
The gate to Avalon

The gate to Avalon, a name that would perk the interest of any passing listener. An eroge so renowned, so widespread that everyone on earth took to playing it, both young and old, rich and poor, as long as one even lived in the vicinity of a device, they would surely have at least some experience with the game. With a seemingly infinite amount of heroines and an ever-increasing update rate, the game quickly became the sole thing anyone would talk about, and our protagonist just so happened to be the number one player in the game. Boasting an impressive harem of over 119 girls, he was an untouchable being to the masses, a god who lorded over them with his impressive heroine count, that was, at least until someone managed to hack the previously uncrackable game. A group of 4. They destroyed everything. They took everything, his place among the leader board, his life's accomplishment, his sole reason to live. Everything had been snatched away by a group of seemingly no-life hackers. And that was when everything began to change, dragged away to the very game world he had dedicated his life towards, and forced to compete against the four people that destroyed his pride in a game for the gods. See how our protagonist takes to his new life in another world. Will he seduce all the heroines, or will he die and experience a fate worse than death? Read to find out. Ps: In the first few chapters, I really had no idea what I was going to do with the story. I included too many things I didn't fully understand nor want, such as a strength, mana and defence stat along with a physique category. I'm just writing this here to warn people about the removal of such a thing in the later chapters (5 and above), so it doesn't come off as a cop-out. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my first piece of work. PPS: I do not own the artwork affiliated with my cover, and if the owner of such a piece wishes me to take it down, then I will. This novel takes inspiration from the conqueror's path, I love that novel and thought the premise was super unique, so I decided to make my own story with the same type of fundamental idea. Current word count: 142,000

Fyniccus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 10: First Day Part 1

Arthur soon finished getting dressed though he had no idea about what he should do with his back length dirty brown hair, so he just let it fall loosely against his back while inwardly vowing to cut it to a more manageable size at a later date.

Turning back to the young heiress, Arthur's eyes immediately locked with the heated gaze of Charlotte, who didn't even attempt to conceal the fact that she had broken the promise she had made to the boy just seconds earlier. Rather, it seemed she took great pride in her betrayal, inwardly claiming that the loss of trust was greatly outweighed by the view.

'Why didn't I just have her leave the room? I knew she couldn't be trusted,' Arthur blushingly berated his face, currently a strange mix of both surprise and apathy.

"Can we go now?" Arthur grinned, playing into his oblivious persona again and snapping Charlotte out of her trance like state.

"S-sure," Charlotte replied, wiping the drool that had begun to stream down from her agape mouth and struggling to remove her petite body from Arthur's bed which she had unknowingly dampened.

"F-Follow me," She continued, taking her first of many shaky steps towards the large door, which she easily managed to push open as if its hulking stature was just for show. 'How…' Arthur absentmindedly questioned, his eyes rapidly shifting between the nine-year-old girl and the hefty door. 'Never mind, it's not worth questioning this. Charlottes started intaking mana. Of course, she would be able to do something as easy as opening a large door,' Arthur sighed as he started to trail behind Charlotte like a duckling follows its mother.

Thus the two began their journey through the Zepar estate, with Arthur marvelling at how anyone could manage to feasibly navigate through the maze-like manor with its twisting and splitting corridors, many of which would just abruptly end as if the architect had run out of ideas while some would lead to a sort of central hub for more passageways.

'This house is too large!' Arthur grumbled. He had spent the last ten minutes walking through these pointlessly exquisite halls, all of which were painted in the same emerald hue as his blazer, which only added to the difficulty in tracking his journey.

'You'd think they'd at least try and make them all look a little different, but noo~~ They just had to paint all these god damn shitty halls in the same fucking colour as their clan/house thingy. Argh! why do rich people always have to make everything so unnecessarily complicated.' Arthur inwardly screamed upon reaching another dead end. 'Fuck! Is Charlotte doing this on purpose! How can she not know the layout of her own god-damn house!' Arthur raged, and this rage only further blossomed upon seeing the bright red hue that seemed to have been painted on Charlotte's face. 'She is!'

"Um, Charlotte?" Arthur monotonously hummed, attempting to stop his inner rage from seeping into his voice.

