
What was going on

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Luo's vision was giant as he intended to run a recreational farmhouse, he wanted to restructure the farmland of a thousand acres entirely, besides setting up some recreational programs, he still needs to build a basketball court, badminton court, pool, hotel...it would be a complete makeover to the farm.

Of course, this farmhouse still required Xiao Zhiyuan, his father to manage, as Xiao Luo did not want to be tied down by such fixed assets. He would take charge of investment and envision, but Xiao Zhiyuan would lead the rebuilding, operating and advertising in the long run.

Xiao Zhiyuan took out a notebook humbly and recorded every Xiao Luo's vision, as it was far superior to his current model. The profit derivation was shifted to service-based, rather than the original livestock product-based.