
The Genesis Of Humanity

After the world ended after breaking into war over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio, a military soldier who died at the end of the war, is given the chance to prove that humanity has what it takes to prosper into the intergalactic age, thing is, despite how things may originally seem, he isn't alone in his journey.

Cuycin · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Predator Encounter:

I didn't have much at my disposal, only some vines that seemed to be growing on the surface of the tree, originally I thought that maybe I could use the vines to help myself jump from tree to tree, but I couldn't be certain, and I wasn't in a position to try out things without full certainty. As I looked down I kept trying to find a way out, but I found none.

Eventually, having completely run out of safe ideas to try out, I decided to scream in the hope of attracting other predators here, there were bound to be some around, after all that many animals wouldn't flee just because of one predator, thankfully, chances were that the attracted predators wouldn't be snakes, this was both the coolest and most terrifying thing about the amazon, as predators were everywhere.

Eventually, I could feel an even more eerie feeling than before, it seemed that the new predators had arrived, at first I was scared that the new predators might turn out to be snakes as even from up in the tree's I couldn't see them, but the second one of them launched an attack against the snake, I could finally see what was going on.

Apparently, an entire pack of pumas was passing by, and now that one had engaged with the giant green snake, chances were that an all-out brawl would commence. Seeing them fight somehow felt even more gruesome than being in the front lines and seeing people around me die, at least the people that died next to me then were given a quick death.

These were predators, after all, they would do anything to kill those they saw as a threat. At first, I assumed that the pumas would be able to easily kill the snake, but I seemed to have underestimated the snake's brute strength, right after shaking the first puma off, it was able to ignore the slight bleeding and wrapped itself around another puma squeezing it to death.

The fight went on for a long time, and despite five of the seven puma's dying in the process, the pumas were finally able to kill the snake due to it bleeding out. After the two survivors grouped back together, they seemed to finally shift their focus onto me. I was of course alarmed as I knew that pumas were well known for being great tree climbers.

Thankfully although I had been really focused on the brutal fight down below, I had still been tangling vines to make a very crude but thick rope. I knew that it was only a matter of time before one of the pumas began to climb up the tree, as one of the surviving pumas had its leg messed up pretty badly by the snake.

Shure enough, the relatively healthy puma began climbing up the tree I was on, I did have the thought of just kicking it off, but if I lost balance or got grabbed onto I was dead, not because of the fall but because of the puma still on the ground. Eventually, I decided that the best course of action would be to try and choke out the puma using the rope.

Although the rope wasn't too long, it was still long enough to get the job done. The second the puma climbing the tree got close enough, I threw the rope onto its back, only holding on to the two ends. once that was done I just proceeded to cross the rope in the front part of the puma's neck.

With everything in place, I began closing in the rope and pressing on the Puma's neck, it seemed that the puma would lose consciousness soon enough, so I just tried to hold onto the tree in order to not fall off, it seemed that I added too much pressure on the branch I was standing on though, because I could hear it begin to crack.

Before the branch could beat me to it, I jumped forward to where the puma was, it was already very low on oxygen, so chances were that it wouldn't be biting me any time soon. As soon as I let go of the rope, the puma gasped for air, too bad I had to kick it into a horizontal position in order to use it as a cushion for my fall.

I was almost not able to get the puma in position before we hit the ground followed by a loud cracking of what I could only assume was the puma's spine, and although it did help cushion the fall, I still felt some of the pain in my legs, I couldn't relax yet though, as I still had to deal with the puma that stayed back.

Before it could move I grabbed the now decapitated head of the first puma and showed it to the other one in the hopes that it would just back away, as it was already injured, my actions only seemed to help infuriate the beast though, and it ran towards me as fast as it could, leaving me only able to be able to slide away.

Although I knew that it was risky, there was no way the puma could make a right turn quickly, As soon as I turned around, I could see the puma was halfway through turning around, so I jumped at it, using the fags of the decapitated head to pierce into its neck, causing it fo fall on the ground almost immediately, probably because it's brain was unable to access oxygen.

It took me a while to snap out of my shock as I had done almost everything on instinct, once I did go back to normal though, I decided that it would be best to start going in the direction the pumas had come from, after all, they wouldn't travel too far away from a water source, especially with the number of them, they were apex predators for a reason.