
The Genesis of Humanity

Note: (This is my first book so I am sorry if the grammar is bad, or my writing skills are not up to par, also, since this is just a project for my own enjoyment I will make as many chapters as possible completely free, hope you enjoy the book :D) In a future where humanity destroys itself in a desperate fight over drinkable water, Stevan Ciracio is given a second chance to prove that humanity is able to prosper until the intergalactic age without ending itself, but even though he is not aware of it, he is not alone in his quest.

Cuycin · History
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Buying More Time:

Going back to the current moment though, we had just finished moving the final bed over to the eastern side building's top right corner bedroom, as it was the last one that was left before we were done with the entire 'house'. Plus, unlike the dining room which didn't have a roof yet, all of the bedrooms had one so that the plant beds didn't get wet, which would make them completely useless for a while.

Honestly, I was really looking forward to being done with the 'house' so that I could finally get to teaching everyone all I knew about basic grammar in order to get more RP. It was only yesterday that everyone in the settlement came to be able to use basic speech, well at least when it came to using the words that mattered, we were a long way from traveling across the world, and it's not like there were other people out there, so there is no need for them to know all of the words they would just never have to use ever in their entire life

I had originally been hoping that whatever disease I had contracted ended up being cured by now, but after talking to the system yesterday, I knew for a fact that that didn't happen. The good thing was that if I managed to extend my 'expiration date' even further, I was basically guaranteed to survive, if the disease I had was one that got exponentially worse as time went on, it wouldn't have taken more than half a month longer than last time for my life to near its end. So with no time to waste I immediately went over to get my axe, before I managed to get there though, to my surprise, after the final wall 'log' was put into place, I received a system notification.

"Congratulations host, you managed to create a safe place for humans to live in for their entire lives, (for now that is) and in turn, have changed the future of everybody currently living there, therefore you have been awarded 110 RP for your efforts :D"

'... I'm sorry, I think I heard wrong?'

"Really, I thought I was quite clear? I said, Congratulations host, you managed to create a safe place for humans to live in for their entire lives, (for now that is) and in turn, have changed the future of everybody currently living there, therefore you have been awarded 110 RP for your efforts :D"

'Well, lady luck must be smiling on me!'

"I don't see how this has anything to do with luck host, using the same logic you used to figure out that making beds for people would get you RP, you could have also connected the dots to figure this one out"

'... I assumed that it didn't apply to the house because after people were assigned their own rooms I didn't get any RP'

"Should have thought a litter harder then :D"

'... Sure, one last thing, could I know what exactly the disease I've contracted is?'

"I can for 10 RP :D"

'Just, just take it…'

"Trust me, there is no need for you to worry host, anyways you just contracted a much less evolved version of the flu"

'Alright, enough fucking around, that wasn't funny, just tell me what I have'

"I am not host, you just have a much less evolved version of the flu"

'How in the fu-... OK, so you are telling me that, a disease that causes people to cough and sneeze constantly is the disease I have contracted, and I just somehow, managed to sot notice anything wrong'

"Once again host, the system makes sure the host doesn't notice internal problems so that efficiency doesn't go down"

'That doesn't make any sense though, I could still always see what I was doing, even if the system made it so that I didn't notice my sneezes and coughs, it wouldn't be able to make me continue seeing what was in front of me'

"Well host the only reason you need your eyes is to send a signal to your brain that then processes the image, so if that signal is sent by an outside force, there is no need for your eyes to be open in order for you to still see what is in front of you"

'That has got to be the stupidest way imaginable to use what is basically science defying powers'

"I'm sorry host, I actually suggested this to implemented, I was just hoping that it would help you in your everyday life… (ᅲ﹏ᅲ )"

'...Thanks... It might not have been the smartest use of the power you seem to have, but I guess it did help me a lot… Could I by any chance search the defense skill section?'

"Sure thing host :D"

I was a little mad that the system had tricked me in order to gain pity from me, but its not like I could change what happened so I just decided to search the defense skills section of the shop, thankfully, now that I knew what disease I had I could just buy skills that would help that specific part of my body. It didn't take long to find some, as the store even had an entire section dedicated to breathing techniques.

In the end, although I couldn't find any skill that improved the lungs as a whole, I was still able to find one that increased the 'strength' of the inner layer of the lungs for only 30 RP, and one that improved the lung's performance, in the sense that the alveoli (search it up on google) was able to separate the oxygen from the air at a slightly quicker rate (basically bringing it to what is considered normal now), making it so that the body had slightly more air to work with for 40 RP.

'Just to make sure, this will guarantee that I will be cured right?'

"Pretty much, as long as you don't do anything stupid you should be back to normal again in just a couple of weeks, anyways host, I wish you the best of luck in the future (You'll need it) :D"