

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xiao Luo exchanged the tokens into money and deposited them into his bank account again. Of course, he had returned the money he borrowed from Su Li and Shen Qingyan. They did not want a single cent for interest, so his trip to the resort hotel had put an additional three hundred million into his bank account.

"Mr. Leon, I appreciate your incomparable hospitality. On top of the sumptuous banquet, you even presented me with three hundred million, and that really made me felt embarrassed." After leaving the casino, Xiao Luo patted on Leon's shoulder and smiled at him.

Leon winced. F*ck, just give me back the money if you are really that embarrassed, he thought!

No words could fully describe Leon's anger and frustration, and had Su Li been not here, he would definitely have ordered his subordinates to beat the hell out of Xiao Luo.