
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

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43 Chs

The Beginning Of The War:

Thing was that China had also already started on construction for dams on all of the rivers that flowed down to India and when those were nearing the end of construction, they began moving their armies over to the border with India while at the same time sending reinforcements mainly comprised of troops from their puppet states over to Russia.

Thing was that although everyone knew that a third world war would probably be fought with nuclear weapons, humanity had recently come to the consensus that doing so would basically be the end of humanity, as not only would a nuke cause a ton of damage by itself, but it would also further deteriorate the ozone layer, therefore making global warming increase at an even more rapid rate.

As for why that mattered, apart from an increase in natural disasters in the future, and the fact that weather patterns would shift was the fact that it would basically eliminate most of the drinkable water found on earth, thing was that due to global warming, not only had the polar caps started to melt, but rivers had begun to run dry.

That plus the fact that those that didn't dry up were filled with trash and plastic particles, and you had a recipe for the total elimination of the human race, that's why cutting off a country's water supply was so effective, as time passed water was constantly becoming more valuable, therefore causing for country's to not be willing to share their own.

And that was also why china damming up the rivers connected to India was such a savage move, basically, China was trying to defeat their enemy by letting them die of dehydration if they refuse to become a puppet state. Going back to how the war was fought, basically, anything other than biological and chemical warfare was a go with the exception of anything as strong, or stronger than a nuclear bomb.

The US populous was mad but not surprised that both communist powers had begun to go on the move at the same time, the thing was that the US was now forced to make a very important decision, thing was that the US fleet located in the pacific could either be sent to secure Chinese trade routes, or to take complete control of Siberia.

Just when it seemed that the US had come to a decision though, the European union begged the US to send its forces to Siberia, that way they could take control of Siberia, and begin sending people to start a second front in order to deal with Russia before moving onto China, leaving the US with no other choice but to comply, because if the European Union began to feel that It couldn't depend on the US, things could possibly truly take a turn for the worst.

With China and Russia both combined, they were able to not completely lose air superiority, so with a constant supply of new troops to both Siberia and the European front Russia was able to hold on, barely, as for the Indian front, The US was able to prevent the Chinese from making it past the border, but they weren't able to push back.

As the one with the biggest oil reserves, the US knew that in a long term war, it would eventually win, it's just that they were in a constant search for a way to save as many American lives as possible, after all, the US although really powerful, would still be affected by the populous' opinion, and if too many died, this would become a problem.

Looking at the bigger picture though, and forgetting the war altogether, the US still needed to find a way to secure even more drinkable water, as it was not impervious to climate change and was also having its drinkable water reserves diminish with every passing moment, eventually, the US government did come to a consensus though.

Brazil was a US ally, and they had a big majority of the amazon river flow through their territory, so the US was planning to make a deal with Brazil, the deal basically boiled down to the US taking any extra water from the river that Brazil didn't need to keep it's populous alive, and that the Brazilian government would receive more funding and resources from the US.

The deal went really smoothly, and a system was set up in just a couple of days, thing was that although the US knew that Peru wouldn't dare to try and dam up the amazon river (because it was impossible), it still felt the need to try and make the same deal as they did with Brazil (Probably to get their hands on as much water as possible).

At this point in time, I was waiting for the war to be over before I went over to the US to study abroad, mainly because I didn't want to be drafted. Thankfully at the time Peru, much like most of South America, had been forgotten, and we were able to sit on the sidelines watching everything unfold basically just getting ready to bow our heads to whoever won the war.

Thing is, as I mentioned before, I am currently being sent to the frontlines in India. Apparently, the US had somehow looked over just how corrupt the Peruvian government was, because they were shocked when the Peruvian government tried to get a better deal than Brazil for just a fraction of the resources, at first the US authorities that it was some kind of twisted joke until they remember just how much of a mess Peru was.

So with the full support of Brazil, the US took control of the Amazon River by 'force', and there wasn't even an attempt to stop them. Although our leaders were very stupid, thankfully they weren't braindead and were able to reason the fact that we were nothing more than a bug when put up against the US forces, even counting only those in South America.

This was mainly because of the fact that, once again, our government was about as corrupt as it could be, and they only focused on making themselves richer instead of, you know, helping the populous, or investing in the military, hell, they had even sold some of our lands to other countries just to make themselves richer.

Thankfully the US was 'merciful' and gave us enough water to make due, the only condition was that we had to sign up to be reinforcements for the forces in India, with the basic job of serving as cannon fodder. Of course, since I didn't have a say in any of this, just like all the others, I too had to bow my head and enlist in the US army.