
The Gaurdian

Author: Mungknut
Ongoing · 65.6K Views
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What is The Gaurdian

Read ‘The Gaurdian’ Online for Free, written by the author Mungknut, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, TRANSMIGRATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Thrown into a situation he would have never expected, Marcus must find his way in this New World. A world completely dif...


Thrown into a situation he would have never expected, Marcus must find his way in this New World. A world completely different to his own. Follow him as he blazes his own path, and discovers the reason behind his journey.

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Roselin_Charles · Fantasy
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Mungknut is one of my favorite authors for this series and his other one Professor Kal. Lately I’ve found most stories on here boring and looking like children wrote them. There is no intelligence needed to even somewhat grasp what the characters r feeling. It’s all spelled out like a childrens book. But not The Guardian. It has descriptive writing but doesn’t overwhelm you and does a wonderful job of show don’t tell.



Hey Webnovelist! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to email geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. We are mainly looking for adventurous novels (Fantasy, Sci-fi, Paranormal Urban, Action, Thriller/Suspense, Game Fiction). A brief introduction along with a few samples or links will be appreciated when reaching out. You might be our next top writer!


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