
Roller Skating Rinks

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Li witnessed the entire scene, but she could not tell if something was wrong. One moment the man at the front row was boisterous and distracting, and the next, the man had suddenly quietened down and become as quiet as a corpse. How did that happen?

Xiao Luo seemed to have just casually touched the back of his seat, and she could not figure out what was so special about his action, but it worked!

Su Xiaobei snickered and chuckled a lot during the movie's funny segments, but she remained pretty quiet most of the time. So, in essence, she had kept her promise and behaved very considerately.

When the movie ended, it was already 10:30 pm.

The little girl was still very excited and full of energy, so Su Li decided to check out the site map for places of interest in Huijin Tower. "Oh, let's go skating; we'll book the entire rink!" she said.

She spoke directly to Xiao Luo and meant for him to book the entire rink.