
The Genius Slime Tamer (SLIME?)

Well-child prodigy dies. Gets a system..... Follow his journey to being the strongest being alive. With his followers and his Right-hand Slime? ------------------------------- Have you ever experienced death? How about death trying to save a bunch of people you don't care about? Just because you are smarter and more talented they try to friend you is that right? Then don't help you in the face of death. Just wanted you for your money... ------------------------------- I found this picture online because it matched the description of our protagonist. If this art belongs to you then message me on discord and we can discuss it in private about it.

Dark_SnowMan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

The showdown...

As soon as all my rewards came I decided to put all 10 of my Fap into my Stamina.

<Stamina: 25/39>[+5]

I felt a surge of power going throughout my whole body like I just got a meal of happiness. My tiredness had disappeared and I was full of energy, my body wasn't heavy anymore from the wolf's presence. I was smirking from both ears smiling at the wolf who was charging its attack.

I quickly jumped down from my tree, I was currently 60ft in the air. I placed my feet on the side of the tree and started running down the tree dodging all the branches on my way running straight toward the wolf.

It released the loudest howl and strongest thus far-shooting his wind sphere of death like a bullet. This was even faster and stronger than last time too, but somehow I kept my composure still rushing at it.

Everything for me had become slower and my thoughts felt as if I was thinking faster than before. As I was running I could actually control where I was running and I wasn't struggling to move like before. Everything was easier than before, everything was better than before.

Right as the wolf released its attack It came charging up the tree. Stabbing its sharp claws into the tree with every step while also using its wind magic to keep itself moving.

I was counting down In my head the time before the ball of wind will end up hitting me.


I am doing this for Yuko she fought all by herself and held her own for a while. She probably misses me so much right now.

--------------Meanwhile from Yuko's point of view---------

"I'm soooooo bored and I can't even move.....While am I soooo drained...I kinda want to fight that wolf again and get my rematch though...I'm still bored..."Yuko says to herself only thinking about the wolf and wanting to fight it because she is bored.

--------------Satoru point of view again-------------


I fight for myself for I won't end up dying like last time. I can't die and lose people important to me, like my sister I miss her. I can't believe I said that to myself. Ewwww


I will be doing this for Yuko's newfound friends. And she has also taken quite a liking to the girl with the one red eye. Maybe she is like me?


What is she to have that red-eye? And why do I have both of my eyes red in this world with white hair now? Why am I only 50% human?"


What is the other 50%? And will she have some answers for me if I asked?


At these moments some people should feel scared, but I feel happy to be fighting this thing. There is only one thing that is bothering me right now. My eyes are kinda stinging, but not in a bad way. It feels like there are overflowing with power, why?


I feel the overpowering death ball coming to me, but I can't help but smile. Why does this make me happy?


The wolfs has an angry face with one perfect blue eye and a sword in the other one. Bloody fur all over its body now and all it wants to do is kill me. But I don't care about that.


The ball is right in my face will I let it hit me and see if I can withstand this, Or will I dodge it? All these thoughts send me into a smile I just can't shake at all.


I the ball of death was on my nose I could feel it and my nose starting to bleed just by a simple touch of these blades. I can see the wolf about 20ft under me still climbing up and waiting for me to die from this attack.






Are you probably wondering what happens to me? If I'm alive or greatly injured? If I got away and if I did How? These are all questions I can answer, but too lazy too.


I quickly put everything I had into my feet my strength, my agility, my weight itself. I pushed myself off the tree to the nearest branch I could see.

Sadly for my arm got caught in the sphere of death. It didn't get shredded like the traitor's body because it barely got caught in there, but it got grazed. And just from that graze, you can see 20 deep little cuts like whip slashes. So powerful...

I grabbed onto the branch I jumped on with one hand cause my other hand was out of commission from two attacks from the wolf. I pull myself up and I could see my bloody dripping hand I have and I could also see the wolf looking for my dead body.