"Yes, Hon-, sorry, Arthur." Charlotte blushed, deliberately tripping over her words in an attempt to make the boy more conscious of her than he already was. 'If I just keep pressing on, I'm sure my love will eventually reach him,'

This, of course, had no effect on the transmigrator, who simply skimmed over her response as if it was nothing more than the hum of a cicada. "Do you actually know where we're meant to be going?" Arthur sweatdropped, shocking the young girl whose face gave an involuntary twitch of surprise.

'Did he manage to pick up on the fact that I've been deliberately getting lost to spend more time with him?' Charlotte panicked. If what she was thinking was indeed true, then Arthur's view could have dropped from seeing her as a beautiful heiress to nothing more than a bumbling idiot who couldn't even navigate her way through her own house.

"I'm so sorry Arthur! I know I shouldn't have done this, but I just can't help but want to spend every second with you. Please don't see me as an idiot. I really do know where we're meant to be. And I'll take you there now," Charlotte sobbed, shocking the boy with her borderline bipolar act and taking off down the corridor with Arthur in tow.

'Why does she always have to make my work so much harder than it has to be? How am I meant to be able to continue playing dumb to her love when she says stuff like that!' Arthur whined. 'Besides, I already see you as an idiot,'

They continued to run through the corridors for another five minutes with no words being spoken between the two leaving them in a strained silence which was only broken after they arrived at their destination, which just so happened to be another door. However, this one was different from every other door in the seemingly infinite house.

It was large. No large would be an understatement as it was something more than that. Yes, it was gargantuan, stretching all the way from the floor to the roof ten metres above, hogging up the entire wall and leaving no space for a door frame, and that wasn't even the most striking feature of the contraption that seemed to be more like a work of art rather than a simple door. It was gold, both in colour and material, encrusted with rubies and diamonds of unknown carats through the entire piece that lit the hallway like a disco upon contact with the new morning sun.

"Woah," Arthur gasped. 'Just how much is this thing worth…Wait, why would they spend so much money on a fucking door,' Though his awe was almost instantly broken instead of being replaced by intrigue as he questioned the item's purpose. 'I suppose it's just to show off to the other rich people,' He shrugged, turning to the sparkling eyed Charlotte who had been staring at him ever since they had stopped at the entrance to what he assumed to be the place they would either have breakfast or be informed of their schedule.

"What do you think!" Charlotte proudly yelled, gesturing to the feat of human waste that stood proudly before them.

"It's…um, it sure is…Golden…And big, I guess," Arthur stuttered, he didn't really know how he could describe his thoughts to the young Charlotte, and Arthur knew better than to just outright insult something of this calibre, so he instead opted to just play it safe and give the most haphazard response possible.

"I know right!~" Charlotte absentmindedly replied, more focused on the fact that Arthur was speaking to her again rather than his actual response. 'So he's not mad!' Charlotte inwardly pined, her cheeks morphing into her default red hue that she always wore around Arthur.

{+1 Love (Charlotte Zepar)}

{+1000 Affection Points}

"Father had it built last year to celebrate our number two ranking amidst the marquis families of the Abraham empire," Charlotte continued.

"Hmm, that's cool," Arthur off handily commented. This information was nothing new to him. In fact, he knew what place each family would come in the next ten years, thanks to his time playing the gate to Avalon. "Can we go in now?" Arthur stated, bringing Charlotte out of her euphoric high that she always possessed whenever anything concerned the peasant boy.

"Oh, um, yes," Charlotte coyly replied, drawing nearer to the large golden door and placing her hands firmly against two giant rubies that acted as a makeshift push handle for the contraption. "Father and mother should be inside, so please try and be on your best behaviour…." Charlotte explained more for Arthur's sake than hers though she didn't believe her future husband would need such a warning. 'Even if father were to go off at my dear Arthur, I would still defend him with all I have,' Charlotte coyly remarked, completely ignorant to the confused face that her chosen "Husband" currently wore.

'Ok…I didn't really need the warning, though. It wasn't even me that pissed your father off. That was your mum,' Arthur inwardly commented. "Don't worry, miss Charlotte, I know my place," Arthur teasingly replied, already getting into character for his new job as this young heiress's personal attendant.

