
The Genius Slime Tamer (SLIME?)

Well-child prodigy dies. Gets a system..... Follow his journey to being the strongest being alive. With his followers and his Right-hand Slime? ------------------------------- Have you ever experienced death? How about death trying to save a bunch of people you don't care about? Just because you are smarter and more talented they try to friend you is that right? Then don't help you in the face of death. Just wanted you for your money... ------------------------------- I found this picture online because it matched the description of our protagonist. If this art belongs to you then message me on discord and we can discuss it in private about it.

Dark_SnowMan · Fantasy
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32 Chs

What's your class

Oh really? I looked at the item's description.

"WHATTT!" I said in shock.

The item that Yuko has gotten from the Slime Knight was a necklace. The necklace had a small gem inside it that was so blue and the oceans I used to stare at when I was little. But the Necklace wasn't the part that caught me by surprise. The Necklace Description was the thing that caught me off guard.


<ITEM: The slime core necklace>

Description- This necklace was a gift from the Slime king to a Novic Slime Knight who he had admired. Now the Slime knight's soul is in the gem located in the necklace gem. Giving power to the user...

-Item effects: When worn the user will be given 5 points to all stats and has two ability's that can be used

-Ability 1: [Harvesting] if the user can harvest 1,000 souls the user can level up one skill.

-Ability 2: [?????] Need The Slime core Ring to unlock the Ability.

I was so surprised that this Item can collect souls and use them to level up skills. And that there is a Slime king and that the king would give this important to A NOICE SLIME KNIGHT. "I fought a Noice Slime knight and almost dead. WTF HOW STRONG ARE THE OTHER SLIMES?" I said surprised and curious about the Slime kingdom.

I looked at Yuko and asked, "Did you come from the Slime kingdom Yuko?" But all she did was sit in my arms looking at me in confusion. "I guess that's a no then.." I said disappointed and slightly sad that I wouldn't be able to clear the Slime Kingdom.

"Okay Yuko I have a question for you, and it's about your class" She looked at me in more confusion. How do I explain to a slime about classes if she has never fought before I came along?

Life is sooo hard. I said in my head with a whiny expression while Yuko just stared intensely at me. As if I was crazy! IM NOT CRAZY

"Okay listen here Yuko, I will explain to you what classes are and how important they are for your future classes. Then I will tell you the classes you have unlocked and then you will Jump for the class you want. Alright?" She just nodded her whole body in agreement as she understood it.

I wonder if Yuko will ever be able to talk?

"Okay first off a person class is a profession commonly used to differentiate the abilities, A class aggregates several abilities and aptitudes, and may also say someone's social standing," I said to Yuko to see if she understood. She looks as if she understood so I keep going. "So if you choose a class it might determine what you will be in the future so choose wisely," I say this part with a serious tone to make sure she gets it.

"Your classes right now that you have unlocked are the classes Fighter, Tanker, and Brawler. Your Fighter class focuses on your Health and your Vitality so you can't take so much damage while not being affected. Then your Tanker Class focuses Souly on your Vitality and makes you like my shield for where you can protect me while I attack the opponent. Lastly, your Brawler Class makes it to where you don't have to worry about your opponent's attacks and just charge in with your skills and spells. This class focuses on your Vitality and Mana," I said all this waiting for Yuko to make some sort of understanding that she understood everything I had told her.

"So Yuko what would it be, What's your class. Will it be the Bra....." Before I finish my word she jumped on me signaling that she wanted that one. "As I thought you would choose that one, Okay your wish is my command"

I looked into the system and clicked the brawler class for Yuko.


*Pet Class Updated

*User and the User's Pet stats have increased by 5 points

I didn't know I would get the 5 points from her class. "How interesting" I whisper to myself about it in curiosity thinking about the future.

"Let's look at how strong we have gotten Yuko."


<Race: Human: 50%, ?????: 50%>

<Name: Satoru>

<Family Name: Mikami>

<Race: Human>

<Gender: Male>

<Class: Tamer 1>

<Level 9>

<425/750 exp>

<HP 20/23>

<Strength: 25>

<Mana: 13>

<Agility: 31>

<Stamina: 24>

<Vitality: 21>

Free attribute point(s): 13

Attributes: None



-Increases the User's speed by 10% for 10 minutes. <Cooldown 1 hour>


That's weird I never had a race tab before? And why I'm I only 50% human? What's the other 50%?

All these questions popped in my head looking at my new stats.


<Pet Stats>

<Name: Yuko>

<Family Name: Mikami>

<Race: Slime>

<Gender: Female>

<Class: Brawler>

<Level 9>

<700/750 Exp>

<Family Name Bonus>

<HP 31/31>[+5]

<Strength: 21>[+5]

<Mana: 25>[+5]

<Agility: 21>[+5]

<Stamina: 22/22>[+5]

<Vitality: 32>[+5]

Free attribute point(s):19


<Fire resistance level 1>

-Takes 10% less fire damage

<Physical damage resistance level 3>

-Take 30% less Physical Damage

<Cold resistance level 3>

-Take 30% less Cold Damage

<Magic resistance level 1>

-Take 10% less Magical Damage

<Skill damage level 1>

-Deal 5% more damage will skills


<Storage level 2>

-Skill Storage is a skill that can store a maximum of 15 items in the body of the user.

<Charge level 3>

-Skill Charge is a skill that can propel the user forward, 10% faster and if it hits does 15% more damage. <requires 1 point of stamina now>


Yuko is going to surprise everything living and undead in this world one day. Just wait...

I jumped from all of yuko's stats which caused Yuko to jump out of my hands onto the ground. "HOW ARE YOU SO POWERFUL YUKO," I said with lust in my eyes and jealously also.

She looked frightened from my sudden outburst so I calm myself by biting on my lip.

Suddenly I since a group of something coming towards us. And so it seemed that Yuko had since it also."Be ready Yuko looks like we might be hunting."

-I hope you enjoy this chapter and please

1) Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

2) Like it? Add to library!

3) I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

4) Creation is hard, cheer me up!

-BUT PLEASE LEAVE ME A REVIEW IF YOU CAN...It helps me with knowing what to work on for yall...Please

---------------------------------------------------------------------ALSO PLEASE JOIN MY discord I will be one there every day texting and answering anything----------------------------------------


I have 2 novel recommendations for you that I absolutely love so much

That first one is "The Prophetess" It's a good novel and doesn't get any credit so try reading it. Please.

Also another really really good Novel you should read is if you want a reincarnation Novel is "The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak"

Finally, I just have to give you my novel that for you "The Genius Slime Tamer (SLIME?)" if you want to try that one. Maybe

Have A nice day good person.


Dark_SnowMancreators' thoughts