
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Soccer (Part 1):

Genesis February 17th, 0001:

The roof was fairly simple to make, on both of the short sides of the roof's base I would carve 5 squares, right above the middle support pillar, I would put an almost 7ft wooden beam with almost 1ft of wood carved to fit the hole, then I would move 1ft to the right before inserting an almost 5ft wooden beam carved the same way the other piece was. Once that was done all that was left was to go another 1ft to the right before inserting an almost 3 ft wooden beam before repeating the second and thirst step to the left of the tallest wooden beam.

This in turn made it so that the wooden beams would form a triangular shape that would soon be turned into both faces of the triangular prism that would become the roof, before I continued with connecting both 'faces' of the roof together though, I noticed that the tiny wooden beams were not as stable as I wanted them to be, so to fix the problem a connected them to one another by using smaller wooden beams and carving a hole through all of the small wooden beams that were already in place.

There were a total of 3 wooden beams, two being 4 ft long, while the last one was 6ft long. At the halfway point of the shortest wooden beams already in place on both sides, I caved a rectangular hole that the new wooden beams could go through before doing the exact same thing at the bottom of both the medium-sized wooden beams already in place.

Then I carven the same sized hole at the top of the medium-sized wooden beams and the halfway point of the largest wooden beam. With that done I just inserted both of the short new wooden beams into the sides and the longest one into all three wooden beams in the middle. Finally being able to stabilize everything.

With both triangular faces of the roof done, all that was left was connecting them together before being done with the wooden frame of the house. Which I did by just getting 5 wooden beams that were 15ft long and wooden squares under both ends that were then inserted into newly carved holes at the top of all 10 wooden beams that were used as the faces of the triangular prism that the roof was.

The second I was done with the wooden frame of the house I was done for the day, although it was barely 2:37 PM, I was unable to continue, like I had run out of steam, probably because I had already spent days working only to make the wooden frame of a one-room house. I knew there was no point in continuing, so I just left it for later.

Finally being able to do something different, I was able to start thinking about what else I could work on. It only took a couple of seconds for me to set my mind on 'inventing' soccer, after all, it would be a great way to distract everyone else while also getting them to still exercise despite not having to go hunting.

The soccer ball was simple enough to make, although I didn't have access to leather, and wouldn't for a long time as cattle were first introduced into the continent when it was colonized by the European powers at the time. I could still simulate a soccer ball by up the plant-woven ball with more leaves to add weight to the ball.

As for the goals, there would only be one required, it was best to ease them into the sport, plus with the small amount of us that there were, there was no way we could play a good game with two teams. As for how they were made, it was by using the same technique I used for the base of the house plus a couple more.

For starters, the base of the goal was just a smaller version of the house's base that was missing one of the long sides due to the space being used as the opening of the goal, as for how they were connected it was using the Hako-aikaki-shachi-sen-shikuchi technique. After that I just made an exact copy of what I had just constructed, although this goal was not going to be the same as those back then, it didn't have to be, plus it was easier to make something once you had a model to copy off of.

With both done, I connected them by using the Kawai-tsugite technique (look it up). Afterward, I got to creating the final diagonal support on the sides. The length of the wooden beam itself was easy to figure out as I could just use the Pythagorean theorem to get an estimate, the problem came when I had to connect the diagonal wooden beam to the rest since both of the corners I needed to connect said wooden beam to were already carved.

After some thinking, I decided to just put another layer of wood onto the back of the goal. Basically, I caved holes into both of the wooden beams on the sides of the base of the goal which would then be used to help insert another wooden beam on top of them. After that, I just repeated the same thing with the 'face' of the goal and now was able to carve the new wooden beams to help put the diagonal wooden beam into place.

I just caved a hole into both of the ends of the new wooden beams before putting the now shortened diagonal wooden beam. Finally, I made a net out of vines nearby and then tied it to the back of the goal and both of the diagonal wooden beams before covering up the sides of the goal as well. It was still only 5:32 PM so I had time left before the sun went down to teach everyone the basics, plus, they were all already here so I could start imminently.