

Xu Feng was done with secrecy and hiding his true self. It had become clear that his attempts at blending in and maintaining a low profile were not working, especially when he couldn't even visit Yilin Town without an entourage of people.


Taking a deep breath, he decided it was time to burst the bubble of misunderstanding and reveal his true relationships. He turned to Xuan Jian, seeking confirmation, and gently rubbed Xuan Yang's hand, silently asking for permission to continue. Xuan Yang's hand clutched his own firmly but gently, radiating warmth and assurance.


With his other hand, Xu Feng hesitated momentarily about making such a public display of affection. However, Xuan Jian preemptively reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers and locking eyes with Xu Feng, silently conveying his acceptance of any role as long as it meant they could be open about their relationship.


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