"Don't call me that," Charlotte pouted before she gave the door one big push, finally opening the damned thing.

*Creak* The golden door scraped across the wooden flooring of the Zepar estate, leaving a gust of man-made wind in its wake. But that wasn't anything neither Arthur nor Charlotte concerned themselves with as the young peasant was more preoccupied with the new area that had just revealed itself to him.

"...." Arthur was speechless.

The room was gargantuan in size, easily having more space than an entire mansion from his old world. It shone in the golden glow of the morning sun that reflected off the polished blackwood floor draped in emerald green carpets, so delicate and well weaved Arthur couldn't help but drool at the quality. In the centre of the room lay a Pink Ivory large table that could easily hold a couple hundred guests while still having space to spare.

And at that table now sat three individuals that Arthur knew very well… Charlotte's family, William Zepar, Vienna Zepar, and finally, Iris Zepar were all neatly placed at the head of the ivory monument, their eyes trained on the seemingly late arrivals who were slowly marching their way towards them.

{-5 Trust (William Zepar)}

{The host has received a new comment under William Zepar's status}

{-3 Love (Iris Zepar)}

{The host has received a new comment under Iris Zepar's status}

{+1 Love (Vienna Zepar)}

{+100 Affection points}

'God damn it, Charlotte,' Arthur inwardly moaned upon reading through the block of text the system had thrust upon him. All the while, Arthur attempted to meander his way towards an empty seat at the table on which Charlotte would promptly sit while he meekly stood behind like the girl's personal angel.

"You have some nerve being late on the first day…." William mocked, causing Arthur to blush in a mixture of both embarrassment and rage. 'It's not my fault I'm late, you pedo. If you could even use an ounce of that tactical brain you're so proud of, you'd know that this is all you're daughter's issue,' Arthur inwardly fumed. However, he knew better than to voice this complaint aloud as doubting the Zepars family's judgment right now would be paramount to suicide, he is a guest in their home, and he should simply act like that, nothing more, nothing less.

Though it seemed Charlotte couldn't catch on to this unspoken rule, she immediately began to refute her father's bad-mouthing of her beloved. "It wasn't Arthur's fault that we were late. I was the one who got los-" Charlotte seethed, yet before she could even finish her sentence, she would be cut off by none other than the same boy she was trying to defend.

*Cough, cough,* Arthur heaved, cutting off the heiress's words and earring a scowl from both William and Iris, who prior to this were both wearing broad sadistic grins.

"Is what Charlotte saying true? Is she really~ the reason you're late today…Peasent~" William sneered. To him, Arthur was nothing more than a useful tool that could be disposed of at any second if he even so much as dishonoured him. Sure it would be great to have such a talented child in his army, but it was by no means necessary. If he were to eliminate him, it would be as if nothing had happened. To William, Arthur's life was simply something he chose to spare on a whim, and in that same vein, it was something he could blow out at any moment.

"No…" Arthur boldly replied, earring a brief smile from Vienna, who couldn't stand her "husband's" current behaviour. "I was the reason we were late today, and I am deeply sorry for that. I got so caught up in exploring your beautiful halls that I simply lost track of time." Arthur sighed. His way with words was leaps and bounds above the level of a typical peasant. Yet, it seemed that no one in the Zepar family took notice of this as they all subconsciously acknowledged that Arthur's talent in magic most probably translated into a higher level of general knowledge than a child his age.

"Charlotte was trying to bring me to all of you, but I was too busy exploring your estate, and for that, I beg you're forgiveness," Arthur bowed, lowering his 1.2-meter self to a ninety-degree angle. 'Once again fuck you, Charlotte,' Arthur inwardly howled. So far, this girl has brought him nothing but anxiety and pain.

'The peasant sure can apologise, huh' William inwardly mused upon seeing Arthur's display of subservience. 'Well, I suppose this is fine as long as he's learned his place,'

{+2 Trust (William Zepar)}

{+4 Love (Vienna Zepar)}

{+400 Affection points}

{+5 Love (Iris Zepar)}

{+1 Love (Charlotte Zepar)}

{+1000 Affection points}

"Raise your head, boy," William boomed, and Arthur obeyed, raising his emaciated face to meet William's gaze. His eyes were bloodshot, tears running down his cheeks like a burst damn. Yes, Arthur was "Scared", Scared of William's fury, scared of the repercussions his action may have brought upon him and finally, he was scared of being sent back to the streets again.

