

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Is Xiao Luo going for the same bluff again? This guy really has the guts!

Su Li and Shen Qingyan glanced anxiously at Xiao Luo. He was lucky enough to fool Leon in the previous round, but wasn't he just kidding himself if he tried it again? Leon was not that dumb and would undoubtedly not fall for the same trick twice.

"I have an Ace and a pair of Sevens. For you to beat me, your face down card has to be an Eight," Leon said.

Then he eyed Xiao Luo confidently as he flipped his face down card over and shouted, "Show me your card! I refuse to believe that you have an eight!"

Xiao Luo shook his head and responded, "Mr. Leon, the odds of the final Eight being in my possession might be very low, but it doesn't mean that it's entirely impossible."

After saying that, he slowly turned over the face down card that he had.

And, there it was—he actually had an Eight of Clubs!