
Depends on Mood

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Everyone in the sales department was distraught, and they all stood up and looked over at the door. Xiao Luo had truly kept to his word and had already broken the vice president's hand. If that was the case, does that mean that the group leader, Mr. Xu, will be facing the same fate?

Guan Tong couldn't remember feeling this way about Xiao Luo before, as he was never a cruel person in school. The truth was, back then, he actually did not have a deep impression of Xiao Luo, and all he knew was that this person existed in his class, and they were merely acquaintances. Nobody would have expected Xiao Luo to become such an aggressive and high-handed person after graduation, which was really frightening.

"Mr. Xu, where are you rushing off to? Are you going to the hospital to get treated?"

With an evil smirk on his face, Xiao Luo glared ominously at Xu Le, who was kneeling on the floor and shaking.