Or at least that's how he acted. In all honesty, Arthur couldn't give less of a shit about what William thought. He knew that no matter what actions the Zepar head took, he would be defended by none other than his wife. After all, Arthur was currently under her protection…whatever that meant.

"Y-yes", Arthur "Stuttered" while his body seemingly gave an involuntary "Tremble" of fright.

'Good~,' William inwardly mused, his smirk growing ever broader as he contemplated how he should deal with the boy. "You know that would you just did would normally be grounds for an execution, right?" William drawled, spewing lies like they were nothing.

'Bullshit, I know that the worst you would do in a situation like this would just be some torture. You would never execute someone over such a petty thing as being late on their first day no matter their social class, you lying bitch,' Arthur inwardly grinned, as if torture meant nothing to him…Which couldn't have been further from the truth.

And how did Arthur know this information? Well, it was simple. In the game, one must join the Zepar family and work there for at least a week before you earn the right to even attempt to seduce the Adult Charlotte, and your character in the game just so happened to be late on their first day on the job as well.

"Y-Yes, I-I-I'm sorry, please don't kill me, master Zepar. I p-promise I'll never be late again," Arthur tearfully replied, hoping to capitalise on this opportunity and earn more sympathy/Love from Vienna.

{+2 Love (Vienna Zepar}

{+200 Affection points}

'Score,' Arthur inwardly beamed, his eyes shining with the subtle light of greed that was promptly extinguished. Arthur knew that these would probably be the last points he'd be able to secure with this current method.

"Fine…" William sighed, seemingly giving in to Arthur's tearful plea and shocking the boy with the speed at which he folded. 'Huh… he's giving in this quickly? I thought I'd be here for at least another couple of minutes,' Arthur grumbled, his blood-red iris's once again meeting with William's pitch-black pupils that clearly displayed Arthur's current disgraceful appearance.

'Is he…Pitying me,' Arthur inwardly commented. Typically, a protagonist would be fuming at William if they were in Arthur's current position, going on and on about how William trampled on their pride and shit like that before they would eventually either swear revenge on the head or straight-up challenge him to a duel no matter how weak they were. But Arthur was different. He couldn't have cared less about his pride or how the world viewed him. No, all Arthur cared about was his own survival, and if that meant having to act like a crybaby loser, then he had no issues playing that role.

Besides, he was much too petty for his pride to ever be an issue. Sure, he may have not commented on it, but Arthur had already vowed to kill and mentally break the head simply because he was annoying, nothing more and nothing less. If he manages to live long enough to pull off that feat, that is.

Yet Arthur was wrong in his judgment. William was not pitying the peasant child. He was laughing at him. After all, the sight of the hunched over crying genius filled the grown man with pride. He had always hated those with a talent greater than his. They had always drawn the spotlight away from the young William, so seeing such a prodigious boy seemingly destined for greatness trembling at his feet…well, it was… euphoric, a feeling greater than every pleasure under the heavens combined hell. It was even better than any sex the head had ever gotten.

'Ahh, this is amazing~' William inwardly moaned, his eyes forever trained on Arthur's figure like a hawk awaiting any movement from its prey that he could use to prod the boy and lead him down a new path of despair. Yet Arthur made no such mistake, remaining still like a statute until William decided to break eye contact.

'What's up with him?' Arthur inwardly questioned, sure he knew the basis of William's personality from the gate to Avalon. Still, he was never a fully fleshed-out character like the man before him was. William lacked the same complexities and character traits and was an overall more simplified bare-bones version of his current self. So he had no idea what was currently running through the current head's mind, and if he did well… I doubt he would have decided to save Charlotte on that fateful day.

'Now, how should I make you sink further into this pit of despair, you hateful boy,' William monologued, his tongue glazing over his lips, coating the pink flesh in a fresh coat of saliva while Arthur's body gave an involuntary twitch of genuine fear.

