
The Genesis of The End

The destruction and restoration of the world lay in the hands of a young lady; Lily McGrath. The sudden appearance of two men in her life, held the key. She would only be able to destroy or restore the world through either of the men. One was the Earth's doom and the other was it's protector. So, she opted for restoration. Now, the top questions are: Would Lily make the right choice to ensure the survival of the world? Or, would there be any mistake in the course of making the right choice? Read on, to find answers to these questions. And the story goes ...

Rosemary_Hadome_3597 · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 19

Lily stood still, skeptical, after Sarah had said her own mum was what … possessed? They had been done with the day's school when her teacher relayed the disturbing message. But how? By whom? These questions rang in her head. She didn't pay attention to Sarah's next words. Oh … was it the reason for her mum's weirdness? Possessed? Did the word still exist? The questions kept ringing in her head and suddenly the nagging questions turned to fury. Who was Sarah to tell her that? Just because they welcomed her into their home didn't give her the right to use such words. Lily therefore let loose her anger on the weird teacher.

"I do not think you know the right use of that word. My mum is far from it and I won't just stand here and have you say such things about her."

Sarah looked at her beseechingly,

"Listen Lily …" There she goes … Lily disliked that preface. She didn't trust any sentence with the preface. So, the young lady looked at the floor listening. Looking at the woman would make her snap.

"It sounds unbelievable Lily but there are certain things I know about you that you don't. I mean no harm. I need you to understand me please."

"Understand you? Why would I do that? After what you said about my mum? That's reproachful Sarah."

"I didn't mean to sound that way Lily. But I'm your adviser, your assistant. I'm supposed to put you through the right path. Believe me, I will never lie to you." Lily could feel her control slipping.

"Well with all due respect ma'am, I do not wish to hear anymore of this. Good day." As Lily turned to her car, Sarah held her hand, she didn't look at Lily only at the point where their hands met. Sarah even had the grace to look … what was the word? Reprimanded?

"Please, I have a remedy and do you know the most beautiful thing? You are the remedy." Lily's brows quirked up at the last statement. What was this strange woman playing at? Lily's irritation grew and therefore attempted to free her hands from the woman's grasp but she didn't let go.

"Sarah please let me go or I will be forced to call the security."

"I was born to help you fulfil your destiny. Like I said, I am your assistant. Lily you were born for something spectacular. Take me to your mum, I promise to make her right and I will tell you everything."


Lily sighed and quietly stared at Sarah, all words and fury gone from her, replaced with suspicion. This strange woman repeated what mum told me, she thought. But what business was it of hers?

"Why do you even care? What do you hope to benefit from this? For all I know, you could have haunted her with those entities. Why are you so eager to help me?"

Sarah smiled reassuringly, she understood Lily's skepticism and suspicion.

"You know as well as I do, that I'm not the one haunting your mum. I'm willing to assist you through all these. My grand mum and your great grand aunt; a twin to your great grand mum were best of friends. They helped each other in so many ways." Lily closed her eyes for a while perhaps trying to absorb it all. When she reopened them, Sarah was smiling at her as usual. The smile was genuine and Lily's anger had totally subsided. But then, she wanted more answers.

"What has your grand mother and my great grand aunt got to do with this?" At this words, Sarah gave her a look that said she had won their little "tug of war".

"I knew you would ask that and I brought you my grandma's dairy." Sarah rummaged through the contents of her bag and took out an old book, she gave it to Lily.


When Lily got home, Eucharia looked normal or at least that was what she looked to Lily. The young lady could only hope it stayed that way. She ate the chicken pizza and took two glasses of orange juice. Her mum must have ordered in, it didn't look like she prepared anything. After she had eaten, the young lady went into her room and took out the dairy. It was small and old.

The first page of the diary gave her pause, a picture, an old one. It was the same picture she had seen her exact replica. This time, the lady smiled. Lily felt as if she looked in a mirror. So this was her great grand aunt. The young woman stared at the picture for a while. Thereafter, she opened the next page and read through to the last page of the book. After reading, she closed the book and just laid down to reflect on the words. Her great grand aunt had pleaded with her bestie to end her life to ensure she came back for vengeance.

