
The General’s Secret

It’s a time of war in the state of Jewlen in Rabe. Martha Grey is the owner of the largest estate in Rabe and helps aid in the war efforts for the imperial side. She houses and tends to wounded soldiers. Her brave heart going in and out of the war zone has brought attention to General Albasten’s eyes. For months he tries to win over the young heart of Martha Grey until the unthinkable happens...

squarejelly · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 - Confusion

After I witnessed my house on fire my adrenaline began pumping. I started running faster only to trip on a log that came out of nowhere. I heard General Albasten make a tsk noise and pick me up. He started carrying me while he was running. Except he was running faster than when I was running with him. I could not process how this was possible it just seemed purely inhuman. From what I know about the human body one should not be able to run like this carrying this much weight... I think.

Then again he does have some good muscle. Maybe I'm just clueless I don't know this man. He is a General so he basically does this for a living. Right? Just then a sharp pain came from my shoulder. I had been shot by an arrow. I scream out in pain. General Albasten just kept running saying "Hang on tight we are almost there just a little bit further."

I pull the arrow out due to discomfort. I immediately regret doing that. As soon as the arrow came out blood started gushing out of my open wound. A simple arrow shot should not have done that. I look at the arrow and gasp. This was not an arrow.... ITS A BLOOD KNIFE. How did I not notice before? I just assumed it was an arrow.

"General I'm loosing blood at a fast pace. How much further?" I yelled. We were still being followed but they were too far away by now to even begin to catch up. "We have arrived. Let me see the wound." He put me down and examined. Aren't I the doctor here? I'm not professional but I took care of his simple wounds while he acted as though he couldn't.

He grabs the bottom of my dress and starts ripping it. I begin to protest but then I realized what he was doing. He was making a tourniquet. He puts it on me fast an ties it so tight. "OW! Are you trying to amputate my arm?!"

"I have to ensure that you don't lose any more blood. Don't fight with me or I will amputate your are." The general had a playful tone in his voice. The nerve of him I swear. "Alright get up. We have to move into the first to avoid being seen. Once we find a good spot you will hide and I will lookout to make sure no one can follow us. Understand?"

Was he just speaking to me like a child? His cold and aggressive stare made me take back my thought. All I could manage was a nod. A wave of pain came from my should into my neck. I begin screaming out in pain. General Albansten covers my mouth. What's happening to me?

"Shit! Alright change of plans. It's seems there was poison on the dagger. If it's not taken care of soon you will either become paralyzed, become mad, of die." He starts assessing the wound. "This...this is different." He said before his dark cold look became the look of and angry god or devil colder than a winters storm. "We have to leave now! You will be fine for the next fourth-eight hours but after that your in deaths hands. If I can get you to a safe place then I can extract the poison."

He picks me up and starts running. I look up and his eyes showed fear? Or maybe worry? I can't tell everything is getting fuzzy like. I should just keep running. Oh yeah. I'm not. Feels like I am. I'm so cold. I can barely open my eyes. "Gener-" the words couldn't escape my mouth. I passed out in his arms as he kept running. He looked down after hearing his name. "Miss? Miss stay conscious for just a few more minutes. Please don't die...."



What the hell just happened?! She was just awake! God I forgot that the poison moves faster when when then adrenaline is pumping. I have to get further away that this to help her. There's a village a few miles ahead. I need to change forms but what if she wakes up while I'm in my other form?

"God damnit what am I going to do?!" I yelled. I can't let her die. She's done so much more than what she knows for me. Me and my men.

My men.....it was just a casual day on the battlefield. But then suddenly everything felt different. Everyone could feel it. My men were so uneasy. None of us knew what to expect. Then out of nowhere. The attack started. One by one my men were killed. In some case it was multiple but that doesn't matter. I wasn't able to save them. God why? Why have you done this to me?

All I have left is this dying angel in my arms. I must protect her. She saved my life without even knowing it. We I first saw her I felt a different feeling I'd never felt before. When she spoke I felt warm. When she was hard at work I admired her. I want her to be with me always whether it's as a friend or stranger. I don't even know if she can accept the real me. But I will not no matter what let her die.

"I'll save you my angel."

I have to change forms now darkness is almost here. I stop and make sure no one is around before I change. No one knows who or what I am except for me. I am a human but also a werewolf.