'Calm down, Arthur. He can't do anything to me…I have Vienna's protection…Or at least that's what the system says,' Arthur inwardly fretted. He knew he had no reason to doubt the words of the system, yet Arthur couldn't help but worry over the mother's protection that it commented on and whether it was really something that she would do for the peasant boy.

Yet before Arthur could reach a satisfactory answer to his thoughts, he was again brought out of his mind by William's smug voice that seemed to drip with more venom than usual. "Hey, Iris, what do you think we should do to punish Arthur for his negligence," William questioned, momentarily stunning Arthurs, whose eyes went wide in shock.

'Wait, why is he asking for Iris's advice? This is bad~ no, this is horrible, she hates me! What if she wants me dead!… Will, he really kill me!' Arthur monologued, sending a panicked look over to the mother of the family, who could only spare him a face of apathy that destroyed any hope Arthur may have had. He would say she had betrayed him if not for the fact that they had never established connections before.

'Why did I think she would defend me? We've never talked before, and she only met me a day ago. I'm an idiot… Why the hell did I think it would be a good idea to bet all I had on her? Why would I entrust my life to someone else when I know what will happen to me once I die? I really am a dumbass,' Arthur inwardly monologued, a lone tear dripping from his right eye as he awaited Iris's judgement. 'Why…why did I think it was a good idea to listen to the system's evaluation and just blindly trust her when I know it's a buggy piece of shit…no…This isn't the system's fault. It's mine and mine alone. I was the idiot who took its words as gospel and acted without proof, and I'm the idiot who got myself in this situation.' Arthur continued, unaware of the truth to the matter.

You see, Vienna's contemporary look of Apathy was merely a mask the matriarch used to hide her current thoughts, which were a whirl of hatred and sympathy for her "Husband" And Arthur. She didn't know if it was her maternal instinct or something else within her that seemed to be drawn to the boy that she first witnessed as a bloody broken mess. Yet ever since that "Fateful" day, she's felt a strange urge to be with and protect him…even if it meant opposing her husband who… to put it bluntly, was a rather pathetic man, hell if it were not for her arranged marriage Vienna never would have given this blonde bundle of self-esteem issues a chance let alone breed with him.

'If William does something to the boy, I will…. What will I do?' Vienna contemplated her thoughts momentarily becoming dangerous before reverting back to their usual line of process. She didn't know why but for some reason, the mere thought of seeing a beaten Arthur filled the relatively young mother with a rage that she had not even experienced when her own daughter was kidnapped. Yet she didn't get to reflect on these feelings as, by the time she reached that train of thought, it would promptly be derailed by none other than her eldest daughter, who seemed to have finished contemplating a punishment fit for the prodigious peasant.

"Oh, have you finally thought of the punishment we should give this unpunctual peasant?" William pressed, his smile now a broad shit-eating grin in stark contrast to Arthur's face of undisguised terror so genuine that even Arthur struggled to distinguish whether his actions were an act or the real deal.

"Yep!" Iris beamed, her eyes fiery with the light of undisguised hate.

"And what is it?" William impatiently asked, his face threatening to split in half from the strength of his smile.

"We should kill him!" Iris beamed while Arthur's heart dropped, his eyes completely losing their gleam, becoming nothing more than a husk of what they once were. His body was numb with his nerves dancing in protest to the words that just sentenced the young transmigrator to his seemingly untimely death. William's lips moved in response to his daughter's words, yet Arthur heard none of it. He only heard a high pitched ringing that seemed to envelop his body, making him deaf to the world and his own thoughts, which were currently a chaotic jumble of self-hate and delusions of hope.

'I don't want to die….' Arthur dully remarked. The whole situation was so surreal that he could hardly believe it. 'They want to kill me just because I was late on my first day… What bullshit…It wasn't even my fault. None of this is my fault,' Arthur continued, his inner voice now a low squeak of self-doubt that seemed nothing like its usual confident self.

'Father…If you so much as lay a hand on my Arthur's head…I will kill you,' Charlotte fumed from the sidelines, her face a deep crimson that had not been born out of love for Arthur but rather hatred for her own father, the man she always looked up to and strived to prove herself to was now none other than her self assessed mortal enemy.

