
The Genie's Otherworldly New Life

This is the story of a genie's new life in the new world where he has freedom. He could do the things that he wants and he does not have to follow the script of granting wishes. There, he has the choice to grant a wish or not. There, he is not confined to the small space of the lamp. There, he becomes a mage. A mage that grants wishes. ... A voice filled with vigor resonated within the space saying, "pitiful creature, you have existed for a long time, yet you barely live." "You are all-powerful, but you have no freedom. You grant wishes, but you cannot grant yours." Tears fell from the genie's eyes because it was indeed as the voice said. People might say that he was gifted with power, but they knew nothing. Not even a bit. "You have been banished from that world; thus, you shall start anew in a different world. But this time, you will have your freedom." "Today, you shall be freed from your burden, and you will be reincarnated." Disclaimer: The picture is not mine. It belongs to its rightful owner.

Young_Master_Jay · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Rainer's Talent

Rainer's Talent 0005

After Jack ate his fill, he brought Rainier to use the Pathfinder of the royal palace.

The Pathfinder is a small orb that could test one's talent and gift.

Talents are graded from E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Demigod, and God. This is also the same for the gifts.

The Pathfinder could also test one's affinity to the elements.

There are many elements in this world. But the most basic are water, fire, air, and earth. From these four, many other elements will be formed.

However, there are other four elements that the powerful mages confirmed that had not come from the four elements that were mentioned.

These are light, darkness, Lightning, and space.

Many had tried doing experiments. But they could not find where did those elements originate.

"Gramps, what do you think is my talent? Do you think I have a gift?"

Rainier is like any other kid who were excited to know whether they can split mountains and dry the seas in the future.

"Kid, I am one of your gifts," at this moment, Zeus spoke.

Rainier had decided to name the earthworm, ahem, small dragon Zeus.

"Let's see what you will have, son," Jack replied to him while Rainier disregarded Zeus.

However, Rainier is feeling a headache from the noise that Zeus was making.

"Why are there no people?"

Rainier could not see anyone in the hall.

The pathfinder is located in the throne room of the palace.

It was secured with powerful spells to prevent anyone from laying their hands on it.

The pathfinder orb's forging process is hard and only a few can make it. Hence, its market value is incomparable to the raw materials it was made from.

"Brother, you're making it hard for us. The pathfinder ceremony is just a few days from now."

At this moment, the former king of the kingdom appeared and spoke to Jack with a pained expression.

"Don't worry, Dominic. I told you, I will bear the burden."

"Hahaha, that's what I like about you, brother."

The pathfinder is not easy to activate. It needed lots of mana.

Most of the time, when the pathfinder is activated, the king of the kingdom would gather all mages and let them flow their mana on it to activate it.

However, this time, there are no mages which confused Dominic.

Jack did not care about them and let his mana flow into the pathfinder. In the next second, it lit up.

"Seventh grade!" both Zeus and Dominic exclaimed.

"Rainier, come here," Jack called Rainier. "Place your hand in the orb."

Rainier did as he was told.

The pathfinder then lit up in a blinding light.

"What the…?"

The light was so bright that it could be seen in the whole capital.

Those who saw the light wondered what is happening in the royal palace. But there are some who had guessed what happened.

"Hmm? When did the royal palace have such a genius?" said a woman while holding a glittering fan to cover half of his mouth just like what most female nobles do.

"My lady, there is no such news. However, our spies will work harder," the lady beside the noblewoman said softly.

Meanwhile, when the light from the pathfinder faded, it took Jack and Dominic quite a while before they could get over their shock.

"Jack, this is even brighter when your daughter was tested, right?"


"What rank was it at that time?"


The two old men were still dazed.

"What did I get?"

If Rainier did not speak, I doubt, they would be able to wake up from their daze.

"Ahem… wait, young man. Let me check."

Meanwhile, it was not only the two of them who were dazed, Zeus was also dazed.

"My God, should we try it again?" Dominic asked since he still cannot believe his eyes.

However, Jack knew that his grandson cannot shine too much.

"No need, this is confirmed."

Jack's mana then fluctuated as he cast a spell.

