebastian starred at her. He couldn't just understand her. She was really a special specie of women.

" Well, let me burst your bubble, you're a dead guy, this world and entire earth doesn't need your interference. Not anymore." She finished and walked away.

Sebastian scoffed, he couldn't believe it, believe her! When he was alive, he was never a girl scout neither a talkative but now, because of this unusual sequence, his life changed. Even the way a girl sees him. No! Maybe only this girl, others should still be dying for him. But at least she should give him attention..!

And. God! She was mean!

But then, still, he followed her.

"Number six. please move into the interviewing room"

Nichole's eyes widened slightly as she walked over to the lady who called for number six.


Nichole's lips quivered slowly, "I'm sorry. I'm number five, I just went to the ladies."

The lady sighed. "After number six then. And please, don't go anywhere else."

Nichole nodded and sighed, "Thank you"

The secretary went to her table,

"I give you five seconds to be shocked"

Nichole didn't need to turn, she knew it was Sebastian. This man just didn't know when to give up.

"And why will I be-?" She whispered.

"5, 4- " He counted softly.


2- Nichole's mind seemed to count along with Seb.


"Miss Nichole Davis?"

Nichole turned only to meet the secretary starring at her. Her heart started to beat faster, she didn't know what to expect from the lady after what Sebastian had told her.

'What's the worst that can happen, Nichole. Calm down' Her head sang but her heart wasn't listening.