Though it's not like Charlotte's thoughts could reach the man in question, who was now staring at Arthur's broken expression with a look of pure…undisguised…ecstasy. 'Mmm~ that's the face I wanted to see~ that look of helplessness and despair~ Argh…I think I just came,' William moaned, a light blush making its way onto the centenarian's pale white cheeks. "That's a great suggestion!" William beamed.

"P-Please don't kill me…." Arthur apathetically stuttered. His words acting more like an unconscious form of self-preservation rather than an actual plea for forgiveness.

"....No," William ecstatically replied, eyes burning with a dark determination that shook Arthur to his very core. 'I…I don't want to die though…I don't want my soul to be tortured for eternity…It sounds painful… I don't want that,' Arthur sobbed, tears spilling like a waterfall from his bloodshot eyes. It was then that he saw it. The answer to all his problems lay right before his very eyes. Yes, it was something that lay in the palm of his hands…He had magic. He could fight back against William's unjust punishment even if it was paramount to suicide. Paramount didn't mean guaranteed.

'How could I be so dumb… Since when did I start acting like a bitch….' Arthur bemused, his lips releasing a hollow chuckle that froze the grandiose marquis who had begun to dance around the frightened boy, taunting him in an attempt to see what other expressions Arthur had left in store for him. 'So what if it means I won't be able to seduce some capture targets? My current safety means much more to me than a future guarantee…besides I can still try and get them when I enrol at Eden academy…If I even get to live to that day,' Arthur continued, creating a resolve that would never be brought to fruition as before he could even raise a palm against his tormentor, his world would once again shake.


William's snarky grin immediately left his lips as Charlotte's dainty palm collided with her father's still unblemished cheek. 'Huh…when did she get there,' Arthur commented, more focused on the fact that Charlotte was now standing on the pink ivory table that she had just been eating from moments earlier rather than the emotional impact her slap carried.

"Leave Arthur alone!" Charlotte demanded, much to the chagrin of her father, who merely returned his daughter's passion with a miffed expression of annoyance.

"Get down from the table, Charlotte. You aren't a peasant, are you?" William chided his gaze ever fixed on Arthur's conflicted face, which only further pissed off the young Zepar.

"No! Not until you stop saying that you're going to kill Arthur!" Charlotte stomped, sending another slap against her father's cheek that merely bounced off his mana hardened skin like a raindrop bouncing off an umbrella.

"Well, that's not going to happen now, is it… so please get off the table before I have to punish you as well," William snidely remarked,

Though, his words might as well have been air to the girl who continued her barrage of slaps, all of which contained about as much force as a full-strength punch from an MMA fighter from Arthur's old world. Yet it seemed as if Charlotte's attacks meant nothing to William, whose expression didn't even so much as change from the continuous assault, though that was par for the course. After all, William is a stage five Adept Knight, a being whose attacks could easily level buildings of the same stature as the very mansion they resided in.

In fact, it seems like the only effect Charlotte's act of defiance had on her father was that he now seemed even more eager to torment the grovelling Arthur. The latter could only watch the scene of the man slowly inching his way towards him with a stupified look of acceptance. 'Well, it is what it is. I got what I wanted from the Zepar family with Charlotte. The rest can wait, I guess….' Arthur ruefully commented, his palm slowly rising to an angle where he could blast his pursuer with his magic. At the same time, his eyes drifted towards the sizeable stained glass portrait that lay in the centre of the room, acting as a backdrop to the giant pink Ivory table. 'I don't need to hit him with my magic; I just need to distract him so that I can escape,' Arthur methodically planned just as William ceased his movements, now looming above the hunched child like a god looking down upon an ant.

"Any last words?" William spitefully teased, hoping to see Arthur's face take on a look of absolute helplessness, but what he saw left him stupified. Arthur wore not a look of helplessness or despair but rather defiance, with eyes as cold as the very stone that pathed his gardens. It was unnatural. It was ominous. In the many years of William's existence, he had never seen a child so young show such a face. Arthur looked more like he was possessed by a spirit resolute on carrying out the boy's will rather than an actual child that had just been out on the streets days prior. This assumption technically wouldn't be false, as in this very moment, Arthur finally decided to drop his act, creating an unsettling dichotomy of false maturity that surrounded the boy like a spirit.

