
The Genesis of The End

The destruction and restoration of the world lay in the hands of a young lady; Lily McGrath. The sudden appearance of two men in her life, held the key. She would only be able to destroy or restore the world through either of the men. One was the Earth's doom and the other was it's protector. So, she opted for restoration. Now, the top questions are: Would Lily make the right choice to ensure the survival of the world? Or, would there be any mistake in the course of making the right choice? Read on, to find answers to these questions. And the story goes ...

Rosemary_Hadome_3597 · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 24

At the same time in Salem, a family of five was getting ready for supper. Well, only the mother was actually preparing the meal as her husband and three children were watching TV. The woman well acquainted of her children's tactics, knew that they pretended to watch the television, as they always left her with the chores.

"One of you should get the table ready, don't just sit there. The TV will always be there, it isn't running away." The woman called out to her children, she'd already had enough. The eldest child shared a glance with her younger ones and they gave her a sheepish look. The unspoken word passed through them, she was the one to go answer to their mum. The girl reluctantly left them and headed for the kitchen.

"Oh you're here now, I felt you and your siblings wanted to eat the TV. Perhaps it's your new delicacy."

"I'm sorry mum." The girl couldn't look at her mum, she felt really guilty. She and her siblings always evaded their chores.

"You should teach your younger ones to assist in the kitchen. I'm not the only one having this meal… okay I take it that you and the others are not hungry. The meal is only mine then."

"We are really hungry mum …" The voice was so small. Hence, the woman took pity on her daughter.

"Very well then, let's get supper served." Together, mother and daughter set up the dining.

Having called on everyone, they sat, set to eat when a knock on their door stopped them. With a nod from her mother, the eldest daughter stood to see to the door.

On opening the door, two males appraised her. They were new faces.

"How may I help you?" The girl asked the strangers. The two callers exchanged a look that chilled her to the bones and turned back to her.

"You wouldn't be helping us, seeing as you obviously can't. But we need you to help us get revived. Besides, how many of you live here?" The girl got strange dark vibes and aura from the males.

"Who's that baby?" Her mother called out. Before the girl could breathe a word, one of the strangers held her by the throat and looked deeply into her eyes. She opened her mouth to scream but it was too late as nothing came up. In that way, the strange male who held her throat, took her soul. The girl totally drained fell to the floor, dead. The one who had taken the girl's soul closed his eyes. Power swirled through him, a soul had been added to him. His friend smirked at him and together, they faced the remaining quivering family. It was pleasing to see people shudder and shake with fright, the strangers thought. All in all, the strangers launched attacks as they had on the girl, to the family members.

Moments later, the occupants of the sitting room were: the two now more powerful strangers and the dead family members. These two strangers were Adrain's minions. They and others had been brought back to reinforce attacks which was their mandate. As they sat there with the bodies immersing in the change brought about by their newly found strength, a chilling sound interrupted the silence. They gazed at each other smiling, knowing it all. Adrain had summoned them and all other forces and entities.


Todd stood watching the head nurse's house. This was way further than he'd ever thought hence, he was fed up. He resolved that his mentor would never call him and consequently, they were never going to be connected again. Todd's sister, Annabella had gone back to meet their parents. So he was practically alone for the moment. He had been happy about his sister's travel, as it would make him more focused on his "quest" which was getting back his mentor.

However, as it turned out presently, he regretted not travelling with Annabella. The mentor he was dying to meet wasn't in the least interested in seeing him. Wasn't it a better idea to just forget about him and move on? He thought. But the problem was, Todd couldn't. He had tried to forget about the man yet, it all proved futile. Someone he had never met before shouldn't do this to him.

Todd breathed in sofly as he made up his mind to quit his unyielding, foolish quest. You only look for people who look for you, he thought. He was done here.

"Goodbye." He whispered to himself and turned to leave. He was leaving for good. The next day, he would travel to meet his parents and sister, and forget about the whole twisting and mind blowing incidents.

As he was about hailing down a taxi, his phone lit up with tones. Todd who wasn't in the right mood, ignored the annoying interruption. The phone rang again as a taxi stopped and he got in. Settling in, he rambled off his destination to the driver and off, they drove away.

Yet again, his phone rang, the third time. Todd wanting to voice out his anger, felt that the caller was the right person to let loose his unpolished words. Fumming, he picked up.

"What!" He barked.

"Todd it's me …" The voice was one he had heard. The angry youth paused, his eyes narrowing and his anger unconciously subsiding by some degrees. His brain was busy now. The voice was … Todd's mouth suddenly went dry. No it wouldn't be. There was just no way. His fantasy had finally taken control over him. No it wasn't happening. Todd couldn't believe his ears, but then he had to make sure this was real.

"Men-tor?" He stuttered. His voice very low, probably scared that raising his voice would scare the man away. His voice chocked with emotions.

"Yes Todd … it's me. Sorry we couldn't reach other again." Todd smiled words suddenly failed him. It wasn't a phantom, this was real. Smiling was the only way to express himself at that point in time. He didn't care anymore, what mattered most was that his mentor called him. Where the hell was he? He couldn't wait to be with him. Therefore, he managed to say the first thing he could think of.

"Please where are you?"

"I'm in San Diego …" The man's voice went off. Todd waited for him to continue but he didn't. He seemed to be talking to someone else in the background. Todd closed his eyes and reopened them, trying to calm his anxiety. His caller breathed in sofly, which was really pleasing to listen to. It was Todd's cue to ask again.