The woman came back for vengeance as what? Herself? As … Lily in the flesh? Unbelievable. The young lady didn't believe in reincarnation but ever since seeing strange things around her, almost everything had become believable. But one thing she would never believe was that her mum was possessed! Such things didn't exist anymore. Fine … she had read the diary and knew that the woman (Sarah) was her … whatever she was called. But still, it didn't prove that her own dear mum was the vessel of an entity.

Do not take Sarah's words to heart, she is just bluffing, a small voice said to Lily. Oh … right, she was definitely bluffing, that explained everything. The young lady was glad to have stopped her teacher from coming home with her. There was clearly nothing for her to do in the house, because Eucharia was okay. She was relieved that her mum was back to normal. Lily tried to make herself believe that. Her teacher was just yearning for attention, Lily thought. Well… she should get the attention she most yearned for, from someone else.

As Lily thought, she touched her necklace, a special gift from Eucharia, she smiled. Moments later, the object of her thoughts knocked on her door. This was the mum she knew. Lily smiled broadly and hid the book under her pillow as the door opened. Eucharia stepped in, looking as beautiful as ever.

"I see your having your 'quiet moment' baby." The tone was teasing. The young lady sat up and pecked the older woman. The emphasis on quiet moment was not lost on Lily, she smiled and teased right back.

"Sure mum and I left, so you could have yours too." Her mum nodded. "But you got lonely and came over to see me." Eucharia chuckled at that, it was cute of Lily to tease her.

Lily smiled at her mum's laughter, it was nice to hear that. Her mum really needed company, it wasn't easy being a single lady all these years.

"Are you teasing your mum?"

"Tease? I want her to have fun." They looked at each other, laughing. After a while, Eucharia took Lily's hands and soothed her fingers. This single gesture said a lot of things. It said they needed to talk. A long conversation is on the way, Lily thought.


Lily waited patiently for her mum to commence with the talk. Eucharia took in a deep breath and began:

"I'm sorry Lily, I have held a lot from you. It wasn't intentional, just … no I will not justify my wrong. I have really wronged you and I am very sorry." Eucharia's voice got so small. Lily touched the older woman's cheek, soothing it reassuringly.

"Its okay mum, everything you do is for my good, I'm here … tell me anything you wish, I'm always here, okay?" Eucharia nodded and appeared more determined.

"There are lots of things I want to tell you but they can come later, as we are always here together. But I would like to start with your birth, your biological mother."

Immediately after Eucharia's last sentence, the young lady froze. She wasn't hearing well, right? When the older woman had said she wanted telling her some secrets, Lily had thought it was about her weird arts but now, something entirely different? Just great. Biological mother? Eucharia was her mother in every sense. She was her mum flesh and blood. Who then is the mum Eucharia was talking about? Had the woman given Lily to Eucharia when she felt the pressure of bringing up a child single handedly was too much?

"Lily?" Eucharia's voice brought her back and she was sniffing. Lily just nodded, waiting for more news.

"Please, I'm sorry for not telling you all these while. I understand if you hate me, but please know that I love you, always."

"No … mum, I can never hate you. You brought me up. I am delighted to have you, I know you do everything for my good. But if you feel you must tell me, I'm all ears." She held the older woman's hand. "So what about my biological mum?" Lily was worried at the look on Eucharia. "Mum it's okay." She encouraged. Eucharia was her mum forever.

"Thank you Lily. Actually your biological mum died before giving birth to you." Lily paused at the words, staring at Eucharia.

"So sad … she must have gone through a lot of pain." Lily whispered, tearing. She could imagine the pain in losing a woman who was fulfilling her role as a mother. Eucharia nodded still crying. She kissed the younger woman's eyes and forehead, caressed her hair.

"Your mum would have been so happy to see the woman you'd become. She would be so proud of you wherever she is." Lily nodded, her tears came down quickly. The two sad females stayed silent for a while.

"Do you have her picture?"

"Yes but it's somewhere in my box, will definitely get it later."

"How about my dad?" Lily whispered huskily.

"We didn't see him. Your mum came alone." Eucharia smoothed the younger woman's hair.

"No one was with her? What was her name?"

"No Lily … No one came with her. Her name was Agnes." Lily nodded slowly, wiping her tears silently.

"So, if my mum, Agnes died before she gave birth to me, how then did I come to be?" Lily's eyes were on Eucharia, sad, down casted eyes.

"The nurses and I on duty that day, were shocked when you came out unaided."