'Now!' Arthur inwardly cried, willing his mana towards his hands in the hope of blasting the stupified Marquis with the full brunt of his water. Yet before the mana could reach his hands, he was stopped by an overwhelming amount of power that surged from behind him. 'What is this….' Arthur gawked, struggling to remain conscious from the overwhelming ferocity of the mana that seemed to press down upon both his body and soul like a vice.

Though it appeared Arthur wasn't alone in his soundless suffering as his eyes promptly fell upon the shivering figure of William, his snow-white skin now a ghastly shade of pure white, while his teeth danced in their places. 'Is…is he scared,' Arthur frightfully asked, unaware that the pressure he was currently feeling wasn't even the full brunt of the attack that was assaulting William.

'Who's doing this?' Arthur dumbly questioned. Afterall there was only one person here that he knew was strong enough to display such a feat, and that was none other than Charlottes and Iris's mother….Vienna.

"Sit down William!" Vienna squeakily demanded, attempting to conceal the overwhelming fury that subtly seeped into her words. All the while, the amount of mana she was emitting began to slowly double, applying an unbearable amount of force onto her "husband", Who shakily made his way back to his side of the table in fear of his wife's inevitable wrath.

{+5 Love (Vienna Zepar)}

{+500 Affection points}

{The host has earned a new evaluation under Vienna's love meter}

The system commented as William finally slumped over the back of his seat in an attempt to support his body, giving it a rest from the overwhelming fatigue that was currently assaulting both his mind and body from trying to resist his wife's intimidation.

Yes, that overwhelming pressure that had affected both William and Arthur indiscriminately wasn't even an attack. It was just her pure, unadulterated fury. A fury so intense and passionate that, if not for the little bit of self-control that she held onto, both William and Arthur would be nothing more than a pile of red on the floor.

'I don't remember Vienna having an intimidation skill,' Arthur commented, panting on the ground after the dismissal of Viennas pressure. Even though he was only subjected to a fragment of the pressure that William withstood, he was still very much exhausted. 'Do I still need to run away, or is she going to take things from here,' Arthur fretted, anxious about leaving his fate in the hands of the woman who had only "Betrayed" him moments earlier. Though this inner conflict was brief and soon ended with a resolute sigh of exhaustion.

'I'll just let her handle things…I'm too tired to try and run away,' Arthur exhaustedly sighed, collapsing onto the hard wooden ground underneath with a dull thud. 'I'm giving you one last chance to prove to me that your words were true system,' Arthur dryly joked, sure he could escape from this situation if he really wanted to with the assistance of the systems shop by regaining both his lost stamina and mana with potions yet Arthur felt strangely confident that with Viennas current temperament he would be able to leave this room alive.

"What were you thinking saying that you would kill Arthur just because he was a little late on his first day!! Have you gone insane! Do you not realise just how pointlessly large this house of ours is!! Of course, he's going to be late!!" Vienna shrieked, her body emitting another burst of mana that immediately collided with the still pale William, who could only release a deep gasp of pain in response to the assault.

"I…I was just doing what Iris suggested I do!" William retorted, attempting to push all the blame that he was now receiving from his pointless antics onto his now frozen daughter. However, this cockroach esque attempt of self-preservation did not work on the furious Vienna, whose rage only further blossomed.

"How dare you!!" "How dare you try and blame our child for your foolishness! Vienna screamed, releasing another blast of pressure that instantly collided with Williams shaking body, sending him spiralling to the ground at least 10 metres away.

"Vienna…P….Please stop. I'm sorry," William coughed, dying the wood floor with a fresh paint of blood. 'Omg, he's actually coughing blood!' Arthur inwardly fanboyed, momentarily breaking out of his fatigued induced stupor.

"You're not though! That's the thing with you. You're never sorry!" Vienna raged more and more of her mana leaking out of her hourglass physique in preparation for her first attack of the day…Which Arthur would unfortunately never get to witness.

