
Put me down

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Fire Palm!"

Yang Yuanzhong broke the wall and burst out to the hall with tenacity, sending bricks and stones flying in all directions and stirring up a cloud of sand and dust. Badly wounded and drenched in blood, he looked even more terrifying as his face was twisted in wrath, and his bloodshot eyes bulged in rage. He glared at Xiao Luo with murderous intent as if hurling a hail of cold blades to strike at Xiao Luo along with his Fire Palm.


Xiao Luo sneered as he teleported away in a blink, pausing for a fleeting moment, and before Yang Yuanzhong could react, he was already behind him, ready to strike again.

Watching from the corner of the hall, Su Li was terrified as she could not keep up with Xiao Luo's spectral speed as he seemed to move like a spirit that could teleport through space and time. Although his movements appeared slow, yet he could move from point to point within a split second—he was not bound by the law of physics.