
The Genesis of The End

The destruction and restoration of the world lay in the hands of a young lady; Lily McGrath. The sudden appearance of two men in her life, held the key. She would only be able to destroy or restore the world through either of the men. One was the Earth's doom and the other was it's protector. So, she opted for restoration. Now, the top questions are: Would Lily make the right choice to ensure the survival of the world? Or, would there be any mistake in the course of making the right choice? Read on, to find answers to these questions. And the story goes ...

Rosemary_Hadome_3597 · Urban
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28 Chs

Chapter 13

The next day at school, Lily sat down writing. She Loved this as it made her free to open up to various emotions within. Poem writing was her major hobby. She wrote about philosophy: The way of thinking which was the essence of existence. Although, she had told Magnus (the murderer, killer, her nemesis … name them) that she loved teaching kids but what she mostly loved more was reading the stars. The said stars always called to her, drew her in. When she was less busy, she took her mother's telescope to view the lots of them shinning brightly. The ones not shinning brightly called more to her. What could make them regain their glow? But she had no idea. Would they remain dim? Was there really a way to make them emit light?

As she wrote her poem, the old Philosopher came to mind "Nostradamus" , a French philosopher. She really loved his prophecies, words and quotes. As she was writing about him, thoughts about her mum came to mind. Lily laughed unconsciously when she recalled how she had joined her mum in dancing. They had both twerked and sang together. It was a great shock (good one at that) to see her serious minded mum behave like a teenager. The past days, Eucharia had been lively and so happy. Her mum's gloomy days were over, now she blossomed and radiated. Lily didn't know the secret but she hoped it had everything to do with her.

They had slept together and she had woken up to see the older woman preparing breakfast. This was a great relief to Lily as the incidents going on had brought them closer. Nothing was ever going to weaken their relationship. They were always up and doing.

 "Oh girl, I love the smile on your face." Jane acknowledged as she came to sit beside Lily.

 "Thanks girl. I could say same about you." Lily's smile bloomed.

 "Awwwnn …. Thanks." Both of them were in different classes. Only saw each other during free periods or breaks.

 "I see you're on to your poems." Jane said reading the lines.

 "Yes … it makes me complete." Jane nodded.

 "I know … when are you publishing them?"

 "I haven't thought of that Jane … I will look into it thanks."

 "You should … your poems are really expressive. They are inspiring."

 "Thank you. I feel more encouraged." Lily beamed.

 "Anytime dearie." Their discussion changed course, now centered on their mums.

 "That reminds me Lily, mum and I had a date." Lily blinked at her, she knew the issues Jane had with her mum.

 "Wow. My mum and I danced, sang at the top of our voices last night." It was now Jane's turn to blink.

 "Oh… our mums are getting better by the second."

 "I'm surprised, though in a wonderful way." There was a pause, Lily thought for a while. "They didn't plan it all, right?" She wasn't sure anymore. How would their mums be more attentive to them at the same time?

 "I'm no longer sure girl, maybe, maybe not. Our mum's can be very strange in the cutest way."

They laughed and talked more. But in all these, they didn't mention their love lives because, there was none. Still upholding their single status. When the break was over, they stopped their chat and went into their respective classes. Lily sat in her class together with her mates, waiting for their lecturer. Just then her phone lit up. A message had been received. Who would text her at that time? Eucharia had never interrupted her time in school. When she checked the message, it was from Philip. This calmed her as it was her protector.

 "What's up lily. Hope no one came back yesterday." Lily typed and sent to him.

 "We're good Philip, and you?"

 "Very well thanks. I guess you're in class now."

Just then everyone in class hushed, the teacher just got in.

 "Oh Philip … I have class now, chat you later."

 "Okay dear. Have a nice day."

Lily smiled at how caring Philip, the one she first thought was an abductor had turned out to be. I must have been really paranoid thinking he wanted to do something that bad to me, she thought. Shaking her head, she dropped her phone in her bag. She brought out her notebook to glance through what she had read for the past three days, that was their previous lecture.

 "Hello, I am Sarah Brooks and I will be handling a new topic precisely from where your previous lecturer left off. Let us be creative to ensure that flow needed in class and make sure we achieve our goals, okay?" The whole class agreed, nodding with smiles. Their teacher looked friendly and understanding. Lily was busy reading her notes. She wasn't the type to indulge in introductions. Hence didn't see the need to look up from her notes. She just heard whatever it was to be heard.

 "Okay … now … you know me, can I know you too?" The class was eager to introduce themselves but their teacher had other plans.

 "We will do this one at a time. Let the introductions begin with the lady behind."

Lily was the lady behind hence, the whole class turned to her. Having heard the teacher, Lily placed her notebook on her desk and stood up to introduce herself. Looking straight at the teacher, she paused as the woman stared at her in fascination. Lily was now more puzzled. What was this woman doing here? Lily couldn't help but wonder why she kept meeting the same strange people more than once. Did this woman come here to spy on her like the others? Others like Magnus? The new teacher was the same woman whom Like had stopped from slipping, when she had gone to get groceries.


Lily decided to meet the woman after that very class.

 "I am Lily McGrath, love writing poems, nice to meet you ma'am."

 "Nice to meet you too Lily." Sarah's smile appeared genuine. So she could talk, Lily thought. Back then Sarah had been mute and was in some sort of trance when she had stopped her from slipping. It was a relief to know she wasn't dumb. Other students introduced themselves but Sarah's attention was solely on Lily the whole time. The woman looked at her in awe. The younger lady felt uncomfortable at the appraisal. As Sarah stared at her, she remembered Philip's warning : to always observe people closely. Lily did just that; observing and at the same time, pretending not to. Instincts told her that Sarah wasn't just here. She was here for something. As Lily watched the other woman, she realised that no one had ever looked at her in awe, as if she were a ethereal being. Sarah looked at Lily as if she were her source of life. Hope meeting this woman doesn't get stranger than it already has, Lily thought.