
Returning A Favor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Amid the devastation in the kendo gym, a storm was brewing. Xiao Luo's fringe was tossing lightly as the two master swordsmen confronted each other, and the space that separated them was thick with a deathly chill.

"I do not wish to fight you, stop!"

Xiao Luo spoke to Asou Yanagi in Japanese. Although he did not have a reasonable opinion of the man, he respected his courage and did not want to cause more bloodshed for any better good reason.

"Why didn't you think of stopping before you cut off my daughter's arm?" Asou Yanagi bellowed.

Calmly, Xiao Luo replied, "She's crossed the line."

"Bakayarou, I don't care about your limit! I will take your life for what you've done to my daughter, and this kendo gym shall be your graveyard!"

Asou Yanagi was still enraged, but he was panting heavily as he roared, "First Form: God Slayer!!!"