"I…I am, I really am!" William groaned, turning his head away from his wife and sending the sprawled out Arthur a fierce glare " I'm sorry that I said I'd kill you…I…Didn't mean it….You see, it was a joke, yeah….It was all just a joke. That's just how I bond with people," William lied as easily as he breathed.

"Did you see that, Vienna?! I apologised to the boy…So, can you please just stop this farce and let me return to my studies?" William venomously hissed, his acting skill paling in comparison to the boy he was threatening just moments ago.

"Charlotte, Iris, can you please take Arthur to your lesson? William and I are going to have a little chat in private about lying," Vienna asked in the most sickeningly sweet voice that Arthur had ever heard. 'Oh, shit…' Arthur inwardly panicked. He knew what was about to occur would be something that would make even his trained stomach churn.

"Y-yes, mother," Iris shakily responded, turning her back to the collapsed Arthur and quickly leaving the room, earning her a nod of approval from the silently raging Vienna.

"I'll carry you Arthur!!" Charlotte beamed, hooking one dainty hand under Arthurs's emaciated arm and picking the poor boy up in a princess carry.

'This is nice,' Arthur inwardly commented. The feeling of weightlessness combined with the comfort of Charlotte's body was borderline addicting. 'Is this why girls like this type of thing,' Arthur speculated, 'I'll have to try doing this on one of the targets,'

{+1 Love (Charlotte Zepar)}

{+1000 Affection points}

"Bye-bye mother!" Charlotte beamed, knowing full well what was in store for her sadistic father. 'This is what you get for threatening my Arthur!' Charlotte inwardly smirked. Arthur was hers and hers alone, and if ANYONE were to ever do anything that could be deemed as harmful to her beloved…. Then only torment and pain awaited them.

And with that, Charlotte left the hall, thus begging her journey through the emerald green passageways of the Zepar estate before she finally stopped at an agape stone door.

(Current Status's)

Name: Arthur

Age: 7

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Rank: Elemental harnessing stage 2

Titles: Husband of the goddesses, (Fake) Prodigy,

Bloodline: ?????? (Unawakened)

Charm: 7 / 10 (Slightly good looking)

Talent: 2/10 (Terrible, without the help of the system, you would have never reached your current level)

Harem: -

Abilities: Water magic Rank F, Scan Rank F

Affection points: 8700

{Name: Charlotte Zepar


Sex: Female

Race: Human

Rank: Mana gathering stage 1

Titles: Prodigy,

Bloodline: ???? (Unawakened)

Charm: 9/10 Near the pinnacle of human beauty

Talent:9/10 Prodigous by any standard

Love: 117% (Madly in Love with you)

Description: How??}

Name: Vienna Zepar


Sex: Female

Race: Human

Rank: Advanced Mage Stage 2 (Average life expectancy 750 years)

Titles: Martyr, Prodigy, Beauty of the battlefield, The teasing Marquis, … (View More)

Bloodline: ???? (Unawakened, Requirements not fulfilled )

Charm: 10/10 The pinnacle of human beauty (Are you charmed yet?)

Talent: 9/10 Prodigous by any standard

Love: 57% (Unknown/ Turbulent emotions)

Description: Why do I feel so attached to him?

Difficulty: A (She was forced into her marriage by her parents, play your cards right, and she's yours)

Name: Iris Zepar


Sex: Female

Race: Human

Rank: Mana gathering stage 6

Titles: Prodigy, Zepar Heiress,

Bloodline: ???? (Unawakened)

Charm: 9/10 Near the pinnacle of human beauty

Talent: 9/10 Prodigous by any standard

Love: -38% (Disgraceful peasant)

Description: Mad that a nobody peasant like you could possibly be stronger than her

Difficulty: B (Once you break her pride, it'll be smooth sailing)

Name: William Zepar

Age: 120

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Rank: Adept Knight Stage 5 (Average life expectancy 650 years)

Titles: Pedo, Leader of the largest army in the Abraham empire, Repressor, Unknowing Tyrant,.... (View more)

Bloodline: Golem king

Charm: 9/10 Near the pinnacle of human beauty

Talent: 7/10 Talented but not amazing

Trust: -73% (Hateful Brat)

Description: Dead or Alive, his status doesn't matter to me.