
Chapter 2 Nichole Davis Nichole is a 22 years old graduate, unemployed but takes care of their fa

Nichole is a 22 years old graduate, unemployed but takes good care of their family coffee shop which was in the same building as their house. The coffee shop downstairs and their house upstairs.

Her father? She didn't know him. Her mum? Died 8 years ago. The death of her mother was the beginning of her misery, well not just her but her brother as well. Jason, a final year student in high school stopped associating with people the moment their mom died.

Nichole on the other hand went through her own misery and curse,being a seer.It wasn't something to be proud of (seeing ghosts),she considered it a curse.

Since her mom died, the ghost were now onto her and there was no way to ignore them because it was their only way to peace. She couldn't be that selfish.

Nichole sighed as she came down from the taxi,her eyes admiring the beautiful giant building in front of her.She smiled, "I have to get this job no matter what".She said to her self.

The coffee shop was no longer giving profits like before.

She took a step forward and paused, her eyes narrowing through the environment around her.

The busy express way, the men and women in casual wears, and office wears, the pedestrians, but one thing caught her eye— He was standing across the busy road starring right at her. When their eyes met, she quickly looked up —

" I don't think it's going to rain today"

She bluffed and then turned to go into the building.

He watched her leave and then he smirked. He knew she could see him, it was obvious, so why then was she pretending not to? He gave a side smirk and disappeared.

He appeared in a beautiful mansion, for sure it belonged to someone wealthy. He took a step and like flash he was in the sitting room, his eyes narrowed to every corner. To him the house looked different.

A glass fell and broke making him turn_

"let me go!" a woman yelled while struggling and crying

"let me be! let go of me!" she yelled.

"mam, please." The two maids who held her pleaded.

she had a piece of the broken glass in her hand, against her throat.

"If you let me go, I can join him. I can join my baby, he's lonely and needs me, leave me alone" She cried in a pitiful way. one of the maids holding her looked to the younger maid.

"Call Mr. Francis" the younger maid nodded and left.

The sight broke the heart of the young man which no one could see. That was his mother, he could see that she was going through a lot.

"Sister! Sister! " The so called Mr Francis approached the woman on the floor, her hands were slightly bleeding.

The woman sobbed harder. "Francis bring him back, bring my son back please"

Francis pulled the piece of the broken glass from her hand and gave it to the maids.

"clear this place" he said and led his sister out of the room as she sobbed while hitting his chest. He took her upstairs with the head maid, Ceilo following.

The young invisible man looked at the pieces of glass the maids were packing and the blood spilled on the floor.

It cannot be

It can't happen

"But_" A maid said and he turned to listen__

"I heard they refused to take the body to the mortuary"

" That is not a problem, afterall they have the money to take care of a dead body for as long as they desire" the other maid replied.

"But don't you think it's insane and saddening, she keeps checking on him like she's expecting him to suddenly wake up"the first maid said

"she's going through a lot" The other maid added.

The invisible man sighed and walked to. stairs, appearing in his mother's room. She was quiet now. Sitting with her legs to her chest and tears still flowing. Francis stood with his hands in akimbo, "Please take care of my sister" Hele said to Ceilo.

"I don't want this to repeat itself".

Ceilo's head was down and her hands in front,she nodded

"I'm so sorry sir".

Francis sighed and looked at his pitiful sister.


He called but got snubbed.


he took a step closer, she slowly took a glance at him.

"I'm sorry" he said and she looked away.

"You have to stop this now. I have to pick a date and you are not helping matters we need to....." he paused and sat on the side of the bed beside her.

"Set a date for the burial"

She finally looked at him.

"I'm going to tell the hospital to stop their efforts"

The sobbing woman sprang to a kneeling position on the bed, crying already.

"No! Francis.. No!" She pleaded with her two hands pulling his sleeve.

"please, no! Francis" she cried "please..."

Francis drew her closer slowly and hugged her,but she kept on crying. "Please, brother" she sobbed and slowly stopped.

The invisible man standing had a confused look on his face, he came close and closer. Slowly, he saw Francis remove a syringe from his mother's arm. He had injected her whilst hugging her. Francis laid her down on the bed and wiped her tears.

"When she wakes, make sure she takes the pain killer and then food".

He stood and straightened his suit, his eyes went to his wrist watch, "I don't want to be late..." he said and looked at Ceilo. "By 12 o'clock you check on her". Ceilo nodded "yes Sir".

Francis glanced at his sister one more time and left.

The invisible young man sighed, he had to meet with the seer to stop Francis plan.