"Mentor, San Diego is vast. Please I need to see you. Where are you?"

"I'm at the Laden hospital. Take me to the head nurse, there's trouble. I was attacked on my way here."

Todd's gut throbbed with unease, who was attacking his mentor?

"Attacked? Please tell me you are okay."

"I warded off the attacks. How about you and all the others? How are you all going to defend yourselves? I need to give you something for protection. Only the "PrE" members have rings for protection and mundanes have none. Although the "PrE" can protect everyone, I still want you to have the ring."

"I am glad you're in perfect condition. I will be there in five." Although, he didn't understand anything about the PrE and rings, he couldn't keep a straight face, he beamed with smiles as he was very happy, his mentor was here!

"Okay son."

Todd told the driver his new directions. The man veered towards it. Todd couldn't wait to see the mentor he'd thought about for so long.


Sarah and Magnus stared at Eucharia as she shared her mind blowing tales.

"Magnus, I'm very sorry for attacking you. I believe I did that to you." She said pointing at the marks on Magnus' neck which were now dapped with sanitizers. "The last thing I remembered was seeing an injured Philip in the hospital. I recognised him as the beast when he opened his eyes. I never expected to see him at that time, so you could imagine my shock. That was probably when he enchanted me and to make matters worse, I was devoid of my crown necklace or ring for protection. Hence, he was free to do as he pleased with me."

"Everything else I did after that day was as a result of his enchantment. I'm really sorry." A short pause. "Philip knew everything going on through me, I was his vessel." Eucharia's voice croaked with emotions. "However, I'm very glad that I was able to tell Lily about her mum and twin sister despite not being in control of myself."

"sister Eucharia, It's relieving that you're okay now. For all it is, the truth is now out. I recall the first day I came to see you when I arrived San Diego. You had called me two days earlier and we agreed to meet in the next three days. I had arrived earlier than we discussed just felt the need to and got to see you eventually."

"Eucharia, I was of the opinion that something was wrong. You welcomed me like I was a stranger and to crown it all, you attacked me after that delivery boy brought some parcel for Lily." Magnus felt the need to be expressive. All these had bothered him for so long, he continued "You were to show me certain things about this beast man as I didn't know what he looked like. I came for you to show me and explain the prophesy, only for the weird incidents to come up."

Magnus sighed. Taking one of Eucharia's hands, he tried to reassure her. She looked so gloomy.

"Its all good though, nothing is too late. We are a couple of steps ahead of the forces and entities." Sarah who had been silent nodded, she agreed with him. A short pause and the silent woman took over from Magnus.

"I have already summoned the "PrE" members who are the "Earth Protectors", your members. The swords and rings given to each "Earth Protector" is what we are to use in fighting these entities. The rings and swords were forged from Vera. Vera is the founder of the "Earth Protectors" and she was Lily's grand aunt. The rings are a means of warding off attacks. Hence each "PrE" member was mandated to always have this ring at all times." Sara said, intently looking at Eucharia.

Eucharia winced, she had been negligent and the outcome was very disastrous. All thanks to Sarah and Magnus. She had been so occupied by Lily's near collapse at that time, that all thoughts about the crown necklace and rings escaped her.

"Its our duty, as the "Earth Protectors" to save Mankind by striking back at Adrain's minions, warding off attacks. So this is the time to act." Magnus' resolution had been intensified, his Lily was abducted by the beast.

The women nodded, they felt this was a swift win for them, being in possession of defense rings and swords. Well … not as swift as they thought. If only they knew what was coming moments later, they would not have acted negligently, would have been more vigilant.

They were to leave the house shortly and Eucharia set a call through to Olivia and Jane, asking them to come over. Upon ending the call, four people barged in: Maggie Eucharia's assistant, two men in their forties (they were twins) and Todd.

The four newcomers appeared breathless . It looked like they had been on the run, maybe chased by something or someone. Whatever it was that chased the four, really scared them. As Eucharia and her companions stared at the new people, one of the twin men spoke up.

"There's no time to explain myself but then, I'm Luke a friend of Theophilus. Some years back, a female seer in Egypt told me about some defense rings that people were expected to have, people who are not the "Earth Protectors" and the location these rings were hidden. I am here with them. They are few though, we can still give to some of the people who are ready to assist the "Earth Protectors". Here they are." He brought out about twenty rings.

"Who do you think would assist the "Earth Protectors"? Anything we are to do should be done quickly. No need to prolong issues before it's too late." Maggi said.

"I have related the situation to Olivia and Jane, they are headed here as we speak." The others nodded. "Luke, kindly set two rings aside for them."

As they were talking, Sarah hushed them. All became silent.

"Oh no … it has begun" Sarah whispered. The others gave the woman a questioning look.

"The rift has been opened. This moment henceforth, we are fighting against forces and powers that come in human form."

True to her words, they heard wailings, screeches. Someone apparently Adrain had opened the rift!

Hi my dear readers,

Sorry for the irregular updates. Had some issues with my system. I will do better to upload more chapters.

And ... would like to point out that I need some encouragements from you. If you love my work, do not hesitate to cheer me up. To be honest, your silence does not really encourage me.

Further more, I'm open to reviews, tell me what you think.

Love you guys.

And to add,

This story wont be 33 chapters anymore. Lots of incidents are definitely coming up, hence the chapters will be more than earlier said.

Stay tuned for more updates!!!

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