Then it realized there was no blood and quickly became on guard against everything.

Everything was quiet as the wolf had its sharp ears pointed up listening for any type of sound to track me. Its nose was wiggling and sniffing everything it could to grab my scent again. It glided down to the ground slowly using its wind magic.

But I noticed something was off with the wolf's wind magic it had gotten weaker. The wolf magic looked to be stopping and turning back on. The wolf can't control its magic to the point where I can glide anymore.

"This is going to be the only chance I get," I mumbled to myself.

The wolf is injured, can't use its magic like before, and best of all it's in the air where it can't dodge any attacks. This is the best time to attack if I've ever seen one.

I jumped off the tree I was in the direction of the wolf aiming at the wolf's head.

The wolf noticed me and tried to use its magic on me, but then it started falling so it stops. The wolf was venerable and couldn't dodge. It looked up at me with its one eye and opened its mouth hoping I would just fall inside.

Too bad for this wolf...

I was falling through the air at really high speed just smiling and the wolf. I think I creeped it out a little...I was originally 30ft away from the wolf when I was on the tree and it was gliding. But now I am only 10ft away.

The wolf kept aiming its mouth towards my body so I couldn't aim the wolf's head to knock it out. So I went for the closest thing because I couldn't change the direction of my body in mid-air. I went for the eye with the sword in it.

I was aiming my feet at the wolf's injured eye while it was just trying to eat me not being able to do anything else. It was either fall to death for it or face me in the air.

Soon after the wolf tried to bite of me a little too soon you could see it was frightened of me a little now. All I needed to do was kick the wolf's mouth shut landing on its nose. I quickly stared into the eye of the beast as its eye was shaking with fear now. I walked up to the eye that worked and said while smirking a bit "You should have killed me in the begging when you had the chance. Instead of playing with me...goodbye puppy."

I ran to the other side of the wolf's face and with all my strength I kicked down on the sword with my right foot. Making the wolf howl out in agony, crying diamond tears in one eye, and a bloody waterfall coming out the other.

Soon the wolf's wind magic faded and we started to fall to the ground at incredibly high speeds. I kept on kicking the sword deeper and deeper into the wolf until we hit the ground.

I stayed on the wolf's body trying to limit the impact from hitting the ground. Soon enough we hit the ground and I was alright, but I can't say the same thing for the wolf. The wolf's body was covered in blood and wounds its legs were shattered so it wouldn't be able to move anymore, and worse of all its eye was completely gone now.

I walked up to the face of the wolf and lifted up my only good arm patting its head. "you did well trying to avenge your family. I'm not sorry for doing this, but you have my respect. I just have someone I want to protect now too." I say honoring the wolf in front of me.

I then see that the wolf slowly opens its eye to see me patting its nose. "You just don't give up do you." I pat its head one last time giving my respect. The wolf slowly closes its eyes for the last time taking its last breath. I was exhausted from all the pain and fighting now.

I jump on top of the wolf's head grabbing Kay's sword from its eye. As soon as I pulled out the sword from deep inside its skull I heard the system.

*Quest complete-Kill The Alpha Omega Wolf chef <Rewards: 10 FAP, 6 Pet FAP, 1 skill point for you.>

*You have Killed 9 Wolves <Reward: 675 Exp>

*You have Killed 1 Alpha Omega Wolf chef <Reward: 1,500 Exp>

*You have killed 1 Theft <Reward: 75 Exp>

*Class level up

*You have leveled up

*Your Pet has leveled up

*Total Exp acquired- 4,250 Exp

*Total Pet Exp acquired- 800 Exp

*Total FAP acquired- 10 FAP

*Total Pet FAP acquired- 12 FAP

*Total Skill points acquired- 2 Skill points

*Total Pet skill points acquired- 1 skill point

"Well...Now that's more like it, "I say to myself

-I hope you enjoy this chapter and please

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Dark_SnowMancreators' thoughts