
The strongest move

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Saiki moved with extreme speed, appearing behind King of Swords in a flash.

But the King of Swords was no slouch, and he reacted swiftly. A myriad of petal-like thin blades came together, forming a defensive barrier behind him to block Saiki's attack.

"It is useless. My quantum weapon is invincible. There is nothing it cannot pierce through!"

Saiki had a sinister smirk on his face. He continued to drive his quantum long blade through the King of Sword's defensive wall of blades. The long blade easily penetrated the barrier and plunged into King of Swords' back.


As the long golden blade pierced through his back and exited his chest, blood gushed from his wound.

King of Swords tried to suppress the pain. As beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, he involuntarily let out a painful grunt.

"Air Energy Cannon. Level 5!"