
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Reunion (Part 2):

I was both excited and terrified, excited because I had finally found other people, and terrified because those people were walking straight into a trap while everyone else on the tree with me was just a movement away from firing their axes at them, I knew that no matter what I did there was still a chance of everyone on the tree firing so I opted to jump off of the tree to try and stop the newcomers from falling to the trap.

Thankfully my sudden action caused everyone to move their attention over to me taking care of the problem regarding 'friendly fire'. On the other side of me though one of the rather buff lads who was holding a giant sharp stick got into his fighting position perceiving me as a competitor for 'its prize'.

Although I knew that he was a threat, I could not keep a completely straight face, after all, to me he looked like just some random buff kid with a stick despite that in physical age he was probably older than me. Thankfully though since he was still a nomad, all I had to do was just throw the cooked meat over to him.

Just like the first time with everyone else he was completely confused and startled by my action as no reasonable carnivore or omnivore would give up meat, especially meat that smelled that good. He didn't hesitate to take it though and then turned around telling the rest of his tribe to follow him. I just shrugged and signaled for the people behind him to follow me, giving them a choice.

I knew that despite still being animalistic they were still humans, and I had no plan to force them into following me, still, I knew that most would want to follow me if given the chance, after all the people on my side were not malnourished, and I had just given up cooked meat like it was nothing, making me look like the more reliable option out of both the leader and myself.

In the end, since they had all already been following their leader for a long time some hesitated while the rest followed with him ignoring my offering entirely. I understood and was prepared to just let them go back into the jungle, when the leader saw my action though, he was enraged as he thought that I was challenging his dominance over his tribe.

Now there was no point in trying to stop him from challenging or even right out attacking me as both current and former nomads while being able to think logically were still easily overwhelmed by pride and emotion so I just got into a defense position, and waited for their leader to strike as I was not willing to be the aggressor in this conflict.

Seeing me get into an unknown position he had never seen before and already enraged he assumed that what I was doing was a taunt and charged at me with its sharp stick. It was unbelievably underwhelming, as at the very least when predators charged at me they were a lot stronger than me. All I had to do was move to the side and then use the back of my axe to trip him.

Once on the ground and startled he let go of his weapon which I promptly picked up and threw into the wilderness to hopefully not be seen again until the end of the fight. After getting back up the leader of the new tribe looked at me in rage but emitted an aura of confusion, he was probably confused that I didn't even attempt to hurt him when he was defenseless.

He managed to get even more enraged as he thought that I was looking down on him. Since it was obvious that I was not going to get him to think reasonably any time soon I decided to play into his assumptions and make it obvious for all to see that he did not stand a chance, after all, if he figured out that my right arm was my weak spot he would certainly exploit that to win, plus I didn't have all day to waste on this.

I just walked up to a tree and began coping with it while still keeping an eye on the leader to make sure that he was not trying to get closer to me. I had already learned that everyone on my side had once thought these to be immovable objects one couldn't 'defeat', meaning that these nomads would probably be no different.

The leader just stared at me blankly as from a distance it seemed like it was doing nothing but hitting the tree aimlessly, eventually though he snapped out of it and began to run towards me in another charge, sadly for him though he had already given me enough time to cut the tree causing for it to start falling.

Seeing this the leader suddenly froze in place only snapping out of his trance when the tree hit the ground. As expected he thought it to be impossible to 'defeat' a tree, and so did the rest of his tribe. I just walked past him and once again offered his tribe to follow me, this time though since I had proven to be stronger than their previous leader he did not try to stop me, and most followed me with some sticking by their leader and leaving.

Although I was sad that the leader and his closest tribe members were not willing to put their pride aside and join my soon to be settlement, that was just the way things were, you win some you lose some, regardless today was still a massive gain as the soon to be settlement had suddenly gained another six people to add to the group.

In total, the group had already been small with only 11 people within it including the leader making me think that they had just recently had an encounter with a group of predators with massive casualties. I could only wish the tribe leader the best of luck out there, as we would probably never see each other again.