
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The End Of The War:

It was practically common knowledge that in the Siberian front, very few lives were lost as most of the fighting was done through unmanned vehicles and weapons, so the only possible cause for the number of casualties to be so high would be a massive loss of life in the Indian front, which is why the usage of the term soldiers of the US military was so important.

At face value, one would assume that a lot of US citizens were losing their lives on the battlefield, causing a feeling of wanting to avenge those fallen soldiers, not only for their sacrifice but also for their service to the US people. In reality though, since it wasn't specified, that number was composed mostly of people that were only enlisted in the US army.

My theory was that this was the reason that the US had gotten us to join the US military, so that that way they could artificially increase the number of US military casualties without losing too many soldiers, that way when they inevitably won the war, they would be able to ask for more reparations and have an easier time getting what they wanted because if their 'big losses of life' during the war.

Even if my theory was true though, there was nothing I could do but get mad and then pray that the US managed to finally starve both China and Russia of enough resources to end the war in one final push before I died, then again, I'm sure that the US would probably make sure to kill all of us off so that they could inflate the number of casualties as much as possible.

"Hey, hey, you there, hello? Stevan? you do realize that we are the last people in the cafeteria right?"

"... hm, wait what, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts again"

" Yea, I kind of noticed that when you stopped moving for hours on end"


"It's fine, I'm used to it by now, you do really have to work on that though, it's going to be harder for you to make friends with others at college once we get out of this hellhole"

"...Your right, thanks, I really needed that"

"No problem, anyways we've got to get back to the dormitories before they lock us out"

I knew that what Josue said before was a lie to try and help brighten my mood, I seriously doubted that he actually believed that we even stood the slightest chance of getting out of here. Despite how nice he was, he was not naive, quite the opposite, I'm pretty sure he was some kind of super-genius.

He knew that I needed to hear some confirmation of the possibility of survival, as he had probably already figured out what I was thinking about, and what worried me. He was truly too good a human to be stuck in a country like Peru, because despite his clear superiority to others, he never acted above others and seemed to enjoy using his genius to help others be happier.

As I lay in bed, contemplating my situation, I began to wonder what would be of the world after the war ended, after all, the problem of shrinking quantities of drinkable water was still unresolved, and any attempts to help were halted because of the start of the war, not to mention that despite the fact that no nuclear bombs had been used, the atmosphere was still suffering a lot due to the constant usage of less powerful bombs, and the smoke plus other chemicals they created and released into the atmosphere.

September 1st, 2032:

A lot happened in the past month, first and foremost the fact that the US was finally able to gain complete air superiority, allowing them to stop the flow of troops to Russia, and finally being able to completely capitulate Russia and liberate the central Asian territory that it had annexed earlier in the year.

Turkey also recently began to become a lot more economically prosperous, mainly because of the fact that the European oil reserves had run dry, and Turkey was more than happy to sell, this of course enraged the Chinese, but at this point, their opinion didn't matter, as now that it was all alone it was only a matter of time before it lost the war.

Chinese Industry was also going to hell, mainly because of the fact that its industries depended heavily on water to function, plus the fact that nobody was buying the little they were able to produce, causing the worlds second best economy to collapse in a matter of months, it was honestly shocking to see how quickly things changed.

Things were going so well in fact, that I was beginning to suspect that I would actually get to survive, I was still doubtful, as it would be very hard for the US to conceal everything they did if we were to be allowed out of the front lines. Still, it didn't hurt to have a smidgen of hope, especially when it came to being able to survive.

As I was started to think of the idea of making it back home, the ground suddenly started to shake, at first, I assumed that it was just an earthquake, it was only after a long time that some of our devices were able to contact others, it was only a matter of time before we got to hear the truth apparently the end of times had come.

Despit all common sense and logic, China decided to unleash some of its nuclear warheads to kill people in the front lines (the frontline had advanced bit we got to stay in the same base). In other words, China basically decided that if it was going down it was taking everyone else with it just because of its pride.

Needless to say, despite everything that the guards tried to do in order to keep us calm and obedient, nothing worked. What was the point in listening to the people that put your lives at risk when you had basically received news that the world was coming to an end. It only took half an hour for the base to decent into an all-out brawl.