"By the power I have, I enshrine a place filled with silence."

"Silent Valley!"

In the next second, an orb appeared before the old man, which then expanded till it fills the whole hall.

This spell created a barrier that does not allow sound to pass.

Although this spell did not have defensive or offensive capabilities, it is very famous.

It is not only the mages are the ones who could use it, the knights could also use it.

One must know that knights will begin to gather mana at some stages when they rank up.

"Rainier, what you're about to hear, don't disclose it to anyone, understood?"

Jack's expression was stern. Hence, Rainier could only nod.

"Your talent and your gift…," Jack went silent for a while.

He was filled with mixed emotions.

"Your talent is God-ranked."

Jack and Dominic's expressions were stern. But deep inside them, they are happy.

Of course, Jack would not keep it a secret from his brother. He trusts his brother.

Furthermore, he did not think that his brother had the guts to go against him.

However, at this moment, beyond the two old man's expectations, a resonating roar sounded in the closest mountain to them.


The roar was so terrifying that made everyone tremble on their knees.

"What is it this time?" Jack asked. He did not even have the time to tell Rainier his gift.

"Could it be?" Dominic's expression is unlike Jack's. It was as if he knew something about this.

"Rainier, get back home to you ante Vivian."

With that, the two old men disappeared.

Meanwhile, Rainier did not really care about them.

At the same time, there is no need for Jack to tell him. It is all written on his stats screen.

Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Gift: Lightning God

Title: None

Health: 100%

Mana: 30/30

Strength: 15/15

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

Lightning God: you are the master of lightning and storm. You are like the dragon of calamity. Wherever you go, the wind, the water, and the lightning will bow to you.

There is a new tab on his status screen. The gift tab.

When Rainier read the details about his gift, he was stunned.

"Does this mean that I will innately become a God when I mature?"

Rainier is pumped up.

Although he is the most powerful in his past life, he did not have freedom. Hence, it was as if he did not have power.

"I wonder how it feels to be free at the top of the world."

Rainier blurted out all of a sudden which confused Zeus.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing! Zeus, let's aim to become powerful."

Zeus saw the determination in Rainier's eyes which made him smile.

"I've been intending to do that from the start. However, I cannot do it without you."

At this moment, Zeus finally decided to pledge his life to Rainier.


It was as if there is a seal that's been broken in Rainier's soul.

"Ding! Innate skill unlocked!"

Name: Rainer Stormcast

Job: None

Gift: Lightning God

Title: None

Health: 100%

Mana: 30/30

Strength: 15/15

Intelligence: Max (Your soul is at its strongest. You only need to refine your body!)

Innate Skills: Energy Body, Energy Control

Energy body: allows you to temporarily turn your flesh and blood body into an energy body. (Max)

Energy control: you can control all forms of energy. (Passive) (Max)

Rainier received a notification as his status screen appeared with new content.


Rainier teared up as he was it.

The two skills are his fundamental kill before he was reincarnated when he is still a genie.

"What's with those skills?" Zeus asked.

"Those are my lifeblood," Rainier replied with a smile.

"They looked cool."

"Of course, they are cool."

"Kid, do you want to become strong, fast?" Zeus asked which made Rainier stop while he was dashing toward to get back home.

"Do you have a way?"

"Me? I don't have one. However, I know where you can become strong, fast."

"Really? Let's go then."

"What are we doing in the forest?"

After a few minutes, Rainier is about to arrive at the forest. Zeus had led him there.

"Do you know who roared a while ago?" Zeus asked.

Thinking about the roar, Rainier involuntarily shivered.

"I think that's a seventh-grade beast."


Rainier stopped as he heard what Zeus said.

"You're not thinking about going into the den of the seventh-grade beast, right?"

"Idiot! Why shhould we go there? We'll be dead even before we could get there."


Zeus did not let Rainier finish as he spoke again.

"The big fish will be for the bigger fish. As for us, we will go kill the small fishes."

Rainier finally understood.

They will reap benefits in the surging chaos.

Although their gains might not necessarily be as big as the one who kills the seventh-grade beast, they will be enough for Rainier to grow.