
The Genius Mage Was Reincarnated Into A Swordsman Family

Klaus had spent his entire existence as a puppet, bound by the strings of fate. However, a miraculous turn of events granted him a fresh start. The remnants of his former constraints smoldered in the ashes of his past. Now, unshackled and determined, he resolved to forge his destiny according to his own desires. No one, not even a deity, would be spared if they dared obstruct his path. Klaus was ready to wield the sword of vengeance and carve his own fate in the annals of history.

Thierry_Scott · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Chapter 60

Alex directed a triumphant gaze at Klaus and Nicholas, a self-assured grin playing on his lips. He reveled in the realization that he had just achieved something extraordinary—the profound silence that enveloped the entire Lion Arena serving as a testament to his exceptional feat. Even Rick, the seasoned instructor, found himself at a loss for words, his gaze fixed on Alex with a mix of shock and bewilderment.

The stupefaction extended beyond Rick to almost every soul in the audience. It was an inexplicable spectacle—a twelve-year-old displaying a power akin to someone wielding a High-tier cyan core. The sheer absurdity of it all left the onlookers grappling with disbelief. Despite Alex's reputation as a prodigious talent, the magnitude of what had just transpired appeared ludicrous.